My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 340: Boundaries
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Chapter 340: Boundaries

Chapter 340: Boundaries

Ayan has a wake-up call, was suddenly woken up a stinky and ugly face, but before he can show a

displeased response, the voice in his ear makes his eyes lose focus immediately frozen.

He said in a muffled, deep voice, "Camille is in the hospital emergency room?"

"You don't know?"

"What is she doing in the hospital so late?"

Ayan lifted the covers off the bed and headed out, dressing as he asked Dr. Ellis with a stony face.

Dr. Ellis said that his student saw Camille lying on the examination bed and that she should have just

finished the examination, how the condition is not known yet?

Ayan didn't say much, just said he knew and hung up the phone.

His handsome face was taut with strings, as if it was going to break apart in the next second.

He didn't even have time to change his shoes, so he just grabbed his keys and went out.

He slammed the gas into the ground along the way, and called Camille's cell phone during that time,

but she didn't have her cell phone with her, so no one answered.

Ayan looked hard to see, and eventually threw his phone directly on the passenger seat.

He sulked, suddenly thinking of Sienna.

The phone rang a few times before answering, and without saying goodbye to Sienna, I heard him ask

in a low voice, "What happened to her? Why is she in the hospital at this time?"

"The pain from the contractions." Sienna lowered her voice: "It shouldn't be serious, the doctor said it

was caused by a bad mood."

Sienna's words silenced Ayan.

He did not continue to ask, just said, "Okay, I know, I am now on my way to the hospital again, please."

She was bothered to accompany Camille to the hospital in the middle of the night.

He suddenly thought of what the old Simpson said during the day at the Simpson's manson, he was

Camille's husband, the father of the child in her womb, but he realized clearly at this moment that henovelbin

did not seem to be doing his duty as he should.

Ayan face gloomy to the extreme, continued to accelerate the speed of the car to reach the hospital.

He did not rush up, but sat quietly in the car for two or three minutes before pushing open the door and

going down.

Walking all the way to the door of the ward where Camille was, he gently pushed the door open and

Sienna immediately sat up and got up.

Sienna walks out of the ward and then talks to Ayan in the doorway.

She said, "She's asleep, are you going to stay here?"

"Well, you go back and rest, do you need me to have someone come and drop you off?"

"No, I'll drive myself back."

"Okay, be safe and give me a message when you get back."

He said faintly, a face expressionless without any emotion.

After Sienna left, Ayan stood outside the door of the hospital room for a long time in silence before

pushing the door in.

The ward was quiet, the faint light shining on the woman in the bed, he slowed down and slowly

approached, finally standing at the bedside to stop.

He looked down at Camille, who was lying on the hospital bed, with a face devoid of any expression or


Just look at it for I don't know how long? Only then did he sit down on a side chair.

He was actually quite curious, did he come to her mind during her contraction-induced stomach pains?

Ever thought of contacting him first?

Thinking about this, he hooked his lips and smiled, and under his eyes was a touch of inexplicable


The night passed, Ayan only squinted briefly, and he woke up at dawn when Dr. Ellis himself came over

and talked to him about the situation.

"Nothing is wrong, later in a checkup to see if there are no problems after the hospital can be

discharged, but must maintain a good mood, can not be angry, and can not be too much mood swings,

or repeatedly cause contractions will need to be hospitalized to keep the baby, so the baby will also

have the risk of preterm delivery, so pay more attention to it."

Ayan nodded his head, his face a little stony.

Dr. Ellis saw that his eyes were red and bloodshot, and knew that he must have not slept well last

night, so he could not bear to say anything more, but said, "Don't be too nervous, just pay more

attention to it."

"Okay, I got it." He answered seriously, like an obedient student.

Dr. Ellis rarely saw such a reaction from him, could not help but laugh: "I am relieved that you can

cooperate like this, the Simpson's manson side does not know yet, want to talk to them?"

Ayan glanced at Dr. Ellis, his eyes a little indifferent: "What do you think?"

Dr. Ellis continued to laugh, "Okay, I got it, I'll go ahead and get busy, you stay with Cami, she can have

breakfast later when she wakes up."

Ayan nodded and Dr. Ellis left.

A few minutes later, Camille woke up with her eyes open and found herself in a hospital room. She

subconsciously lifted her hand to touch her abdomen and felt the bulge before she was relieved.

Last night she was really tired after being brought to the hospital by Sienna for a checkup, and the

doctor gave her medication that pregnant women can take, so she slept until now.

She sat up from the bed and immediately saw the man sitting over the couch.

She gave a slight pause, and the man's eyes turned, and they looked at each other, and he said,

"Awake? I just ordered breakfast for you, get up and wash up and you're almost ready to eat."

Camille was a little surprised that Ayan was there.

What about Sienna?

She pursed her lips and did not ask, but quietly got up from the bed and washed up, then walked to the

other side of the sofa and sat down, breakfast was soon brought over.

She ate her breakfast, he sat over there in silence the whole time, and although they shared a room,

there was no conversation or movement.

Camille doesn't eat much, so she put her bowl down after a few bites.

She looked faintly at Ayan and finally couldn't help but say, "Ayan, if you don't want to see me, you can

actually not come, Sienna happens to be fine lately, she can keep me company, and besides, there's

nothing going on."

Her distancing and reticence made Ayan's face instantly grim.

He frowned slightly and stared at her with eyes full of displeasure.

The subconscious thought was that she didn't want to see him, so she didn't want him to come to the


Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice, "What do you mean? Think I forced Preston to

crash his car into the river so you're not happy with me?"

Camille took a deep breath and her face was no better as she said, "Ayan, you're trying to add insult to

injury, I just don't want things to get more strained between us, what does that have to do with


"Didn't our relationship become like this because of Preston? Even the falling out was all because of

Preston, so do you think there's a connection?"

The sullenness under his eyes was very obvious, and the atmosphere in the ward gradually froze up.

Both eyes looked at each other and all emotions were subconsciously ignited.

Camille smiled helplessly, she didn't know why Ayan always put all the problems down to Preston,

wasn't there a problem between them?

Preston was just a trigger, and even without Preston, there were other reasons that would have

completely punctured their relationship.

Camille said lightly: "Ayan, I admit that I have hidden something from you for a short time, I know I said

I wanted to confess to you when you came back from your business trip, you don't believe me, I can

understand, if it were me I wouldn't believe it either, after all, it's just words without any evidence, but I

have a clear conscience, except for this one thing I have guilt and uneasiness for you, I did nothing

wrong. Other things."

Camille said, slightly agitated.

She laughed softly, "I'm tired and don't want to beat myself up all over again, if you have to make any

decision because of this I'll accept it."

"Any decision you accept?" Ayan's face was expressionless: "Making such a big sacrifice just to turn

the page on this?"

He took offense at her words, what did she mean by that? Just tired? Or did she want to completely

clear the line with him?

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