My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 529 Roundup
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Chapter 529 Roundup

Chapter 529 Roundup

Ayan's action made her feel very angry, she glared at him with eyes full of anger: "You want to

manipulate me while defending Cora, since that's the case, then the big deal is to kill the fish!"

Today she has nothing but Timmy.

If she can't even have Timmy's visitation rights at her disposal, then what is she afraid of?

She is not afraid of anything.

I thought that with the passage of time, they had reached a tacit agreement on Timmy's affairs, but now

I realize that there was not, not only not, she also found that in fact all that Ayan showed was in

obedience to his will to appear under the illusion, if you go against his will then everything will

immediately shatter.

But what to do?

She didn't want to remain submissive any longer.

Because she felt very annoyed and tired.

Why do you have to do what he wants over and over again?

Obviously they are equal, why should he take the lead and control all this?

Ayan caught something else in her words and said, "So you want to cut back on the Simpson's

mansion because of what happened to Cora, and you want to draw a line in the sand with me that


Camille sneered, "You're overthinking it! I just want to be alone with my children, what does it matter

with some people who don't have anything to do with it?"

He wrinkled his brow, but didn't believe it.

He said lightly, "If it wasn't for Cora why did you suddenly mention this again? Didn't we already agree

to let Timmy stay at the Simpson's mansion for mom to take care of? You can come back whenever

you want, and if you want to stay with Timmy every day, you can move back in, isn't that enough?"

"Why do I have to compromise over and over again, Ayan, Timmy is not your child alone, I just want to

take him with me once a week. I don't want to keep him with me all the time, can't you say yes to that?"

Even though her heart was a hundred times angry and she was overwhelmed with dissatisfaction

because of Ayan's attitude, she still maintained a controlled emotion in speaking to him properly.

But this doesn't seem to have the slightest effect, because Ayan doesn't have any intention of letting


He said, "If that's all you have to say then that's the end of it, I've already made a decision on this

matter, so get rid of this idea while you can."

Having said that, he has not given Camille the opportunity to speak directly turned around and walked


Camille stood motionless in place, a face as gloomy as ice staring at his departing back. novelbin

No matter how she said how to ensure that he refused to let go, which called Camille the more you

think about the more excited, the inner anger also in this moment bang out, her heart can not help but

produce a revenge thoughts.

Since it was Christmas, Camille didn't want to let this affect anyone else's mood, so she made one

more phone call and hurried downstairs.

Both of them did not move to bring up the topic just now, but her coldness towards Ayan became more

obvious, and she stopped talking to Ayan for a night.

Because they both did the same thing at dinner, the others didn't think much of it.

This night, Camille did not sleep well, she looked at Timmy beside her, full of thoughts of those

conversations with Ayan.

Since he insisted that way, don't blame her.

The next day everyone got up especially early because there would be a lot of guests coming over to

celebrate together today.

After breakfast, it was the most anticipated part of the day as a child, "opening presents."

The Simpson familythe old Simpson is the oldest, naturally, will be prepared for each of the younger

generation gifts, this year Timmy's gift extra, enough to show the old Simpson love for him.

Camille hugged Timmy and said thank you in Timmy's place, "Timmy said thank you to great-

grandfather and wished him a healthy and safe new year."

The old Simpson smilingly touched Timmy's face, Timmy today wore a particularly festive red jumpsuit,

looking white skin glowing, he looked good, and cute, the face of the old Simpson's affection also gave

a special smile.

Afterwards, Fletcher, Talia and Aria all gave Timmy gifts.

And then Aria looked to Ayan and asked, "Brother, what about you? What about the gift you have for

your son?"

Ayan glanced at her, then took out a card and handed it to Timmy.

It made Aria say straight out that capitalists are so vulgar.

In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bell came to the Simpson's mansion.

There are also gifts for Timmy.

The two of them naturally stayed at the Simpson's mansion for dinner, and after dinner they sat in the

lobby and talked. But he refused, saying that Cora is not doing well now, so he couldn't be bothered too

much. I don't know how it's going."

When Cora's name was mentioned, the faces of all the people in the audience except Mr. and Mrs. Bell

changed in different ways.

Camille was the first to respond, "No, since Master Norman only said he needed to rest, you don't need

to worry too much, maybe he'll be fine after a while?"

"I hope so!" Mrs. Bell nodded her head.

Talia immediately changed the subject and asked Mr. and Mrs. Bell to try her freshly made snacks with

the old Simpson's black tea, and the conversation was stopped.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell stayed at the Simpson's mansion until ten o'clock at night, when Ayan himself

escorted them out together.

Since he went out, he won't be back tonight.

Aria said unhappily, "What does brother have to go out for at this late hour?"

No one answered this, there was silence.

Talia gave her a look before saying, "I guess I made a date with Rex and the others, it's not like you

don't know they all get together for the holidays."

Camille did not react, much less show the slightest displeasure.

The attitude she presents makes everyone unable to see through her mind, nor can they ask her

outright what she really thinks?

Camille left the Simpson's mansion the next afternoon because of work and other commitments.

Back at Maple Leaves Mansion, she was all alone. Although the outside world was full of holiday cheer,

her house was not specially decorated, so the simple décor seemed a bit cold on such a holiday.

The Armstrong family has not reached out to her, much less called her back for Christmas, and she,

too, does not want to take the initiative anymore, but Grace has sent messages and prepared gifts for


Grace tells Camille that both Brody and Page want her to come back for dinner, but Camille knows it's

just Grace's idea, after all these years she's already used to it, so she doesn't feel bad, she feels a little

lost at best.

Sienna and Dan came to Hance City on the third day after Christmas. They both had similar flight

times, so Camille picked them up together and the three of them had a dinner date.

After sending Dan back to the hotel, Camille took Sienna back to Maple Leaves Mansion.

Sienna said, "I came to Hance City to tell you only one thing, do you feel touched? You know who is

important in my heart?"

Camille swept her up in her car, "Well, that was touching."

"It feels like you're being perfunctory."

"It's really moving, do I have to cry a little to be moved?"

Sienna: "No!"

She gazed at the side of Camille's face and always felt that she was in a slightly off mood.

Back at Maple Leaves Mansion, Sienna brought out the specialties she brought from Flento City, all of

which Camille loves to eat.

Then she offered to open her hands again, "Shall we hug?"

Camille frowned slightly, "Why are you being so clingy?"

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