My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 319 - Don’T Even Think About It
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Chapter 319 - Don'T Even Think About It

Chapter 319 - Don't even think about it

Eileen blinked gently, somewhat confused and dazed, but she couldn't stand being scolded by Preston

like this.

She snorted coldly, "Who are you to talk about me? Who told you to count on me? You should have

told me what you were going to do earlier, instead of doing these things that hurt me without my

knowledge like this."

Preston didn't want to keep talking to her, and suddenly something occurred to him and he asked, "You

were hospitalized last night?"

"Well, he found out ."

Preston sunken his face, his face became more and more ugly, so Ayan deliberately created such a

play what is the meaning?

At once, he understood completely.

Ayan is forcing him to show up voluntarily?

Preston's face was getting ugly, then he raised his finger and pointed at Eileen: "You'll pay for your

decision today, you think Ayan will let you go after he caught me? The first thing you need to do is to

get a good idea of what you're doing.

He smiled coldly, and the expression on his face was very gloomy and ugly.

After saying this, he immediately turned around and left the ward, he needed to get out of here before

Ayan came over or notified the police to come.

The good arrangements were ruined by Eileen, if not for her .... care He should have just let her

disappear from this world.

Preston was so exasperated that he hurried all the way to the parking lot, and only then did he slowly

relax a bit, glad that Ayan was still moving slowly.

The corners of his mouth curled up in a light smile, then he took a big step towards the car.

Only, he was just about to walk to the car when a car's high beam suddenly opened at this time

towards him.

Preston raised his hand to shield his eyes from the blinding light. He tried to look over, but the light was

too bright to see who it was?

Until the man's low magnetic voice slowly rang out, "Mr. Walker where is this going?"

It's Ayan.

He was waiting here early?

Preston expressionlessly put down the hand covering his eyes, he looked over again, and then noticed

Ayan penning his voice standing there, a face revealing a meaningful smile, exuding an air of well-

being, as if to tell him again, Preston, you can't get away.

This is the first time the two men have met since this incident occurred, and both men carry the taste of

gunpowder in their eyes.

Ayan saw that he was sluggish for so long without any reaction, so he mocked and sneered, "Preston,

you are simply a Sun Monkey under the Five Fingers Mountain, don't ever think of escaping, no matter

what you use, as long as I don't want to, you won't succeed."

He is now telling Preston, these days let him peacefully that is his willingness to appear, if he is not

willing, would have been caught.

This is Ayan.

Preston narrowed his eyes slightly, his face was very ugly, he said, "Heh, Ayan, you are talking yourself

up as a very capable person, if you are really so god, why do you delay to do it?"

Preston knew in his heart that Ayan's words could not be false, but because of the antagonistic

relationship between the two, he naturally would not admit it.

In the face of his provocation, Ayan did not have the slightest ripple, just a faint look at him, the words

of sarcasm still exist: "Even if I do not do you are not as hot as the ants on the pot has been a mess?

What's more, like you only rely on the use of women to reach the purpose, but they do not have the

slightest ability, even if I do not do anything, you .... also scared to death, right?"

Ayan finished, the thin lips slightly up to reveal a light smile, that smile is extremely ironic, so that

Preston's inner sense of inferiority in the invisible increase, the kind of inferiority in the bones is also a

little bit overflowing, as a great insult descended on him.

The fireworks between the two broke out completely, and Preston naturally did not let Ayan off so


He laughed coldly, and his words were mocking, he said, "So what if you depend on women? After all,

Cami doesn't love you, she only has that beloved ex in her heart, she doesn't have the slightest

affection for you.

His words succeeded in making Ayan's face turn gloomy and cold, and the anger under his eyes was

very obvious.

Although he knows that Preston is deliberately provoking him, Ayan can't help but wonder more than

once if Camille told Preston herself.

Because he is aware that Camille has an ex-boyfriend, married him because he wants to completely

clear the boundaries with his ex-boyfriend no longer, so even his own marriage is willing to sacrifice, as

long as the thought of this point, Ayan's mood is difficult to calm.

Because he doesn't know if Camille still loves the ex-boyfriend in her heart?

And I wonder if Camille is willing to divorce him for that ex-boyfriend?

All these things made his inner emotions more and more agitated, he narrowed his eyes slightly and

said coldly: "No matter who she thinks in her heart, now she is Ayan's wife and she is carrying my child

in her belly, and you? You dare not say anything but to wander around her as a friend, compared to this

hypocritical villain behavior of yours is what makes people feel more ridiculous."

Preston's face changed: "How much better are you than me? If it wasn't for Cami's grandmother, do

you think she would have been willing to have the baby for you? If her grandmother's surgery is over,

it's unknown whether the baby will remain."

"If she really didn't want the baby, why didn't she do it behind my back before I found out? This will not

be more certain, right? And why wait until I already know before the idea of not wanting a child, this is

not with me as an enemy?"

Ayan snickered, the haze between the eyebrows deepening, looking at Preston's eyes are also like the

calm before the storm, at any time will completely erupt.

Preston only gave a short pause, then began to mislead Ayan, he said: "This is just your idea, you are

not Cami, you naturally have no way to know how she is thinking in her heart? I've known her longer

than you, so I naturally know more about her than you do. Do you think you know her or I know her?"

"Does this matter? Do you know much she would cross the line with me for you? Not really, right? On

the contrary, she would draw a line in the sand with you for me, that's a fact."

Ayan looked at him calmly, the corner of his mouth sarcasm is very obvious, so that Preston speech is

not any back to block the words.

The coldness of the atmosphere did not become harmonious because of the brief silence, but rather

because of this brief silence is increasingly condensed.

The smell of gunpowder and coldness that filled the room became more and more obvious as Ayan

walked slowly and methodically forward, a cynical smile appearing at the corners of his mouth:novelbin

"Preston, you claim to know her, to have known her longer, but have you ever thought about it? Even if

you knew her longer, she would not be able to fall in love with you, let alone be with you, because your

status is not worthy of her."

He deliberately added the words "your status" to make Preston's inferiority complex and feelings more

obvious and outward.

Because his identity is the adopted son of the Walker family, and because his identity is the most

thorough and clear to Camille, his subconscious thought is, did Camille tell Ayan everything?

Why else would Ayan say these things to provoke him?

Preston narrowed his eyes slightly, the coldness and coolness under his eyes slowly deepened, he

hooked his lips and sneered: "How do you know we haven't been together? And how do you know that

her ex-boyfriend, who she has loved for a long time, will not be me?"

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