My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 254: Rely On Power
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Chapter 254: Rely On Power

Ayan turned up the corners of his lips and his deep eyes flashed with a light smile, “Are you worried

about me?”

"Well, I'm not kidding you.”

Camille frowned and looked at him sternly.

He put his arms around her waist. Though his eyebrows were twisting slightly, the curve at the corner

his mouth was obvious. “I’m not very sure. I can’t control the public opinion, especially the Simpson

Group is indeed passive at present. Only by showing practical evidence to prove that it has nothing to

do with Simpson Group can we stop the rumors.”

Camille looked upset, "Don't you hide anything from me?”

“What do you think I can hide from you?”

“I don't know. If I know I wouldn't ask you.”

Camille's face was pale. She fixed her eyes on him without blinking.

Looking at each other, Ayan smiled. “I didn't hide anything from you. The accident is out of blue. I can't

find the suspect and favorable clues. Now I have no idea how to start the investigation. The only thing

that could be confirmed is that the accident is not caused by negligence at work.”

Without waiting for Camille to respond, he immediately said, “Well, it’s getting late. Don’t talk about it.

What did you eat for dinner?”

“I had dinner with Sienna.” She replied. She still looked serious, because she was the architect of the

project, in the same capacity as Mr. Moss, the person in charge.

The more she thought about it, the more serious her expression became. Finally, she couldn't help but

ask, “Ayan, what are you going to do with Mr. Moss?”

Ayan looked at her and stayed quiet for a second. Then he said, “That depends on whether he is

related to the accident. If it has something to do with him, he will take full responsibility. If not, I won’t do

anything. After all, he has worked for Simpson Group for many years and got to the current position

through his own efforts.”

Camille nodded. “Do you trust Mr. Moss?”

“Of course. If not, I wouldn’t let him be in charge of such a big project alone.”

“Now that you trust him, I believe it has nothing to do with him.”

“We shall know when find out everything.”

Ayan replied faintly.

This matter didn’t decrease in popularity with the passage of time. Instead, it was more heated.

The next morning, a large number of people saying that they wanted to uphold justice appeared at the

door of Simpson Group, which seriously affected the normal entry and exit of the employees.

Ayan told Kian, “Call the police. Let them evacuate the people. Even if Simpson Group is at fault, it’s

not their place to provoke.”

Kian nodded and called the police.

The police came to evacuate the onlookers while the scene was captured online immediately by

someone who wrote, “Simpson Group is a bully!”

“Is Simpson Group trying to shirk their responsibilities? Feel guilty?”

“I think Simpson Group is doing the right thing. Although there is an accident now, but we can't just

focus on others’ mistakes and forget what the right things before, right?”

“You are right. I do think so, but I'm afraid of being bombarded.”

“Please be sensible. Simpson Group will definitely give the public a response.”


People varied from each other. But Camille was upset to see it.

She turned off her phone and put it on her desk. Sienna noticed her act and comforted, “Every

company will have crises of different degrees. None of us want such an accident to appear. Now that it

has happened, what we have to do is to compensate the victims to make up for it to the greatest

extent. As for the rest, the public would tell with the passage of time.”

“I know what you mean. What I’m worried about is whether it is an accident or a contrived conspiracy.

I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with the other buildings or the ground.”

She didn’t dare to tell Ayan the idea. Someone had already proposed it online and Ayan could think

about it certainly.

If there was something wrong with all the buildings, it will be a huge loss for Simpson Group.

Her face was cold. the more she thought about it, the more solemn she became.

Preston knocked on the office door. “Cami, is that all right?”

Camille looked at Sienna subconsciously, who rolled her eyes and mouthed, “Here comes the tricky

candy. I’m going out.”

Camille smiled helplessly and responded, "Nothing.”

When Preston opened the door and came in, Sienna simply ignored him and walked out.

Sienna and Preston have known each other for many years, but she was always indifferent. She even

told Camille in the past, “If you’re going out with him, there is no need to call me when you go out to

have dinner or do anything else. I don’t want to see him.”

And she joked, "So you won't attend my wedding?”

"If you want me to attend your wedding, don't marry him. I can accept anyone except for him”

"Go away!”

Thinking of this, Camille got used to Sienna's attitude toward Preston.

Preston nodded to Sienna, but Sienna didn't respond and even ignore him.

Preston's face stiffened and whispered, “Does Sienna have a problem with me?”

"Well, don't read into it. She's grumpy and just got angry with me!”

Camille replied slightly and Preston didn't think much of it.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I want to talk to you about Simpson Group's accident.”


"Did Simpson Group get you into trouble after the accident?”

"Nope. Why would you ask that?”

Camille was confused.

Preston frowned and whispered, “I saw someone online talking about whether it could be the architect's

fault, because theSimpson Group has never had this kind of problem before. Cami, I'm afraid that the

public opinion will hit you.”

Camille was silent.

He added, “As far as current status is concerned, some people were injured and even a worker died. It

is impossible to erase the accident easily. There must be someone to take on the responsibility. If they

turn no you, will Ayan sacrifice you? After all, he wouldn't take a chance on Simpson Group, so…”

"I know what you mean. If so, I'll surrender. After all, I can also be regarded as the person in charge of

this project, probably because of my negligence that led to the tampering.”

Camille thought to herself. If public opinion really turns on her, will Ayan give her up as Preston said?

Her reaction made Preston's eyes narrow slightly and show a crafty look.

He whispered, "Cami, I don't want to drive a wedge between the two of you. I think Ayan is in a

dilemma. So, why don't you say that I'm responsible for the project? Any responsibility lies with me. You

are pregnant now and I don't want you to get hurt or abused.”

Camille looked at Preston in disbelief. "Preston, do you know what that means?”

"Of course. But I hope that you'd say yes.”

"Well, I won't.” Camille didn't hesitate. "The one blamable should bear the responsibility. It'snovelbin

unreasonable to give me the privilege just for my pregnancy. Besides, I am in charge of the project.

There's no change even if we switch. Do you think people don't know that?”

"They know, but they have no proof.”

"Well, Preston, don't talk about it anymore. Everything's going to be alright, so don't think of things as

so pessimistic.”

Camille didn't want to continue the topic, wondering why Preston suddenly offered to take her place as

an architect.

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