My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 334 Hooked
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Chapter 334 Hooked

Chapter 334 Hooked

But in fact, he said this on purpose, he just wanted Eileen to let down her guard, if she and Preston

really have some secret that cannot be told, then there will definitely be other actions.

So what he has to do is the mantis catching the cicada and the yellow bird in the back, just silently

waiting for the fish to take the bait.

However, Eileen was not aware of Ayan's mind, but really thought he had put the matter of Preston

behind him, after all, the defeat of his men is just, what is worth worrying about?

When you think about it, it seems to make sense.

Eileen is a bit reluctant, originally saw the news online that Camille and Ayan relationship is not good

she was very happy, and then because Camille disappeared for several days, plus those words of

Preston, she is more sure that Camille and Ayan must be a conflict, so she is a chance.

But who knew that today I would run into Camille, but it seems that the relationship between the two

has not completely recovered.

Eileen tries carefully, "Ayan, if Preston isn't dead and alive, aren't you worried he'll go crazy?"

"What's there to worry about?" He snorted and swept her off her feet, "Eileen, if you really want to

convince everyone that you don't have anything to do with Preston, then you need to be completely

clear of him."

Ayan lifted his feet and left when he finished.

As for why he suddenly came over to the hospital, he is probably the only one who knows.

Camille and Sienna didn't go back to the apartment after leaving the hospital garage, nor did they go

shopping for any household items, but went straight to the office.

With so much happening, she was not able to come to the office. Fortunately, Sienna let Yessica take

care of everything, otherwise it would really be a mess.

After arriving at the office, she took the elevator upstairs accompanied by Sienna. As the elevator wasnovelbin

about to reach the company floor, Camille suddenly said, "I'm a little nervous, what should I do?"

"What are you nervous about?" Sienna took her hand and asked softly, "Too long since you've been

here? Getting rusty?"

"It's not rusty, it's just a little overwhelming."

She murmured in response.

Sienna said, "I'm not with you? Don't worry, everything is fine, I have already told Yessica in advance,

besides, you own the company, what are you worried about?"

"Sienna, I you know what I mean, although it's your own company, but now that the sky has changed,

the employees have probably accumulated a lot of doubts in their hearts, right?"

"Every company changes, and not everything has to be explained clearly to the employees, as long as

you are awake yourself."

Camille smiled, and her mood of concern dissipated.

When she entered the office, Yessica was already waiting at the entrance.

When he saw Camille, he immediately greeted him: "Mr. Armstrong, I miss you so much, where have

you been these days?"

"You ask less about the boss's schedule." Sienna made a shushing gesture.

Yessica immediately looked at Camille with a mysterious face, "Is it something you can't say?"

"Sort of." Camille nodded, then exchanged a smile with Sienna.

Because of Camille's sudden arrival, the company's employees couldn't help but ask a few questions,

"Mr. Armstrong, will our company remain open?"

"Mr. Walker he ... We don't know if we should continue working now?"

Everyone's anxiety and apprehension Camille understood very well in her heart, so she made a

response in front of all of them: "The company will of course continue to operate, everyone work well

and strive to become one of the partners of the company one day sooner, as for other things, you don't

need to worry or pay special attention to it."

She refers to the part about Preston. No questions, no gossip, no curiosity, and there will be no


Camille's simple reassurance gave everyone a sense of perspective, and when she returned to the

office, Yessica took the initiative to report on the past few days' work, in addition to the design draft.

Yessica said, "You've been away for the past few days, and Liam and the others haven't stopped

drawing, but they still don't have any bottom, so will we continue with the competition?"

"Of course I'm going to participate."

Camille said without hesitation.

Yessica pursed her lips and asked, "So will you be joining us? There are not many days left, will it be

too late?"

"Yessica, you've been here since the beginning of the company, you should know my character, I don't

like it when a person has no confidence in themselves, that way even if someone gives you a chance,

you don't have the guts to grasp it and fight for it, so don't say anything to depress yourself, huh?"

Yessica then nodded in response, but Camille still didn't tell her positively if the competition would be

without her.

Because she is not sure yet either, she is not talking about it for the time being so as not to affect

Yessica and the others.

Camille sat down at her desk, then asked Yessica, "Is Mr. Walker's secretary here?"

"It's on."

"Send him in for a minute, I have something to ask him."


Yessica went out to call someone.

Sienna followed suit and said, "I'm not in a good place, I'll go out and wait for you."

Camille nodded her head to say yes, and Sienna left just before, followed by Preston's secretary

knocking on the door.

Camille gestured for him to sit down, and then only then did she ask, "I suppose you guessed why I

was looking for you?"

"Guessing a little bit, are you trying to ask me about Mr. Walker?"

"Well, pretty much, I wanted to ask if you knew what he had done recently to begin with? I don't mean

to doubt you, I just want to get some clarity."

Camille is not suspicious of Preston's secretary, but simply wants to know what Preston is trying to do.

But the secretary said, "Mr. Armstrong, I'm really sorry, I don't know anything about Mr. Walker except

his work, and I don't know anything about his personal life, so I can't answer your question."

"Okay, I get it, you don't have to be stressed, I'm just asking."

Camille nodded her head and didn't press the secretary.

After all, Preston hadn't even revealed a hint of it to her, so how could he possibly talk to the

secretaries around him?

Camille told the secretary not to think too much and not to have any pressure, just chatting like asking

and let him go out.

She leaned back in her seat and sighed heavily.

Sienna also pushed the door open at that moment and came in.

Sienna asked, "What's wrong? Did you have an unhappy conversation?"

Camille shook her head, "No, it was nothing that came out of the conversation."

"Maybe he doesn't know."

"Well, maybe."

Camille sighed again as she looked to Sienna and asked, "Are you saying that Preston is really doing

this for me? Like Eileen said, she was threatened and forced by Preston to sow discord between me

and Ayan, all because of Preston?"

Sienna blinked subconsciously and said faintly, "What do you think?"

Camille laughed lightly and verbally sneered, "If it were you, would you give everything you have for

someone who gets absolutely no response or results and has shown many times that it won't be


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