My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 285 - Drunkenness
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Chapter 285 - Drunkenness

Chapter 285 - Drunkenness

Camille wondered how Ayan's imagination could be so rich?

She laughed at his words.

She said, "Ayan, do you know what you're talking about? I just took a ride in his car, and besides, I'm

not alone, there's Sienna with me!"

Ayan narrowed his eyes and stopped talking, but his displeasure did not diminish in the slightest.

Camille said lightly, "What exactly are you angry about?"

Camille felt quite helpless, but there were some things in her heart that she couldn't say to Ayan, so

after he never responded, she stopped talking.

Camille got up to go back to her room when his low voice came up nonchalantly, "Impatient with me


Camille: "????"

She stared blankly at the man sitting on the couch, how did she feel that he was a bit unreasonable?

She wrinkled her eyebrows and the gentleness on her face turned cold: "Ayan, don't you think that you

should be asked by me? Aren't you the one who is impatient with me? I have already explained to you

that the reason why I took his car back was just because I was on my way, there was nothing else I

meant, if you don't believe me there is nothing I can do."

Ayan heavily narrowed his eyes, thin lips out of a cold sneer: "So it's my fault? I came back in another

woman's car to give you a hard time, and the explanation was just a word?"

Camille felt that this was probably going to be a fight, but she felt uncomfortable if she didn't say what

was on her mind, she said: "I didn't pick a fight with you on purpose? You're the one picking on me,

okay? Are you going to argue with me over something as trivial as this?"

"Am I the one who has to fight with you? Wasn't it you?"

Her face turned a little whiter, and her thin eyelashes trembled gently: "Ayan, you're so upset that I just

took a ride, but what about you? You did more than just take a ride with Eileen, what did I say?"


He shouted Camille's name in a stern voice, the displeasure in his words encompassing all his

emotions and anger.

Camille, however, did not flinch in the slightest, but simply looked him steadily in the eye and

maintained a temporary silence.

Their eyes locked, and neither had any intention of compromising.

On his thin lips, the coldness deepened: "Are you going over old scores with me now?!"

Camille was silent.

He added, "Camille, are you really unable to cover up or do you not want me to?"

The words fell, others have followed and got up.

He flashed past Camille and headed directly for the door, and in a second's time, he heard the sound of

the door slamming heavily shut come through.

Camille stood motionless with a dull gaze, a faint warm indifference leaping from her eyes.

She doesn't know how it came to this.

Obviously nothing has been done, right?

She and Preston were different from him and Eileen, weren't they?novelbin

Camille felt so tired.

Auntie who has been silent in the kitchen also came out at this time, heard the two arguing auntie also

dare not come out, has done a good meal also did not dare to bring out.

Auntie looked to Camille and said gently, "Shall we eat first?"

Camille came back to her senses, and her stiff face slowly eased up this time: "Hmm."

In fact, she had little appetite, and after this episode, who could still eat?

But she doesn't eat, the baby does.

Camille sat alone at the table while her aunt brought up a dish that was a portion for two.

Camille wanted to be alone, so she told her aunt, "You can go back first, I have nothing more to do

here, I'll just clean up after eating later."

Auntie nodded, feeling a little bit indifferent.

When she saw it, she asked, "Auntie, do you have something to say?"

Auntie just smiled: "Then I'll have one more sentence, don't mind my nagging."


Camille also smiled lightly.

Auntie said, "In fact, Ayan is sometimes a little domineering, but his heart is kind, he loves you very

much, after returning to worry about your health has been talking to Dr. Ellis on the phone to ask a

clear, so Dr. Ellis said he is mother-in-law, see you take other people's cars back, I guess is jealous of

unhappy, but the mouth and refused to take the initiative with you Admit it."

Camille's eyelashes fluttered gently, was he jealous?

How is it possible.

Is it possible to not love someone and still be jealous?

That's probably only because she's his wife, right?

This seems to make sense when you think about it.

She smiled to herself as a flash of sadness passed through her heart.

However, she did not show any emotion to her aunt, just nodded gently as if she knew.

After Auntie left, she was left alone in the apartment.

Sitting at the table, the delicious meal was not appetizing at all.

The heart always feels empty, there is a kind of indescribable feeling.

In the end, she naturally did not continue eating and went to the sofa to lie down, very depressed.

Ayan was also in a bad mood, and after coming out of his apartment, he met Rex and went to the club

for a drink.

Since Camille got pregnant, he has been out drinking only a handful of times, and every time he calls

him, he always says, "There's a pregnant woman in my house, did you forget? Pregnant women can't

smell alcohol, so don't call me to drink again."

He not only does not drink himself, but also forbids others to drink, as long as with him, we do not want

to drink and smoke.

Although very reluctant, but can not do him, so can only compromise to comply with his wishes to do.

But today he suddenly took the initiative to call a few people to drink, this is not the sun from the west


Rex asked, somewhat puzzled, "Ayan, what's with you today?"

Ayan indifferently swept him without speaking.

He asked again, undeterred, "Had a fight with Camille? You weren't kicked out by Camille, were you?"

The three looked at each other as if they were asking each other if they really quarreled?

Nicholas asked lightly, "Didn't you ask my father in the evening what Camille was doing in the hospital?

And you were concerned about how her health was, so why are you arguing now?"

Tomas guessed, "Because of what? It's not that you did something to upset her, is it?"

They have thoroughly made up a couple of fights in their minds as you and I have been talking.

In the end, Rex concluded, "I say, it's better not to fight, she is pregnant, what can't be said properly?

You have to give in to her, it's not easy for a woman to give you a baby, Ayan, you can't do anything

you shouldn't do when your wife is pregnant!"

Ayan has been silent and let them guess casually did not speak, but at this moment heard Rex's words

but some can not help it.

He glanced at Rex indifferently, his voice cold, "Do you think I am you?"

Rex was dumbfounded and struck deep, and Nicholas snickered with Tomas.

He swept the same other two with a chill, and the atmosphere in the booth quieted down.

Ayan picked up a glass of wine and took a sip, his face was always dark and gloomy: "Pregnant and

restless, why should I be nice to such a woman? Hmph! "

After saying that, he took another sip.

The three men acted as if they had heard something they should not have heard.

One's eyes were wide open.

Rex asks, "Camille's restless? What did she do?"

Worried that Ayan will be angry, he hurried to find a complement: "Say out we give you analysis, or to

solve the conflict between you and the couple, no matter what, we are men, to be generous some, you


"Heh, you are a man? If you are really a man, why can't you even get a useless fiancée who only

causes you trouble? Oh, by the way, Sienna has told me clearly that she will not be with you anymore,

maybe she will find a younger brother with better physical strength than you, I think you are only worthy

of staring at your woman with other men."

Ayan's words are cold and sarcastic without any emotion to speak of, and every word carries the

meaning of ridicule so that Rex suddenly lost his voice.

A face is like a frosted eggplant, completely wilted.

He said in a low voice, "Did she really tell you that?"

Ayan hooked his lips and sneered: "Do you still need to say? Aren't all smart people able to see that?"

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