My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 528 Grinding
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Chapter 528 Grinding

Chapter 528 Grinding

Aria started out by calling Camille her sister-in-law, but since Camille's divorce from Ayan, she has

simply changed her title, and this is so that Camille doesn't feel any pressure.

At this moment Aria's words made Camille slightly stunned, in the face of the crowd's gaze, she also

just light smile in response: "Wait a little longer, maybe already on the way back?"

Camille's words had just fallen, followed by the prompting of the maid.

The eyes of all people look over, only to see the man's long body slowly step in, his face slightly light

floating light smile, low head hanging politely to the old Simpson and Fletcher, Talia greeted.

Then it was time to walk towards Aria and smoothly carry Timmy in her arms.

Aria padded over to Camille at her side and whispered, "Did he send you a message about it?"

Camille shakes her head.

Talia asked, "What are you whispering about? Couldn't you bring me along?"

Aria got up and walked to Talia's side to surreptitiously inform, let Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes to

sweep a glance, not warmly said: "Derek knows you are back, he asked me to tell you a message,

come to pick you up tomorrow."

Talia immediately looked to Aria and asked, "You and Derek?"

Aria's face stiffened slightly and she frowned angrily at Ayan: "No, my brother is talking nonsense."

Ayan just a smile, eyes faintly look at Aria.

Aria grunted softly, "Timmy see? Your dad is really a man with a heart smaller than a pinhole."

The siblings' bickering has long been a habit for the Simpson family, and only Camille is a little worried

about whether the two are fighting.

Dinner starts at 6pm sharp.

The marble round table was filled with all kinds of delicious food, and everyone was seated one after

another, even Timmy sat on the soft dining chairs, because it was Christmas, he also rarely did not

sleep, sitting obediently in the dining chairs waiting for the "dinner."

the old Simpson raised his glass: "I wish you all the best for the rest of your lives, health and peace,

and success!"

Everyone clinked their glasses to each other and then wished the old Simpson in unison, "Good health

and peace." novelbin

The old Simpson greeted the crowd with chopsticks and looked at Ayan: "Why didn't you invite Mr. and

Mrs. Bell to come over for dinner?"

"Invited, but they declined and will come back to your home tomorrow to spend the day with us as


Ayan actually called Mr. and Mrs. Bell yesterday, and the original plan was for Mr. and Mrs. Bell and the

Austins to have dinner with the Simpson family. After the Cora incident, Mr. and Mrs. Bell didn't want to

come alone, so they scheduled a visit for tomorrow.

When it comes to Mr. and Mrs. Bell, others can't help but think of Cora, so the atmosphere is a bit


Talia's eyes did not move to glance at Camille, but found her unaffected, quietly eating her meal and

attentive to Timmy.

This scene was naturally noticed by Ayan, who was sitting next to Camille. He swept the rest of his

eyes to Camille, whose gaze had not fallen on him for half a second since he returned.

Did he already know how cold her heart was?

But every time I personally experience it will still feel some unspeakable emotions.

But the brief interlude did not affect the atmosphere and pleasure of the meal, dinner was eaten until

the Christmas celebration party program began which ended rolling to the hall.

Everyone accompanied the old Simpson to watch the show for a while, outside has begun to sound the

sound of fireworks, Timmy also began to make some unhappy feeling.

Camille picked up Timmy: "Grandpa, you guys take your time, I'll put Timmy to bed and then come

down and have tea with you."

the old Simpson nodded, "Okay, then I'll sit here and wait for you."

Camille smiled and got ready to get up and go upstairs.

Talia hurriedly said, "I'll go with you."

"No, mom, you stay here and watch the show with grandpa, I can do it myself." Usually Talia takes care

of her more, and now that she can be with Timmy, she naturally wants to do things that she would

rarely do normally.

Camille came back yesterday is also with Timmy stay in the nursery, on the one hand is worried that

Ayan will come back in the middle of the night, she does not want to steal his room, on the other hand

also want to spend more time with Timmy, because the relationship of Christmas childcare aunt rest

two days home.

She laid down with Timmy, slipped him a pacifier, and then kept quiet to watch over him.

Timmy fell asleep quickly and was asleep in no time.

It wasn't until her breathing was steady that Camille slowly got up and sat on the edge of the bed.

She waited a moment to make sure Timmy wouldn't wake up midway, then got up and left the nursery.

When she came out of the nursery, she saw Ayan standing on the porch outside the door. He seemed

to be waiting for her, so when he saw her come out, he looked up at her in the same way.

Camille asked lightly, "Is something wrong?"

Ayan smiled lightly, "Nothing, just came up to see if I needed any help? But you can take good care of

Timmy yourself, you don't need me at all."

For some reason, Camille heard some sense of loss in his words.

But she did not think much about it, and the expression on her face was always warm and light: "He is

very well behaved, and it is natural to take care of him without being abrasive."

"Hmm." He nodded.

Then they were silent to each other.

Probably both of them are hiding something in their hearts, so they are not as comfortable together as

they usually are, but there are a few obvious awkwardness.

Camille pursed her lips, hesitantly pondering how to speak.

Ayan naturally did not know what she was thinking, but only mentioned in a light voice: "Since he is

asleep then go down first? Grandpa is still waiting for you to have tea!"

Camille whispered, "Hmm."

Ayan was the first to lift his feet towards the stairs, but Camille stood still, waiting for Ayan to take two

or three steps before she opened her mouth and shouted, "I want to discuss one thing with you."

Ayan stopped his pace and looked back at her, "What is it?"

Camille took a deep breath, walked towards him, lowered her voice and said, "After the holidays, work

will probably get busy again, and I'll probably come over to the Simpson's mansion less often, but I

want to see Timmy, so can he come back to Maple Leaves with me one day a week? Mansion for one

day a week?"

The reason for this discussion is that Ayan has not allowed Timmy to leave the Simpson's mansion

since the beginning.

It's been five months since Timmy left the Simpson's mansion for the first time, and he probably

wouldn't have left the Simpson's mansion without the annual meeting.

It was all on Ayan's orders.

So she couldn't do it by force, she could only ask Ayan in a consultative tone if it was okay?

Ayan did not give an immediate response, but only stared at her with a slightly sullen face.

She immediately explained, "I didn't mean anything else, I just wanted to have a day with Timmy that

belonged to us as mother and son."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly, "Since you are busy with work, where do you find the

time to take him to Maple Leaves Mansion for a day?"

"I can choose the weekend, and I'll make that day available."

"If that's the case, why not just go back to the Simpson's mansion?"

"I ..... . the Simpson's mansion back and forth is too much trouble, and come back the Simpson's

mansion can only spend a little time with him during the day, but I want to stay with him a day and a


Ayan face still does not have too much expression, the bottom of the deep eyes always flooded with

warm indifference: "You can come back to the Simpson's mansion for one night, if you are worried

about meeting me then I can not come to the Simpson's mansion on the day you come back, of course,

if you are not sure I can let grandpa guarantee. "

Camille wrinkled her brow, his words clearly refusing to agree.

She asked, "Is it okay if I just want to spend a day alone with Timmy?"

"I said you could come to the Simpson's mansion, I didn't disallow you to be alone with him." Ayan's

attitude was a little tough, and the expression on his face became cold from the just warm indifference,

he said, "I said at the beginning, you can't leave the Simpson's mansion with Timmy, if you want to see

Timmy then come back to the Simpson's mansion, the choice is in front of you, you have to How you

decide you make the call."

"Ayan, can you stop being so selfish?" Her emotions were ignited, she was just trying to reduce her

contact with Ayan, that's why she was planning to come to the Simpson's mansion less often, but didn't

want to reduce the chance to see Timmy.

She worked so hard to give birth to Timmy, can't she even make her own decisions on how often she

sees him?

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