My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 333 Distinguish
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Chapter 333 Distinguish

Chapter 333 Distinguish

She hurriedly got out of the car, then bowed slightly towards Camille to apologize, her eyes were

immediately red with tears of aggression, she said: "Camille, I know you are worried about Preston

because of him, but you can't accuse me, I admit that I did meet Preston several times in private, but it

was him who threatened to force me. If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

"Eileen, what are you talking about?"

Camille swept her up with some confusion.

But Eileen always looks weaker, she said softly: "You are so specially blocked me in the parking lot is

not because you are worried that Preston again want to question whether there is a relationship

between me and Ayan or not?

I have sworn to you, Ayan and I those misunderstandings are caused by Preston, those are Preston for

you deliberately created, I also understand that it is not you want Preston to do so, but he chose to end

himself in this way in order not to drag you down is the fact ah, did I say anything wrong?"

"If I'm honestly all wrong then I can apologize to you and say I'm sorry, but Camille I still hope you can

think more about Ayan, after all you're still pregnant with his child!"

The meaning of Eileen's words is obvious, it is only in the expression Preston can die for Camille, the

relationship between the two can be seen how shallow ah.

Camille did not have any response, just looked at her coldly, and this sudden change of heart made her

feel very shocked.

After all, her three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn of attitude in a minute really makes people feel very


There are not many possibilities that could make her react and change this much, so Camille

immediately had some suspicions after just a little careful thought.

She followed Eileen's tone and asked in a low voice, "I didn't say anything about you, I just happened

to run into you and wanted to ask you about your relationship with Preston, why did you react so

strongly? You think Preston chose to drive down the river because of me, how can you be so sure? Did

he say something to you or imply something?"

"You ...."

"Am I right?" Camille pretended to cover her mouth and stared at her incredulously, then followed with,

"Is that why you've been denying being close to Preston so you don't want us to know about your

relationship? After all, even Molly thinks you are dating, so why do you keep denying that you don't

know him? Are you hiding some secret that you can't tell? "

"I didn't."

Eileen immediately denied, then subconsciously looked to the left, the man did not know when standing

behind her car.

A handsome face without the slightest extra expression, deep black eyes are also a guessing game

what he is thinking?

Camille and Sienna followed her gaze, and Sienna laughed softly: "So the big change is because Mr.

Simpson is here, Miss Khan is really not going to stop singing and go into acting?"

Sienna's teasing made Eileen blush, she hurriedly lifted her feet and walked to Ayan, she tilted her

head and looked at the person in front of her and said, "Ayan, I didn't, I've told you everything between

me and Preston, you believe me right?"

Eileen subconsciously grabbed Ayan's arm, waiting for his response with eyes full of expectation.

Camille stared at her the same way, not expecting to run into him here.

He knew she was coming to the hospital, but she didn't think he was coming specifically to see her.

In contrast, she was more convinced that he was here to see Eileen.

When she thought of this, her heart was flooded with sadness, and then she subconsciously dropped

her eyes and stopped looking at him, she turned her head and was ready to say to Sienna beside her

to go away

But before the words were out of his mouth, he heard Ayan's faint questioning voice: "So you really

don't have any relationship with Preston, right?"

Eileen froze, completely unprepared for Preston to follow up on Camille's words.

She opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "Ayan, don't you believe me?"

"Eileen, it's up to you to answer whether I believe you or not, huh?"

His voice was hoarse with a low, warm blandness.

Eileen pursed her lips, she continued after a short silence: "I really don't have any relationship with

Preston, he and I have never been together, he won't like me, he has someone he likes in his heart, the

reason why Molly misunderstood is probably because I met with Preston several times, but every time

we met, he threatened me. Ayan, I have no reason to lie to you!"

Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes without speaking, and the atmosphere followed the quiet.

Eileen saw this, subconsciously swept a glance at Camille standing to the side, and then added a fire

without moving: "Ayan, Camille is so beautiful and excellent, if I were a boy I would also have a liking

for her, so how could Preston choose me to give her up?"

She seems to be belittling herself, but in fact she is telling Ayan that she has nothing to do with

Preston, and the person who has something to do with Preston is Camille.

Camille listened with a slight frown, her face slightly light and cold, but she didn't say anything, just

glanced at Ayan.

He did not react too much, looked lightly and swept a glance at Eileen, and did not know what was in

his mind?

Sienna saw this, coldly snorted: "Eileen you can turn black and white, you and Preston are threatened

or have other reasons you know, but you do not pull step Camille, or I will not let you go."

"Miss King, I'm just being honest too." Eileen pursed her lips slightly and gave Sienna a fearless look

before changing the subject and saying, "Ayan, can you give me a ride?"

Ayan did not respond and gave her an expressionless look.

Eileen added, "I have something to talk to you about that has to do with Preston that I think should

work for you."

Without waiting for Ayan's response, Camille spoke first, "Sienna, let's go, there are still some supplies

and dishes to buy for the evening."

With these words, Camille had already turned around and walked away directly.

The whole process without the slightest delay, Sienna is also immediately more on, just eyes deepnovelbin

glare at Eileen.

Camille walked quickly to Sienna's car and got in, not really wanting to hear Ayan promise to give

Eileen a ride herself, and not curious about what they were going to talk about?

So out of sight, out of mind, she'd better go first.

Sienna got in and quickly started the car and left the garage, asking with concern, "Cami, is everything


"I'm fine." Camille revealed a light smile, then leaned back in her seat and gazed out the window, an

inexplicable irritation drifting under her eyes.

After Camille left with Sienna, Ayan did not agree to see her off as Eileen had wanted.

Just look at her expressionlessly, low voice with some warning and reminded: "Eileen, I reminded you

to be more peaceful, what should do and what should not do you should distinguish, after all, you are

an adult, you have to be responsible for their own words and actions!"

Eileen blushed furiously and looked at the man in front of her in a daze and said in a low voice: "Ayan, I

didn't mean anything else, I really just want to talk to you about Preston, I ...."

"What do you think Preston has that I should care about? He's either dead now, or even if he's not, he's

just a runaway, what can he do?"

His verbal sneer and completely uncaring tone did not put Preston in his eyes at all.

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