My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 286 Missing You
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Chapter 286 Missing You

Chapter 286 Missing You

After saying that, he turned his gaze to the other two, and as they were helpless, they could only end

up nodding in agreement with his words under his gaze.

Rex took a drink from his glass, the stinging spice of the alcohol sliding down his throat but doing

nothing to numb his insides.

As for Nicholas and Tomas are also immediately play dead to look away, afraid that Ayan will say that

they are also worthless.

Because of Ayan's words, the atmosphere in the room became quiet and low. Originally, he was the

only one who drank, but now it became two people, and the one who joined behind seemed to drink

more fiercely.

The three sat in the clubhouse until close to the early morning.

Ayan had several drinks, but he wasn't drunk. The drunk one was Rex, who was babbling nonsense

and kept arguing to go to Sienna.

But no one responded to his words, and Nicholas and Tomas assisted him as the driver pulled the car

over and got in.

Rex wasn't idle in the car, seeing Ayan with anyone: "Ayan, will you take me to meet Camille?"

Ayan cold face, just about kicked him right out of the car: "You can't talk I can give you a chance to

reorganize before you say."

"Ayan, you don't want to be normal with a drunk." Nicholas hurriedly held Rex down in his seat to

prevent him from moving any further.

But Rex is as crazy as a thief after drinking, it is impossible to stop.

He doesn't want to see Ayan anymore, and he doesn't want to see Camille, and he's back to clamoring

for Sienna.

Not only that, Nicholas sat with him, he directly hugged Nicholas' neck and was about to kiss him, he

said, "Sienna, I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong, kiss you, huh?"

Nicholas frowned, his face hard as hell: "What are you up to?"

He pushed the person directly aside, speechless.

But where does Rex stop?

He kissed Nicholas and began to look for Tomas, all avoiding him, except Ayan, who was resting on the

seat with his eyes closed, did not move, he thought it was obvious that Sienna was sitting there, with

an unhappy face that made him heartbroken and anxious, so he jumped right over.

The warm lips just fell on Ayan's cheek.

Ayan opened his eyes in the next second, narrow and deep eyes reveal Zhan Zhan splashed out

before killing, that handsome face is expressionless to the extreme.

He stared coldly at Rex: "You want to die?"

Nicholas and Tomas wanted to laugh, but did not dare, so they have been holding back to control their

emotions out.

The two of them hurriedly separated Rex from Ayan and said, "Ayan, he's drunk, he's a drunk, don't

bother with him."

Ayan drew a wet paper and kept wiping his cheeks repeatedly, his face never looked better.

It lasted until the car pulled up under the apartment building and he got out of the car and Nicholas

asked, "Do you want me to walk you up?"

"No need." He said faintly.

Nicholas nodded, "Okay, then you be safe and we'll send him back."

Ayan did not speak, just indifferently swept a glance at Rex, then only unhurriedly said: "Send him back

to do what?"

Nicholas and Tomas looked at each other, and the latter quickly said, "Ayan, you're not going to leave

him on the side of the road, are you?"

"You see me as someone who could do something like that?"

He lifted his eyelids, revealing a few moments of calculated coldness.

Nicholas and Tomas did not say anything, but their hearts were silently mourning for Rex.

The next second, Ayan spoke without question: "Since he misses Sienna so much, let's make him


The two men did not understand what he meant.

He narrowed his eyes and sketched out an indifferent smile, "You two just be the Thunderbirds and

carry him upstairs."

Nicholas said, "Ayan, would that be a bad idea?"

"Yeah, why don't we just send him back, he's drunk now, there's no guarantee he'll do something, what

if he gets more smashed then?"

Tomas is also a bit worried.

But Ayan just asks, "Who do you guys think will be next for him as Sienna now that he's like this?"

The two men were silent, and then silently one side of the rack took him into the elevator.

Four people standing in the elevator, the atmosphere is a little strange, fortunately this time is not too

early, so there is no one, otherwise it will be taken as some kind of bandit or something, right?

Arriving at the floor and exiting the elevator, Ayan pointed to the opposite door, "Where Sienna lives,

tell him to knock on the door if he wants to find Sienna."

When he finished, he turned around and opened the door in front of him and went straight in.

Nicholas sighed helplessly, "Who told you to provoke him, out of the mix, sooner or later you have tonovelbin

pay back ah."

He points to the door and brainwashes Rex like crazy, telling him to knock on the door if he wants to

see Sienna.

Rex has had too much to drink, and his whole body is dizzy. As soon as he hears Sienna, he becomes

even more frantic and starts knocking on the door after listening to Nicholas.

Tomas saw this and reminded in a low voice: "Let's hurry up or he won't be able to stay later."

Nicholas hmms, then takes the elevator with Tomas and leaves.

Rex was the only one left in the empty corridor, he held the door handle with one hand and tapped on

the door with one hand not too heavy, "Sienna ....."

He repeated the shout over and over again, his voice echoing throughout the corridor.

Sienna inside the house had already fallen asleep, in fact, through the door, Rex's knocking was not

enough to wake her up immediately, plus she slept in the second bedroom, and also closed the room

door, equivalent to double sound insulation, it would not be easy to wake her up.

Just for some reason, she suddenly woke up with a start and opened her eyes to stare at the ceiling

unblinking and frozen.

She held her breath for a quiet moment, the sound of the man's voice in her ears seemed to grow

clearer and clearer, and the next second she got up from the bed and walked out of the room barefoot.

She went to the door and saw the man standing outside through the cat's eye. She took an incredible

step back and kept her distance from the door, as if she could keep her distance from the man outside

this way.

Sienna did not open the door, but stood there quietly for a long time without moving.

Outside Rex's voice is still shouting over and over again, "Sienna, open the door, I want to come in and

see you, Sienna, I miss you so much ...."

Rex's voice messed with her mind.

She went back to the bedroom again in her bare feet, she took the phone and clutched it tightly, then

called Camille anyway.

The phone rang and it took nearly ten seconds for Camille to answer.

She said, "He's at my door, Rex is at my door, you get Ayan to get him out of here for me, I don't want

to see him."

Sienna's words instantly sobered Camille as well, and she asked with just a little disconfirmation, "Rex

is here?"

"Well, I don't know how he got here? So hurry up and help me get rid of him, will you?"

Sienna's voice was tinged with a light tremor, her emotions a little less controlled.

Camille hurriedly responded, "Okay, you wait."

Ending the call, Camille sat coldly on her bed for a few seconds, frozen, Ayan hadn't come back yet,

how was she going to help?

She pursed her lips, hesitated for several minutes, and finally decided to call Ayan directly.

The call went out, and the next second she heard the phone ringing through the door.

She immediately got out of bed and walked outside, turning on the living room light to see Ayan lying

on the couch, his phone ringing to wake him up as well.

Camille then hurriedly hung up the call, looked at him lightly, and asked, "Why are you sleeping in the

living room?"

Ayan's face was slightly light without any obvious emotion or expression, he sat up and said in a

hoarse voice, "So where should I sleep?"

Camille glanced over her shoulder and didn't intend to continue arguing with him, but simply said, "I'd

like to ask you a favor, is that okay?"

"You still need me?"

"Ayan ....." She murmured her name.

Ayan said, "What kind of favor?"

"Rex came to see Sienna you know? He was right outside the door and kept knocking and Sienna

wanted us to help her get rid of the guy, is that okay?"

She waited for a response with an expectant face.

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