My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 470 Allergy
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Chapter 470 Allergy

Chapter 470 Allergy

Camille looked at her soaked clothes, before she had time to respond to Cora's words, the mayor had

called out to the boy's family.

The boy was raised by his grandparents, and both parents work outside the home.

If it wasn't for Camille today, the consequences would have been unthinkable.

The grandparents looked at Camille with a grateful look, "Thank you girl, if it wasn't for you, this child

would be finished."

Camille did not say anything, just let them quickly take the little boy home to change clothes, save the

cold, plus the child is also a bit frightened, now the whole person is dull not say a word.

Camille picked up the jacket on the ground and draped it over her body, then went to the village chief

and asked in a low voice, "Can the village chief help borrow a set of clothes? Otherwise I'm afraid I'll

catch a cold."

She doesn't want to get sick at this time, and naturally she won't try to insist.

It was the boy's grandmother who finally dragged Camille back to her house and then took the clothes

the boy's mother had left at home and changed them for Camille.

Grandma said, "It's a little old, so you can wear it."

"You're welcome, the clothes are still very good." Camille took it and immediately changed into it.

Although it was just a simple T-shirt and casual pants, Camille's white skin and slimness made it look

very good on her.

When she came out of the house, the boy's grandfather immediately pulled the boy to Camille's knees:

"Miss Armstrong, thanks to you today, if it were not for you, our family would not have been able to

withstand such a blow!"

Camille rushed to help the boy up: "It's just a handful, but the child is still young to be more careful."

Grandparents are nodding their heads, before leaving also had to give Camille take bacon and

preserved fish, Camille are Sienna refused, they are old, also are not easy, and she is also a mother,

this is just as a mother should do.

What was thought to be a minor hiccup went viral in Fola in just one morning.

In the evening, the mayor praised Camille by name on the radio. The mayor also reviewed his mistakes

and thanked Camille, and many children and elderly people came to the school after learning the news.

The children pointed to Camille and said, "That's the fairy who saved the day!"

Then followed by a wave of greeting, "Hello fairy sister!"

Camille couldn't help but laugh out loud when she heard that, and she also raised her hand in response

in cooperation, "Hello guys, go home now, and be safe on the way."

A few kids dispersed at this point.

Camille's rescue of the child in the water was already well known in Fola, and compared to the praise

and gratitude she received, Cora was a bit more obscure.

Cora was bitten by ants in her shoe during the visit today, and her foot was red, swollen and itchy, so

she didn't talk much all afternoon, and went into her room after the visit and didn't come out.

As for her being bitten by ants this matter she did not talk to anyone in advance, she did not want

others to think she was petulant and soft.

Because of the unbearable itchy and painful feet, Cora stayed up almost all night, resulting in a very

bad mental state the next day, so she volunteered to take a day off.

Jeremiah asked with some concern, "Ma'am, are you really okay? If you don't feel well you should still

see a doctor."

"It's okay, I'll be fine after a day of rest." Cora responded with slightly pursed lips.

But she didn't let the break stop her. After Camille set off with the village chief and Jeremiah, she went

to a nearby villager's house to teach young children to draw.

Children here seldom see people from the city, because Cora looks gentle and beautiful, and carries a

light scent, so children are happy to play with her.

By the end of the day, she was feeling much better, and that night, after dinner, she reached out to


"Camille, is it okay if I ask you for a little advice?"

"Yes, what is it?"

Camille nods her head in agreement.

Cora asks, "I'd like to ask you how you get along with everyone. I don't know if it's because I have an

unpleasant personality or I do something to make people unhappy? So I always feel like the villagers

don't like me very much, but you can talk to them, is there a secret?"

Camille frowned slightly as she responded lightly, "The secret? There is no secret."

"How come? Is it because you don't want to tell me?"

Cora was a little lost.

Camille, however, just said without changing her face, "You think too much, there are no secrets or

shortcuts to get along with people, I think it's enough to treat each other sincerely."

Cora's eyes were slightly stunned and she blinked subconsciously before saying, "I see, thank you for


Camille said, "You're welcome, and I'm just talking about my personal thoughts not sharing."

Cora smiled as she asked, "So, can we leave together tomorrow?"

Camille frowned, "That's fine."

But they were supposed to leave together, weren't they?

Camille didn't think much of it, and didn't want to correct anything.

After talking to Cora, Camille went to her room to get her clothes and take a shower.

Although they live in a mountain village, the village chief as well as the villagers are very nice and know

that they need to take a bath every day and the hot water is prepared early every day.

After a shower, Camille went to her room and Talia video for a minute or two, most of all to see Timmy,

and hope that Timmy can see her, so as not to go on a trip even the children have forgotten what their

mother looks like.

After the video, Camille laid down early.

The biggest change in my life is that I have developed good habits, and now I go to bed early and get

up early, so I feel better.

But this night, Camille didn't sleep well.

The next day at breakfast everyone did not see Camille for a long time, Kian took the initiative to ask:

"Manager Hayes, have you seen Miss Armstrong when you got up this morning?"

"No, the door is closed, was she too tired yesterday? You can let her rest a little longer, right?"

Cora looked at Kian and replied, she had looked at Camille's door when she got up and washed up,

and it was indeed closed, so she should not be up.

Kian, however, frowned and hesitated, then spoke, "Everyone eat breakfast first."

After he finished, that's when he went upstairs to see Camille.

Because Camille hasn't been late since she's been here, not the earliest to get up, but not the latest.

What's more, before he came here on business, the president of his family had hinted that he had tonovelbin

ensure the safety of his wife, and there was a sense that if there was no arrangement

Kian came to the door of Camille's room and he raised his hand and knocked: "Madame? Ma'am, are

you up?"

Inside the house Camille lay in bed not asleep, but her head was heavy and she had little strength, she

mumbled lowly, "I don't feel well, can you ask the village if there is a doctor for me?"

Camille can clearly feel her body is hot, especially the uncomfortable places are itchy, swollen and


Hearing Camille's response, Kian immediately asked, "Ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

"I seem to have some allergies, can you ask if there is a doctor for me? If not, find some allergy

medicine for me!"

Camille but whenever she could insist she wouldn't open her mouth, it was really uncomfortable, so

she had to.

When Kian heard this, he immediately went to the village chief, and everyone immediately knew that

Camille had been bitten by a bug, and Dan was the first person to knock on the door: "Camille, are you


Camille got up and opened the door, her face was pale and her voice was low: "It's nothing serious."

Followed closely by everyone rushing in.

Cora was also concerned, "Miss Armstrong, Mr. Reid said you were bitten by a bug, are you okay?"

Camille gave a low muffled, "It doesn't feel very good."

In a few minutes or so, the village chief arrived with the village doctor.

Camille rolled up her sleeves to reveal her arms, and the white and tender skin was covered with a

patch of red and swollen lumps, which was shocking to see.

The village doctor was also shocked: "What's going on?"

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