My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 403 - Missed
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Chapter 403 - Missed

Chapter 403 - Missed

Eileen was forced to raise her head, her cheeks stinging hotly, and her chin, which he was pinching

fiercely, was also raw and painful, feeling like it would directly crush at any moment.

Eileen could not speak at all and could only subconsciously grab his arm to make him let go.

But Arnold, with a scowl on his face, dragged her straight to the living room and threw her down on the

couch, then leaned over and held her down: "Eileen, what did Ayan give you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Eileen kept gasping for air, feeling so much pain all over her

body, Arnold had no mercy and no soft hands, completely as if he wanted to kill her directly.

Her denial, naturally, Arnold would not believe.

Arnold casually slapped her again, causing her to burn and dizziness.

No matter what Eileen said Arnold didn't believe it, he repeated over and over again questioning what

Ayan had given him.

This went on for almost ten minutes until the doorbell of the apartment rang again.

But Arnold immediately got defensive and then covered Eileen's mouth, "You got someone coming?"

Eileen shook her head violently.

Arnold slightly narrowed his eyes, the ruthlessness under his eyes is very obvious, of course he will not

let the person knocking on the door outside know that Eileen is home, so he covered Eileen's mouth

hand in increasing strength.

Such a move made Eileen feel for a moment to die of suffocation, and she had even given up

struggling, because without breathing, weak and weak, she could not help a big man.

Just as she thought she was going to be muffled by Arnold she seemed to hear the sound of the door

opening, then accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps approaching, until the hand on her mouth

was removed, she then hurriedly gasped for air and followed it by sitting up from the couch.

Arnold was already on the ground under control, and the people who came in were three policemen,

and Kian.

Kian looked to Eileen and said, "Miss Khan, it was Mr. Simpson who called the police for you, now why

don't you tell the police yourself what really happened?"

Eileen looked at Arnold on the ground, then got up and walked over to the police, staring at him

condescendingly and saying to them word for word, "He hit me and tried to strangle me, he did it on

purpose, he tried to kill me on purpose."

The bruises on Eileen's face were so obvious and stinging that the police naturally believed them, but

Arnold's side immediately denied them.

Arnold said, "She is nonsense, she is the one who betrayed me, she is the one who stole behind my

back, we are a couple, how could I strangle her? I just lost my hand on impulse."

"What's better to go back to the police station first!"

Although Arnold's identity is that of the Burton family of Hance City, they trust the Simpson Group's

Ayan more than the Burton family.

The Simpson family is naturally more convincing than the Burton family.

So Arnold was taken straight away, no matter how he struggled to resist all to no avail, until he walked

out of the apartment door, Eileen this jogged to follow.

"Wait." She called out to the police officer and Arnold who were about to enter the elevator, she lookednovelbin

to the police officer and asked, "I have something I want to say to him, is that okay?"

Naturally, it is possible, after all, Kian is here to guarantee it.

Eileen's face is slightly light, even though there are obvious fingerprints on her face, but the corners of

her mouth still emerged a light smile, the bottom of her eyes is obviously calculating and cold, she

walked to Arnold, on tiptoe, gently come over and speak a word.

Just as her words fell, Arnold's whole body looked like he had gone crazy: "Eileen, you stinky woman,

you bitch, I'm going to get you killed!"

"Arnold, how can you be like this? I just asked you to cooperate with the police investigation and

correct yourself properly, it's okay if you don't listen, how can you still say such words?"

Eileen took a quick step back to pull away, and the police were immediately controlling Arnold to

prevent him from making any moves.

Arnold threatened Eileen by saying this kind of words in front of the police, which is enough evidence to

threaten Eileen, and it is already a solid fact that he wants to kill Eileen.

Eileen's aggrieved face also succeeded in gaining the sympathy of the police, and Arnold was thus

taken away in front of her.

As for the next thing is Ayan will handle, she does not need to worry about it, turned to Kian: "Mr. Reid,

thank you for arriving in time, also say thank you to Ayan for me!"

In fact, just before opening the door, the message she sent was to Kian, because she knew that Ayan

was busy and could not see it in time, so she chose to contact Kian.

"Miss Khan you are very welcome, but do you need me to take you to the hospital for the injury on your

face?" Kian was a bit flattered, after all, Eileen has always been arrogant, it is difficult to take the

initiative to thank.

"No, I'll just take care of it myself."

Kian nodded and then was ready to leave, but he stopped after two steps and called out to Eileen:

"Miss Khan, Mr. Simpson asked me to tell you that your work has resumed and you will probably be

contacted by your agent this afternoon or tomorrow."

"Good." Eileen eyes clearly visible excitement, she waited for this day for a long time, and now finally

wait, but she is not much happy.

I just mentally asked myself silently, "Is it really possible to continue working?"

Kian left from Eileen here and went straight back to Simpson Group, Arnold was temporarily detained

because of two things, the Burton family side did not have any movement and response, compared

with the long known.

Kian relayed Eileen's thanks to Ayan, who didn't react to it, but only gave a faint hint.

Followed by, Kian said: "Mr. Simpson, I think a little strange each other, Arnold was taken away, Miss

Khan suddenly called a halt alone to his ear to say a word, but I do not know what said? Arnold's

emotions immediately agitated."

Ayan lifted his eyes to look at Kian, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly, "Just simply

provoking Arnold?"

"If it was a provocation, why would Arnold have gotten emotional and said the kind of things he did in

front of the police to get himself in trouble?"

"Do you think she was deliberately trying to get his reaction excited so she went to irritate him?"

Kian shook his head, "Not quite, if it was going to be done like this with Miss Khan's personality it would

have been done at the beginning, but she waited until it was time to leave, so I thought, could it be

something that would be hard for Arnold to accept?"

"Since there is some suspicion, let's go and find out."

Ayan lightly commanded.

Kian nodded his head in response and then prepared to go out and get busy with his work.

Ayan spoke up again, "Put off my evening social engagements, I need to go back to the Simpson's


"Okay, I got it."

Kian nodded down and left the office.

Ayan sat at his desk in silence for a while, then talked to Tomas on the phone about Arnold for a few

minutes, and after that it was about time, he picked up his car keys and left the office.

But instead of driving straight back to the Simpson's manson, he went to the hospital to have dinner

with Rex, and then stayed late into the night before heading to the Simpson's manson.

The reason why I chose this time to come back is because I don't want to run into Camille, according to

Camille's usual rest time, she is already sleeping at this moment, so I won't run into her directly.

She doesn't want to see him right now, so he doesn't want to get her worked up, so he just doesn't let

her know.

Ayan knocked on the door of the old Simpson's room, the old Simpson was still waiting for him, so he

was just lying in bed reading and not resting.

Seeing Ayan pushing the door in, the old Simpson looked bland and asked, "What had to come back at

this hour?"

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