My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 320 - The Price
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Chapter 320 - The Price

Chapter 320 - The Price

A sly smile appeared on his face, and the deep meaning under his eyes was gradually increasing as he

said, "Ayan, do you you know why she didn't tell you first when she got pregnant? You have not thought

why she did not tell you? Or are you sure that the child in her belly is yours and not someone else's?

We spend time together every day, don't you understand the meaning of the phrase "love over time"?"novelbin

"Besides, why didn't she do anything after she found out I was dealing with the Simpson Group and

you? And did not think to tell you, you will not even think about what it is because of? If she really didn't

care about me at all, she could have told you everything as soon as she knew about it, so why drag it

out until you found out?"

Ayan did not have any movement and reaction throughout, a face gloomy to the extreme, deep black

eyes also as being splashed with a layer of thick black ink as dark and heavy.

His expression made Preston very satisfied, and the words in his mouth were getting over and over,

more and more uncovered, without even thinking of stopping there.

Preston continued with a smile on his face: "Ayan, you say that you are considered a man? If I were

you I wouldn't dare to come out and say it, wouldn't you be ashamed if your subordinates knew about

it? You you think you've won? In fact, you lost the most miserable and most completely."

Preston's last word fell, and instead of Ayan's verbal response, he was greeted with a hard punch that

knocked him straight to the ground.

Preston simply did not react, and then face him again Ayan directly grabbed his collar to lift him up from

the ground, handsome face is no half of the previous gentle and elegant, between the eyebrows is a

thick layer of shady hostility, no restraint of the open emitted.

He did not give Preston any chance to resist, directly after a punch landed followed by a second punch.

The clear sound of bones colliding with bones echoed in the garage, and each lap fell enough to raise

a heart-stopping tremor.

Kian stood by with two bodyguards, ready to come forward to help.

But look at the situation, Ayan is obviously the upper hand, it does not even need to be.

Ayan's deep eyes were filled with cold killing intent as he glared at Preston with a cold provocative

voice: "Aren't you a good talker? What do you look like now?"

Preston was hit so badly because he was defenseless just now, and now after he recovered, he

immediately had to return the collection.

Kian saw this and stepped forward to stop him, but Ayan waved his hand and smiled lightly, "No, I can

handle a villain like him all by myself."

Preston did not take any advantage, but Ayan beat him badly, physical exertion, and eventually was

touched by Preston cheek, but compared to the injury Preston suffered that is simply too light.

In the end, Preston was beaten on the ground without the strength to fight back, a face full of bruises

and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, Ayan stood on the side looking at him from a high

position, raised his foot and kicked him, coldly warned: "Those dirty words in your mouth and those

hypocritical and perverted thoughts in your heart had better be cleared away, if I hear your nonsense a

second time, it will It won't be as simple as today."

He held out his hand to Kian, who immediately handed him a wet wipe, which he slowly and

methodically wiped his bony fingers, then threw it directly at Preston's face, with a humiliating gesture

and attitude, and a growing sense of warning between his words.

"I don't care if you've been with her again or not, and I don't care if she loves me or not? But she's my

wife now, and a villain like you Preston doesn't even deserve her to be together, so what are you

getting to be arrogant in front of me?"

Ayan's words made Preston suddenly explode with emotion, and even though he was lying on the

ground, he still let out a tearing roar as he said, "Ayan, you and all of the Simpson family will get what's

coming to you, you think you've won? Bullshit, you haven't won at all, it's just beginning, you will pay a

heavy price!"

Preston's curse made Ayan's eyebrows knit together, and he vaguely sensed a hint of unease in those


This uneasiness comes from there he can not say.

Only the indifference on his face obviously deepened as he narrowed his eyes slightly and questioned,

"What do you mean?"

Preston doesn't say anything, he just laughs uncontrollably.

His laughter caused Ayan's emotions to slowly change, but soon he calmed down, perhaps Preston

was just playing a trick.

Ayan gave him an expressionless look, and the police arrived at that moment.

Kian saw the police car and immediately went up to Ayan and said, "Mr. Simpson, Logan is here with


"Well, take him back to the police station, I'd like to see what he can turn out?"

When Ayan's words fell, he turned right around and prepared to walk towards the car.

Preston on the ground also heard the conversation between the two, then, with all his strength, he got

up from the ground, and then took advantage of all the people are not prepared and attention when

directly run like running away.

The movement behind him naturally drew Ayan back, and Kian whispered in his ear, "He ran away."

Ayan slightly hooked up a faint smile, the meaning under the eyes is very deep, he faintly said: "Since it

ran, then let Logan hurry to chase it."

The police vehicle chased out at once.

Preston moved quickly because there was no way to get out of his own car, so he ran on his legs to the

exit of the parking garage and then forced a woman to park as he got in his car and drove away as fast

as he could.

This scene was all caught by Ayan's eyes.

Kian inquired at this point, "Mr. Simpson, do we go after it?"

"Sure." He curled his lips into a smile and then got into the car.

Kian drove the car himself, driving extremely fast and chasing all the way.

Kian looked at Ayan through the rearview mirror while driving, then asked in a light voice, "Mr.

Simpson, do you think Logan and the others will be able to catch Preston?"

"That depends on whether or not Preston wants to be caught?"

Ayan leaned on the back seat, his eyes closed, his face slightly light, and his voice was inaudible


But he is right, Preston is absolutely do not want to be caught, he is almost as desperate to escape,

once the slack is caught by the police, then all will be over.

So he absolutely cannot be caught.

Preston drove all the way over to the Hance CityThe Claymert Bridge, there were a number of errant

vehicles along the way, but he was already red-eyed and full of ideas on how to get away from the

police, there was no time to think about the rest.

Because of this, he thought only how to escape, and did not care about the other, so when he was

blocked on the bridge, he did not think anything, directly stepped on the full throttle out of the bridge,

the car just fell directly into the river.

The river raised a huge wave, and because it was night, so it was impossible to see how the situation

really is?

Logan immediately led a detour to the river, followed by reinforcements arrived, but the car was

transferred into the river, there was nothing unusual around it, and nothing was found.

Kian also received the news drove to the scene, he looked back at the closed eyes of Ayan, whispered:

"Mr. Simpson, Preston drove into the river, do you think he can live?"

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