My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 473 Lost
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Chapter 473 Lost

Chapter 473 Lost

Camille said, "Manager Hayes and I split up to pick up, I don't know where she went? Had to come

back and meet up with you guys first."

Jeremiah's face immediately turned sour as he said, "Miss Armstrong, you're just going to leave your

teammate Manager Hayes behind? That's too selfish of you!"

Jeremiah felt very upset, and then immediately lifted his feet to go to the people.

Kian hurriedly said, "Jeremiah, the first order of business is to find Manager Hayes."

The township chief saw the situation is also immediately erected serious, the township chief said: "We

hurry to find someone, these two days is the rainy season, at any time it may rain."

The village chief's words made Jeremiah's face look even harder, but he didn't dare to say anything

else, and could only hurry to follow the village chief's pace in the direction Camille had just returned.

Mr. Reid immediately looked to Camille for reassurance, "Ma'am, you don't need to take Jeremiah's

words to heart."

"I'm fine." Camille nodded, then also hurriedly said, "Let's go find someone!"

Kian followed Camille in the direction of the village chief, but the four of them searched for a long time

but did not see Cora.

The township chief pointed around and said, "There aren't any more footsteps in front of us, I guess

Manager Hayes shouldn't have walked past."

The township chief's words made the atmosphere tense along with him.

Jeremiah looked to Camille and asked, "Miss Armstrong, just be honest and tell me where the hell

Manager Hayes went. You didn't have a fight, did you, Manager Hayes was pissed off?"

Camille indifferently Ni glanced at Jeremiah: "Your imagination is rich, but what I can tell you is sorry

you fantasize wrong."

"You ...."

"Mayor, can you help call people up from the village to join us in our search?" Camille ignored Jeremiah

and looked directly at the village chief and asked.

The township chief nodded: "Yes, I'll go shout at people, but you should not run around, just look

around again, or get lost in trouble."

"Don't worry, we will leave a mark, just trouble you to make an extra trip."

Camille nodded her head.

Kian, however, said, "Miss Armstrong, why don't you go back with the township chief? I'll just stay here

with Jeremiah and look for it."

"No, I'll stay and look with you." Camille insisted, and finally only the village chief went back to his

residence first to tell Dan and others, and then to call a few able-bodied villagers to help.

Kian was probably worried that Camille had also lost him, so he followed Camille and Jeremiah

throughout the search separately.

But a large pine forest, many places like the township chief said there are no footprints at all, but even

so they were afraid to miss, so they went around a long, long way and did not find Cora.

The township chief soon arrived at Pine Grove with nearly ten men to join Camille and the others, and

Dan came along and asked, "Any news yet?"

Camille shakes her head.

Jeremiah, already sweating from anxiety, said, "Miss Armstrong, if our wife is missing, you are solely


Camille gave him an expressionless look with no intention of responding.

Although she did not actively leave Cora, but in any case is lost with her companion, so she is clear

that she has an inescapable responsibility.

But where exactly is Cora?

She sighed silently, the worry on her face as well as the gloomy look caught by Dan, who spoke

indifferently, "Now is not the time to talk about who has more responsibility and who has less? As far as

I know it was also Manager Hayes who volunteered to play in groups, so it's important that we find the

talent before it gets dark."

Dan is not only a partner in this project, he is also a member of the Tucker Group, so his words shut

Jeremiah up immediately.

Dan immediately arranged for people to start encircling from the periphery of the pine forest to the

inside, this way will not find a leak.

But nearly two hours of searching, looking through the entire pine forest also did not have any traces.

It was already about to get dark.

Everyone is also a little tired, coupled with psychological concerns emotions are tight.

Kian asked out loud at this point, "Is it possible that she has gone back?"

"How is that possible? If she had gone back she would have tried to get in touch with us too, right?"

Jeremiah felt that this possibility is almost impossible, Cora is not a child, if it has returned to the

residence, then certainly will seek other help to inform everyone.

Because the sky is getting dark, the township chief proposed: "tired of looking with me to go back to a

new group of people to continue to look, so that you can also go back to the residence to see if

Manager Hayes has returned?"

Dan also agreed with the village chief, and then the village chief took Kian and Camille and a few

villagers back to the residence first, Dan and his two assistants and Jeremiah and the remaining two

villagers continued to search in a small area around.

But Camille they just returned to the residence day on the rainstorm, the rain came suddenly and


The village chief said to Camille, "Miss Armstrong you go upstairs and see if Manager Hayes is back

yet. I'll gather the villagers to prepare raincoats to send up the mountain."

Camille hurried upstairs and knocked on Cora's room door, "Manager Hayes?"

No response, she then opened the door, the house was empty.

Camille was not sure and searched all the rooms on the entire second floor, no Cora.

She had a heavy face, it was already dark, in this kind of unfamiliar place, and it would be in the

mountains, and it was raining so hard, where was Cora anyway?

The village chief soon came with his men, to make sure Cora did not return and then led the men up

the mountain, Kian also set off with such a piece, before leaving Kian gave Camille a flashlight, he said

to Camille: "Madam, if Manager Hayes returned, you stand at the end of my room hallway towards the

mountain light. "

Camille nodded, and then stayed alone in her quarters waiting for the group to return.

Camille's heart also wanted Cora to come back with them, although there was not much interaction

with her, and it was even better not to have any contact, but did not want her to have any accident


I wonder how much time has passed?

Outside, the rain was dying down, and Camille could see faint lights on the hill as she stood in the

hallway, lights that were far and near, signifying that people had not yet been found.

After a long time Jeremiah and Dan came back.

Camille asks, "Any leads?"

"No, the township chief is still continuing to search with his people and told us to come back and have

something to eat."

Dan responded.

Jeremiah coldly said: "I have to contact Master Norman, if something happens to the wife I have no

way to take the responsibility, so I must let Master Norman come over personally."

After saying that Jeremiah has gone upstairs.

Camille looked at Dan and Kian without changing her face: "You guys go back to your rooms and

change, I just made ginger soup with the kitchen and I'll have some later before we eat."

Dan asked with some unease, "Camille, it wasn't your fault, it was just an accident, so you ..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine because I didn't mean to leave her behind." So she wouldn't feel guilty and blame

herself, but she would feel less comfortable inside because she didn't want anything to happen to Cora,

after all, their kind of relationship was a bit awkward.

Hearing her say this Dan then nodded and went upstairs.

Camille looks over at Kian, who remains in place, drenched and with his hair dripping with water.

Camille asked, "Go change your clothes!"

"Ma'am, Jeremiah's debriefing with Master Norman is sure to exaggerate things, so should we get on

the phone with Master Simpson as well?"

Kian asked cautiously.

Camille frowned and responded in a light voice, "Go change, I'll make the call, huh?"

Kian froze, then immediately nodded in response.

When Kian also went upstairs, Camille then took a deep breath and followed her upstairs to her room.

The search for a large force on the mountain continued, but there were no results, and it had long been

dark, and the rain continued to fall.

It's hard for someone without wilderness survival to stay safe in this situation.

Camille pursed her lips and dialed the first call she made to Ayan since she got here.

The call was answered and Ayan asked, somewhat unexpectedly, "Looking for Timmy?" novelbin

"No, I'm looking for you." Camille's voice was a little warm.

He asked, "Looking for me? What's going on?"

His voice was gentle with a few surprises.

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