My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 471 Infection
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Chapter 471 Infection

Chapter 471 Infection

"I've been bitten by ants. "

Camille felt quite unlucky.

The village doctor even said, "It looks like an allergy, I'll get you some herbs to reduce inflammation,

you should take some allergy medicine first."

The doctor took a few pills to Camille, which then rushed off to pick the herbs.

Kian saw this scene is also the face of a tight frown, the heart has already expected Ayan to know he is

afraid to lose his job.

To make up for it, Kian rushed to pour warm water, "Madam, you take your medicine first."

Camille took the water and ate the medicine.

Dan also rushed to ask: "When was the bite? Why didn't you say?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night with a bite, I thought it was a mosquito, then I found out it was an

ant, it was too late and I didn't want to disturb you."

Camille was awakened in the middle of the night by a tingling sensation in her back and hands and

feet. At first she thought it was a mosquito bite, so she casually grabbed the mosquito repellent on the

side of her pillow and sprayed it, but it didn't have any effect, and the tingling sensation continued to


Not only that, but she felt something crawling on her skin again?

This immediately made her feel creeped out and lost her sleep.

She picked up her phone and turned on the cell phone torch, it was already late at night, more than two


The bright light shines on the bed, and the dense ants crawl around and can't stop.

Although only ants, but still let her back chills feel a both disgusted and fearful heart trembling.

She cleaned the sheets and quilts carefully, but her body was itchy and sore and she couldn't sleep at

all, although she also rubbed the ointment she brought, but it didn't help much.

She actually wanted to ask for help, if in Hance City she had driven straight to the hospital, but here,

even if she woke everyone up, it was useless, because they still had to find the village doctor, which

would wake up many people without rest, so she did not want to wake up many people because she

was alone.

Camille this is still the first time being bitten by ants, that taste a little do not underestimate such a small

creature, causing pain to people only experienced people will understand that feeling.

Looking at the bites on Camille's body, Dan's brow knitted tighter and he asked, "Why are there ants on

the bed? Shouldn't there be ants in a moist place with soil? Did you have food hidden in the bed?"

It was a very serious atmosphere, but ended up being Dan's sentence, you have hidden food on the

bed to laugh.

Camille said, "If I had food, I would have kept it until now?"

It's been a few days since we've been here, didn't we finish eating long ago?

But what Dan asked was also what Camille had in mind.

She sleeps alone, although the place is simple and things are not complete, but her bed sheets and

covers are brought by herself, and the bed is the most clean and hygienic place, how can there be


This was the question in her mind, but did not ask it.

While Camille and Dan were talking, Cora also went back to her room and brought over an ointment,

and she said, "Camille, will you try this ointment to stop the itching? "

Camille stared at the ointment in Cora's hand without reaching out, she only heard Cora say, "I was

bitten by ants too, look at my toe, it still itches and hurts, but it's much better, you must be careful not to

get infected, it will probably heal in a couple of days."

Camille just smiled lightly, then said: "Thank you for your kindness, but the village doctor has gone to

get the medicine, try to see if it works later? You can keep this ointment if you use it, and your toes

should be well protected!"

She meant what she said, everyone's body is different and some medications work differently.

Cora listened and did not force, just instructed: "If you need to be sure to tell me, here we are all one of

us, to help each other."

"Well, I know." Camille nodded.

A few moments later, the village doctor came back with a freshly picked herb, crushed it and had

Camille apply it to the bite, she didn't tell the crowd that her back was also bitten, she just wiped her

hands and feet in front of everyone.

After she thanked the village doctor and the village chief, she said to everyone, "I've made you worry, I

should be fine, you guys go have breakfast, I'll change my clothes and come down too."

The crowd did not continue to stay, after Camille closed the door, which began to apply behind,

speaking really quite a lot of effort.

Because of Camille's allergies, Dan suggested that we all take a day off so that we could also take a

good break from our respective stresses.

Everyone was bored and played local chess with Oliver and the village chief, especially the boys were

interested in this.

Camille did not sleep well and went to her room to rest after watching for a while.

She is now a little afraid of the bed, and has to double check several times before she goes to bed.

But she had just closed her eyes when her phone rang.

She picked up her phone with a reluctant look, saw the caller ID read Ayan, she just blinked and

clicked to answer it.

No need to think, it must be Kian who told him what happened today.

When the call was answered, Ayan's voice immediately came from the other side and he asked, "Are

you busy?"

Camille was slightly surprised, didn't he call because he knew she was allergic to ant bites?

Camille was a little embarrassed, and mentally shook her head, it seems she was thinking too much of


Camille whispered a hmm, with an unexplainable feeling of inexplicability in her heart.

The next moment I heard him ask, "Are the allergies better?"

She fell silent and replied in a low voice, "Hmm."

The atmosphere also followed the quiet, you can only hear each other's breathing.

A few seconds later, he asked again, "Camille, what did you promise me at the airport?"

Camille pursed her lips, recalling his hug and his words as she boarded the plane.

He said, "Be safe, Timmy and I will wait at home for you to come back unharmed, okay?"

At this moment recalled, her heart as by what hit the next, eyelashes are also slightly light trembling,

the man's voice in the ear again: "Take care of yourself, Timmy misses you."

Ayan seemed to have caught her soft spot, so he poked her with what she cared most.

Camille's nose was sore and her voice was a little lower: "I know."

Then, again, I heard him say, "You and Dan know each other?"

Camille didn't want to hide her acquaintance with Dan, it's not like it's a secret or something that can't

be seen.

She replied matter-of-factly, "Well, acquaintance." novelbin

Ayan didn't ask how they met? Nor did she ask what her relationship with Dan really was?

He bluntly reminded, "You and Dan need to keep your distance, now outside we are still husband and

wife, if you and he get too close to the side conference."

Camille wonders why Ayan suddenly brought up Dan?

Is it because Kian told him something?

If it was because she knew Dan, shouldn't he have made the call long ago to initiate a reminder?

What's more, she had seen Timmy on video with him the night before.

So Camille doesn't know what Ayan means?

But she responded to Ayan's reminder by saying, "I know the score, and you don't need to remind me

of that at all."

Camille's voice was cold and detached, and upon closer listening it seemed to carry a note of

unpleasant anger.

Ayan's voice sank and he asked in a low voice, "Is this the only attitude you have towards me


She doesn't say anything.

A helpless sigh came from his ears.

I just don't want the photo that was sent to me to get out for others to see, and now your participation in

this project also means that you have accepted the rules of this project, and when this project is

officially launched, the number of people who will pay attention to it will only increase, and if you get too

close to other people of the opposite sex, those rumors and comments that can't be controlled will not

only point to you, but also to Timmy. you, but also to Timmy."

"What pictures?"

Camille ends at the word photo.

Ayan mentioned that the anonymous photo was taken of her and Dan standing in the hallway talking at

night, in the dead of night, alone, although this is a simple mountain village, but also can not help the

spread of rumors.

Camille wonders who took the picture?

It just seems pretty ridiculous.

She asked Ayan indifferently, "So you think I'm that kind of person?"

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