My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 404 Purpose
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Chapter 404 Purpose

Chapter 404 Purpose

The old Simpson did not have a good face.

Ayan smiled lightly: "You are not happy to give me a look?"

"Humph, tell me what you have done? This is so unbecoming, Cami is now showing disappointment to

us the Simpson family, you are trying to make me give up my old face at this age, right?"

"Grandpa, take it easy, I didn't mean it, as for sending Camille back to the Simpson's manson just

because she didn't trust me enough to give me a chance, and even kept mistakenly thinking that all I

was doing was covering up for Eileen, but this time around, Eileen helped a lot."

Ayan explained in a shallow voice, the old Simpson also lost his voice, and the expression on his face

was obviously much milder.

The atmosphere gradually quieted down, Ayan sighed silently, because this point is close to the early

morning, so even through a door but the conversation can still be heard very clearly.

After a short period of silence, the old Simpson suddenly asked: "How do you plan in your heart?

Things have basically been resolved, how do you plan to account for Cami's side?"

Ayan didn't answer immediately, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice was low: "Right now

she's probably not going to forgive me, at least not until after Grandma's business is settled."

"Then settle it before it's too late, don't wait until the children are born and you, the father, can't see


the old Simpson glared at him with threatening fury, but Ayan just laughed when he heard it.

the old Simpson stared at him, his voice was light: "Ayan, you tell me the truth, at first you want to

divorce Cami, then why did you change your mind? Was it because you developed feelings for her, or

was it because you had another agenda?"

Ayan wrinkled his brow, "Grandpa, what do you mean by that? What other purpose could I have?"

"Don't beat around the bush, it's just you and me now, what I need is a word of truth, do you know


the old Simpson's sullen, serious expression made the air tense.

He responded in a low voice, "Grandpa, I really don't know what you are talking about?"

"Hmph, you bastard, don't you think I'm really old, did you know that Camille has three percent of the

Simpson Group in her name?"

The old Simpson lowered his voice to question, but still word for word into the mouth of Camille

standing in the doorway.

Her eyelids trembled lightly, and a face was expressionless to the extreme.

She pursed her lips lightly and held her breath to keep quiet.

Ayan's voice slowly sounded at this moment, his voice was full of magnetism: "Yes, I have known for a

long time, I did not think that you love her so much that you are willing to give her all the shares of

Simpson Group, we were not married at that time!

"Now that you're married, doesn't the Simpson Group still have a part of her?" the old Simpson, who

had an unconditional preference for Camille, sighed, "When did you know that?"

"When you promise to get married."

"You agreed because of the shares in her name?"

the old Simpson asked.

Ayan said without changing his face, "Yes, it is true that I agreed to get married because of the shares

in her name, I want to find out why you want to do this?"

"Is it clear now?"

Ayan laughed, "It's not quite clear yet either that your preference for her is simply because of THE old

Armstrong side?"

"At the beginning, I think, but after understanding the child Camille sincere treatment of people, the

Simpson family no longer need to strengthen the way to consolidate the position, so to choose a

suitable for you suitable for the Simpson family talent, when the marriage was engaged, Cami's

grandfather and I was also worried about the unstable so I took the initiative to propose To give him a

heart comfort assurance."

"Originally I thought only the two of us knew about it, but it turned out that you also knew about it, so up

to now you and Cami continue this marriage or because of this three percent share?"

the old Simpson said a lot, at first even Fletcher is concealed, because he and the old Armstrong many

years friends, although the period broke contact, but the feelings are very pure, the old Armstrong did

not ask for anything, everything is his initiative to give.

Ayan did not have much of a reaction after hearing this, the expression on his face was more like he

did not take this matter as a matter of doing something, he said lightly: "What do you want to say?

What are you going to do if I continue the marriage because of the three percent share?"

"Be serious, do I look like I'm joking with you again?"

the old Simpson coldly shouted.

Ayan, however, laughed: "Grandpa, you don't believe anything I say, so why do you even ask me?"

"What do you mean? Is this three percent of shares that important to you?"

the old Simpson got a little angry.

But he always maintained a gentle smile: "Grandpa, aren't you worried that Camille might have an

agenda? Or did she marry me for the three percent of shares? Of course, it can't be ruled out that the

old Armstrong told her, but if she didn't know anything, why would she choose to marry me? After all,

she doesn't love me and has no basic feelings or understanding of me, don't you think it's strange?"

Ayan finished hooking his lips to show a light smile at the old Simpson, especially the old Simpson

frowning when the corners of his mouth smile deeper.

He asked in a light voice, "What's that look? If you really want to get to the bottom of it, why don't you

ask around and get Camille to talk for me and ask her why she wants to marry me?"

the old Simpson face is cold, a pair of eyes is also full of serious slight anger.

But before the old Simpson's words could be spoken, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed opennovelbin

from the outside.

Camille's face was expressionless and pale as she listened to all of Ayan's words, which became the

deadliest blow to her heart.

It turns out that the love she had been holding on to was destined to be a benefit from the beginning,

she thought it was simply for the old Simpson and the old Armstrong's request to get married, but did

not think that she was, but Ayan was not, and Ayan only agreed to it because of the shares.

Her appearance made the old Simpson and Ayan both stare at her in awe, obviously frozen, not

expecting her to appear.

the old Simpson immediately spoke up to try to change the subject: "Cami, so late, how come you still

have not rested ah? Ayan..."

"So the reason for your sudden refusal to divorce is also for these shares, right?"

Ayan frowned and looked at his grandfather with a slightly pale face.

Camille sneered: "You think I'm scheming against the Simpson family because of the Simpson family's

shares, but what about you? You've been scheming against me from the beginning, haven't you? So

who are you to question me? We are all just like that!"

Camille's words are cold and stern without the slightest softness of mouth, a pair of cold gaze is full of

cold stare at Ayan full of chill.

The old Simpson saw the situation and hastily signaled Ayan to hurry up and explain.

But Ayan did not answer any questions positively, but only faintly said: "You are not calm now, no

matter what I say you will not believe, and can not listen, wait for you to calm down after we talk about

this matter!"

"I'm not cool enough? Heh, that's just your excuse, isn't it?" Camille thinks he's not willing to say

anything, just avoiding or maybe subconsciously acquiescing.

Otherwise, with Ayan's nature, how could he say everything?

Ayan didn't make a sound, which in disguise made Camille sure he was acquiescing.

She pursed her lips slightly and gathered a lot of courage as she looked at the old Simpson and

whispered, "Grandpa, I want a divorce."

A few words were extraordinarily clear in the bedroom.

Ayan said coldly, "Camille, just for a few words you want a divorce?"

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