My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 474 Responsibility
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Chapter 474 Responsibility


Chapter 474 Responsibility

Camille bit her lip lightly, she was not really sure how Ayan would react when he found out?

She hesitated briefly for two seconds, then confessed, "Cora is missing ..."

She told Ayan the truth about what happened on the mountain today, and when she finished, there was

silence on Ayan's side.

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly and asked faintly, "Jeremiah should have notified Austin, so do you

want to come along?"

"Are you hurt?"

Ayan was silent for a long time before he asked the question that left Camille stunned.

Doesn't he care about Cora?

Camille blinked her eyelashes gently and said in a light voice, "I'm not hurt."

"Well, don't listen to whatever anyone says until I get there, and go straight to Kian if you have

anything, understand?"

Ayan's voice is slightly serious command.

His behavior is increasingly confusing to Camille.

But finally there was a low mmm.

The call lasted about a minute and then ended.

Ayan also immediately contacted Kian to ask about the situation, Kian said: "Manager Hayes initiated

the group competition, so after that Manager Hayes and Mrs. is alone together, what exactly happened

I am not sure."

"Still no word on this?" Ayan asked in a low voice.

Kian: "No, the township chief with people still continue to look, but also a heavy rainstorm, and now

also a light rain continues."

Ayan did not continue to ask questions, because the assistant side sent a message alerting that Austin

was looking for him.

Ayan told Kian in a low voice, "Keep an eye on her, I don't want to see any surprises."

"Yes, I understand!"

Kian nodded his head and agreed that he would naturally protect his wife.

After Ayan hung up the call, Austin's call was answered in the next second.

Austin got right to the point: "Master Simpson, I'm sure you already know what's going on, right?"

Ayan face without holding up voice low back: "Master Norman do not worry, as the head of this project I

will take full responsibility."

Austin said, "How can Master Simpson be held responsible? Mrs. Simpson has an inescapable

relationship with this matter!"

"Master Norman, things can not just listen to one-sided words, or we must wait until we reach the

scene to make a decision." Ayan reminded in a light voice, then added: "See you at the airport in an

hour, I've already had the plane prepared."

Ayan contacted his assistant to arrange for a private jet and flight path right after he got off the phone

with Camille.

He arrived at the airport at about the same time as Austin, and neither had any conversation along the


Their route was the same as the one Camille and the others took to Fola, first by plane and then by car.

As they hurried, the search continued.

It lasted until about two o'clock in the middle of the night, when the township chief found the place

where the road that took them to see the mountain spring at the beginning.

There is a slab of rock protruding above the mountain spring to keep out the rain, and that's wherenovelbin

Cora was found.

Although the slate can keep out the rain, but still soaked, not only that, her ankle was also cut because

of the fall, bleeding a lot.

Cora was carried down the mountain by Jeremiah, Camille has found her a change of clothes and hot

water, a simple rinse and change of clothes, Camille and immediately brought ginger water, after the

village doctor cleaned her broken ankle, there is a long cut, but fortunately not deep, otherwise it will be


But Cora should have fallen several times, with multiple scratches and bruises on her hands and legs.

After she had a quick bite to eat, Dan then asked, "Manager Hayes, aren't you picking up mushrooms

with Miss Armstrong? Why did you suddenly disappear? We searched all over the mountain for you,

you did not hear us call you?"

Cora's face was pale, and her whole body looked weak because of the rain.

She opened her mouth before she could speak, and Jeremiah said, "Master Tucker, my wife is very

tired, can you let her rest before answering your questions?"

Dan shrugged his shoulders and said he was free to do so, then exited the room and walked down the

hallway to smoke.

Camille also looked deeply at Cora as she said, "Manager Hayes, you get some rest."

Cora nods, and then the room is left to Jeremiah and Cora.

Outside in the hallway, Dan sees Camille coming out as well.

He passed a look to indicate that it was okay to talk?

Camille nodded her head in agreement and the two went downstairs.

Dan asked, "Is it true that she was separated from you and lost?"

Camille looked at Dan with uncertainty, "Or what? I didn't leave her behind."

"I didn't say you left her, I just thought it was a little odd." Dan stared at Camille and smiled, his deep

eyes flooded with a hint of high speculation, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking?


"Well, you don't think it's strange?"

Dan looked at Camille and laughed.

Camille just frowned slightly, but never figured out what his strange point was?

Cora was found everyone's hanging heart fell, just when the people are ready to rest, she had a fever,

it should be she called Jeremiah, so Jeremiah immediately find because of looking for people too late

to stay in the first floor of the village chief to help call the village doctor.

Everyone also woke up to no small amount of commotion.

Cora fever is caused by the rain, the village doctor is basically herbal medicine, the effect of the

medicine will be very slow, but at the moment to travel to town is not too safe, a round trip will take a lot

of time.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, Dan came over with some fever-reducing medicine he was


He said, "First eat according to the instructions, if there is still nothing to do will have to go to the town."

Cora took her medicine and went to bed, but the others didn't get any sleep.

It was a night when everyone stayed up almost all night.

Because of the difference between men and women, Camille took on the task of checking if Cora had

any more fever, and she was taking her medicine and sweating.

And so it went on until the sky turned white.

Camille was also sleepy, and she had just returned to her room to lie down when she heard the sound

of a car outside and then the sound of Kian speaking, "Master Simpson, Master Norman!"

Camille instantly sobered up, subconsciously stunned for two seconds, Ayan and Austin came over she

was not surprised, the surprise is that they moved so quickly.

Naturally, she didn't go back to sleep, but changed her clothes and went downstairs.

Looking at Ayan, whom he had not seen for a long time, their eyes locked. He had cut his hair short,

and the handsome face under the short black hair was gentle, and the deep black eyes were watching

her for a moment.

Austin stood next to him, and Jeremiah welcomed him down at this moment.

Only to hear Austin ask, "Where's the wife?"

Jeremiah: "The wife is still up, she had a fever last night, but she's better with the fever reducer Master

Tucker brought."

"Show me!" Austin spoke lightly, his gaze skimming over Camille with what seemed to be displeasure

under his eyes.

But Austin had only just finished his words, and he was just about to take his steps when Cora came

down from upstairs.

Probably also heard the sound of their arrival, she a face pale and bloodless, the whole person looks

wretched and haggard.

Her voice was a little hoarse as she spoke, "Austin."

Austin wrinkled his brow and walked toward her, asking worriedly, "How do you feel? Is there anything

else uncomfortable?"

Cora shook her head, "There's nothing wrong with me, I'm much better, what brings you guys here?"

"I can not come after such a big thing?" Austin meant it, and the atmosphere quieted down.

Kian brought chairs for everyone to sit down, and Camille sat next to Ayan, who smelled like he had

been in a car, mixed with a smell that was unique to him, making Camille feel familiar and unfamiliar.

She hadn't slept all night, so she wasn't in much spirits at the moment.

After everyone sat down, Ayan then asked, "Manager Hayes, can I ask what exactly happened? Why

did you suddenly disappear?"

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