My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 339 Birth Control
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Chapter 339 Birth Control

Chapter 339 Birth Control

Kian froze.

How can he answer this question?

Kian had a difficult face, afraid that if he said the wrong thing, he would be hurt innocent.

He said in a low voice: "Mr. Simpson, the lady can not be with Preston, if she and Preston really have

been together, then break up will not get along like friends, right? And Preston he ... How would he

agree to break up?"

Preston still likes Camille, so how could he possibly want to break up?

This is what a man knows about men.

After Kian's words, the air was tinged with silence, and there was a vague hint of gloom floating around

for Kian to feel a touch of torment.

Ayan didn't say anything more, just asked Kian to leave his laptop and went out.

He sat down at his desk and casually picked up a cigarette and smoked it.

The deep eyes flashed a trace of indifferent chill, the depth under the eyes is very thick as a layer of

thick ink was poured on the invisible bottom.

If Camille's ex-boyfriend is not Preston, which is going on who?

Why has no one ever seen it?

She hid it so deep that she likes that man like that?


He let out a soft drink and outlined a cold smile.

It's not that this woman doesn't have a heart, she just gives it all to others.

He took a sharp puff on his cigarette, choking and coughing because it was too fast and too hard.

He tilted his head and stared at the ceiling, a touch of inexplicable sadness surfaced under his eyes,

but let people look as if it was real, as if such emotions would not be seen from him at all.

He took a silent breath, then reached for the notebook Kian had just put down.

He casually lets go and watches as Kian records what all the people who knew Camille said about her

during the investigation and some of the things that happened to her.

Camille lives with her grandmother, but she is a very cheerful person at heart. She is lively and active in

front of her friends, like a wild horse that has been unshackled and released from its nature, but she isnovelbin

a good girl who knows how to behave in front of her grandmother.

The two sides of her Ayan has only seen one side so far, the other side of her he has not seen.

So she was defensive of him, right?

Camille lay there until after 4 p. m. when Sienna messaged her and asked, "Still not back yet? Are you

staying over for dinner?"

"It's been a long time since I got back, are you up?"

"At home?"


"I'm going over there now."

Camille did not reply, just read the message and then put the phone aside, Sienna was himself opened

the door and came in.

Seeing her lying motionless on the couch, Sienna asked, "What's wrong?"

"A little tired."

Camille responded lightly, since she came back in the afternoon she felt breathless, she felt

uncomfortable in her heart and had an indescribable feeling.

Sienna walked over and subconsciously touched her forehead: "No fever, is there something wrong

with you?"

Camille shook her head, "Nothing, probably tired."

"You didn't do anything, why are you tired?"

Sienna poured her a glass of warm water and then sat on the carpet in front of her, looking at her with a

worried look on her face.

Camille lay on her side and brought up what happened at the Simpson's manson today, "I saw him, at

the Simpson's manson, but he didn't even say a word to me before he left."

As for asking her that is not even a conversation, right?

Camille's emotions were low, and there was a hint of tears under her eyes.

Sienna turned to face her, staring at her with a crooked head, "Sad?"

"Talk about not being sad, just feeling so tired."

"Want to give up?"

"I don't know."

If we give up simply because of this matter, it seems a bit too childish and unreasonable, right?

But if the status quo continued, she wondered how long such a relationship could last?

If we are together for the sake of being together, it seems to be different from her original intention at

the beginning.

This is also not the family atmosphere she wants to give her baby.

She did not have a harmonious and happy family atmosphere, so she wanted to give her baby a happy

enough environment to grow up in.

She doesn't want to condemn her baby because of herself.

In fact, she didn't know when the idea of divorce started to waver. Was it because of Ayan's unfailing

care and kindness to her?

People are really easy to get used to, once you get used to it you really take it for granted and forget all

the negative.

She asked Sienna, "Have I lost myself?"

Sienna thought very seriously: "If you yourself are questioning whether you have lost yourself, then I

think you really need to reflect on it."

Camille was also deep in thought because of Sienna's words.

Yes, you are questioning yourself, so what will others think?

She sat up from the sofa with determination in her eyes: "I believe I am still my original self, and I will

not lose my own meaning and existence because of anyone."

"That's not right."

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

In the evening, as a reward for Sienna's enlightenment and encouragement, Camille treats Sienna to a

bowl of noodles at great expense.

Sienna was in a bad mood, cursing and swearing and wanting to drown her with spittle.

Camille said, "I understand, I still have to save for the baby!"

Again, this excuse, but Sienna can not refute, who let people pregnant with a baby, and people do not

eat themselves, just for her to order a copy.

Sienna said suspiciously, "You're not going to eat well behind my back, are you?"

"I promise I won't eat, I'm not hungry, I ate too much for lunch."

In fact, she has little appetite, so she doesn't want to eat at all.

Camille was not feeling well at the beginning of the afternoon, just thought it was because of her mood

and the fact that she was tired after being busy most of the day yesterday from the villa.

But until the middle of the night, she suddenly felt an unbearable pain in her abdomen, she was asleep,

but woke up with this pain.

Camille immediately woke up Sienna, who was sleeping on the floor: "My stomach hurts."

Sienna got up immediately before her eyes opened, then hurriedly got her a coat and put it on, and

dressed herself and went out.

She assisted Camille while contacting the hospital emergency and then drove all the way to the


She kept talking to Camille all the way to distract Camille's attention.

"Cami, why don't we go to Flento City in a couple of days for a few days? Accompany me to the King

family, you are Mrs. Simpson now, with you, the King family all have to treat me with respect."

Camille covered her stomach, her forehead in a cold sweat, wondering how it could hurt like this. She

kept an eye on her body's reaction and was incredibly worried that something uncontrollable would


She didn't have any heart to respond to Sienna's words, but Sienna didn't care either, and her mouth

rambled on without stopping.

The usual half-hour and almost forty-minute drive took Sienna just over twenty minutes to get there.

The doctors on the hospital side were also waiting at the entrance. As soon as Camille got off the bus,

she was helped onto a trolley and pushed to the examination room.

Sienna stood at the door waiting, her heart also worried, she held the phone, hesitating to call Ayan?

She looked at the time, 3:30 am.

The reply she wanted to wait for, she didn't need to call if nothing was going on, she hoped not to call

Ayan and hoped Camille was okay.

She prayed silently in her heart.

Half an hour or so, Camille was pushed out of the examination room by the nurse, the doctor said, "is

the contractions caused by stomach pain, pregnant women may be mood caused, usually still need to

keep the mood happy to do, tonight need to be hospitalized for observation, if the pain continues may

affect the baby will need to be hospitalized to keep the baby."

Sienna thanked her and followed the nurse to take Camille back to her private room.

On Camille's way back to her hospital room, she met the doctor who had gone to the villa to examine

Camille and immediately asked, "Mrs. Simpson?" when she saw it was Camille.

Sienna glanced at him, then nodded slightly.

The doctor looked at Camille lying on the trolley and was a bit apprehensive, but even at this hour, he

called Dr. Ellis, his teacher, and told him the details of the situation.

Dr. Ellis immediately called Ayan over, "Do you know if Camille is in the hospital emergency room right


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