My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 476 Frenzy
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Chapter 476 Frenzy

Chapter 476 Frenzy

The atmosphere has unknowingly changed.

Cora hesitated and then immediately spoke up to break the silence and awkwardness.

She said, "Master Simpson I accept your apology, and Miss Armstrong didn't mean it, so let's call it a


A sentence not intentional, completely sat down Camille's crime.

She smiled coldly, her eyes flashed indifference swept to Cora, and then a pair of bright and

penetrating eyes swept to the crowd, and then she had stood up and walked straight upstairs.

Of course she wouldn't apologize, she hadn't left Cora behind, she had warned her not to go too far, so

she had done nothing wrong.

Her stubborn back made Ayan's eyes flutter slightly, then asked in a light voice, "Is there anything else

Master Norman and Mrs. Norman need?"

"Cora, since Master Simpson has apologized, what do you think about this?"

"It was just an accident and misunderstanding, I didn't take it to heart, so I hope neither Master

Simpson nor Mrs. Simpson will take it to heart either."

Cora glanced at Ayan and noticed that his eyes had been looking in the direction of the stairway since

Camille left.

She subconsciously tightened her lips and quickly moved away without moving.

Austin and Cora words finished, Ayan also followed up, and then said: "Since it is said away, then this

matter is over, Master Norman and I although because of this matter over, but since we are here, then

also just can follow the township chief to visit?" novelbin

Ayan made this request, and naturally, the township chief's side agreed immediately.

But Cora's foot was injured, and she hadn't had a fever for long, so Austin sent her upstairs to her room

to rest.

After going upstairs, Austin didn't rush to leave, but after closing the door behind him, he intentionally

lowered his voice and asked lightly, "Cora, how did things really go?"

Cora's eyes pause slightly, and her face does not change: "Just now it has been made clear that it was

just a misunderstanding and an accident, and now it is over."

"That's just telling Ayan, but it's not over in my case, I can't even know what's happening to my own

wife, can I?"

Austin's tone was somewhat cold.

Cora gave him a faint look before saying, "I'm tired, hurry up and go down too, they're still waiting for



"What's the point of you asking so clearly? It's already happened and it's already in the past, so what

can we do if we know?" Cora's voice was low, a trace of distant indifference flashed between her

eyebrows, she did not want to tell Austin what had happened, since it was now in the past, let it pass.

The two men's eyes locked for a few seconds until Jeremiah knocked on the door to alert Austin which

left the room.

The village chief took Ayan and his group to skirt around the nearby villages. Because of the heavy rain

last night, the air in the mountains is fresh today and the scenery is extraordinarily beautiful.

The mayor took the initiative and asked, "Master Simpson, what do you think of our place?"

"Nice." Ayan responded in a warm voice.

The village chief also showed a smile, but because he is in charge, naturally can not respond too

much, so Kian saw the situation is also immediately to help change the subject.

They hung out until lunchtime.

Because Ayan and Austin came, the kitchen added a special meal today, but there is still a big

difference with the full meal in the city, after all, it is just a simple farmhouse meal.

After being seated, the village chief said, "I don't know if you are used to eating? If it does not fit the

taste of the evening we will eat something else, we do not have any good food in the countryside, it can

only be these ordinary meals."

"You are welcome, these are already very good, we are not picky eaters, so you don't need to be so

polite." Ayan's gentle eyes looked at the village chief, and these words were naturally sincere.

Austin also followed and agreed: "Mayor, Master Simpson is right, we are not picky eaters, we do not

need to deliberately give us a small cooking, these days so many of us have been a lot of trouble for


"It's no trouble, it's all we should do." The village chief was probably too happy and lifted his homemade

sorghum wine to clink glasses with Ayan and the others.

But we all politely declined, after all, it is in the work and is in the unfamiliar place, or not drink is better.

The Mayor greeted everyone with chopsticks, then suddenly swept around again, "Miss Armstrong and

Manager Hayes haven't come down yet?"

Austin passed Jeremiah a look, "Go call Manager Hayes down for dinner."

"I'll be right there."

Jeremiah walked quickly up the stairs.

As for Ayan's side, he looked to Kian in a light voice: "Go see what Camille is doing?"

Kian was a little embarrassed, but finally went over to Ayan and whispered, "Master Simpson, the lady

sent me a message, she said she didn't sleep last night and she needs to catch up on sleep today no

need to call her for dinner."

Ayan didn't react much after hearing it, just a faint umph and then stopped talking.

Soon, Jeremiah came down with Cora.

A table full of people, five dishes and one soup.

It's simple, but tasty.

After lunch, everyone took a short break and Ayan docked with Dan's side for a bit more work, then this

gave him time to go to Camille.

The door to Camille's room was locked from the inside, so Ayan had to get the key from the village

chief to enter through the back door.

Because it is a classroom, there is a front door and a back door.

Camille and the girls checked in only opened the front door, the back door was unified and locked.

So when Camille was awakened by the alarm clock in the evening and opened her eyes to see Ayan

sitting on the edge of her bed, she was stunned.

When did he get in?

She wrinkled her brow and watched as he leaned back with his eyes closed, as if exhausted.

She hesitated for two seconds, the heart flashed the trace of softness was immediately suppressed by

reason, and then the whole person sat up directly.

She did not deliberately lighten her movements, and naturally she did not deliberately aggravate her


She kept her normal demeanor, and Ayan opened his eyes in the next moment.

Looking at each other with four eyes, her face was expressionless, and her eyes were flushed with

coldness as she said, "How did you get in here?"

He said, "Don't want to see me?"

"Right, so you get out!" She spoke directly and kicked out without any euphemism.

Ayan gave a slight pause, his eyes gazing at her for a moment, his voice low, "You're here, where do I

go out?"

"Whatever, you can go wherever you want, just not to my place again."

"But we're a couple."

"Couples? We've ..."

The word divorce has not yet been said, has been a cold hand suddenly reached over and covered her

mouth, the whole person also followed close.

Camille was not expecting such a move, and she subconsciously shrank towards the wall, but Ayan

took her directly into his arms and said in a dumb voice: "Where was bitten by ants? Let me see!"

"Well ...."

She struggled, but Ayan wouldn't let go, so she had no way to talk.

Ayan lifted the quilt to see her arms as well as calves are bite marks, but yesterday after soaking in the

rain and some inflammation has ruptured, especially these red swellings appear on her cold white skin,

some too shocking.

It was something Ayan had never seen in her before.

Although she is not like those petulant girls, but every girl is a beauty lover afraid of scars, and so is

she, but she refuses to say anything, much less show any concern.

Thinking about this, Ayan's wrinkled brow frowned more tightly.

He was silent and slightly distracted, and Camille's hands pulled away from his palms with force, full of

thoughts of keeping him away from himself, so she bit him directly and hard at the tiger's mouth.

The sudden pain also made Ayan completely back to his senses, he slightly frowned and did not move,

as if by her random bite.

But he was so silent, not even any reaction, but the pair of deep, dark eyes have been watching her

look, under the eyes vaguely also flooded with mild, which let Camille suddenly deflated.

She released her strength and then dropped his hand, "Get out of the way, I want to get up!"

After that, she got off the bed directly, just when she bent down to get her shoes, her white back

revealed a section for Ayan to sweep up the lumps that had been bitten by ants.

His eyebrows were stunned, and the next second he immediately reached out to stop the person

wearing the shoes and held her down on the bed with her back facing him directly.

Camille wonders what he's mad about.

So struggling shouted, "Ayan what are you doing?"

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