My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 253: Secretly
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Chapter 253: Secretly

After hearing her words, Ayan looked very cold, “Are you sure every batch has been carefully


“Well, I’m very sure.” Camille looked at Ayan firmly. “We need to investigate the supplier as soon as

possible. The matter has come a big deal. If Simpson Group really take the blame of using irregular

steel bars, all the properties related to Simpson Group will be questioned, which will not only affect

Simpson Group, but put it in a desperate plight.”

Ayan knew that very well certainly. Just because he knew the significance, he had to keep calm all the

time and tried minimize the influence. He would communicate with the victims and make it clear that

the incident was an accident or a conspiracy.

He approached Camille and looked at her solemnly.

Camille asked, “Will it get Simpson Group into trouble?”

Ayan replied, “It’s up to the subsequent change of the situation. The victim is not willing to deal with

privately at present so we have applied for a formal channel to investigate the project. According

current status, we need to shut down now.”

Camille looked grave. “What are we going to do now?” she asked.


“Wait?” Camille was a bit puzzled.

“We have to wait for the decrease of heat about this matter. Only then can we take action. Otherwise,

no matter what we do, it will be over-interpreted by the media. If it is not an accident, what those hiding

secretly want to see is that we are reacting out of control, which will give them an opportunity.

It was the first time that Ayan had spoken to Camille about such a topic.

Camile was surprised that he was able to analyze all the pros and cons rationally in such a situation.

The negative impact on Simpson Group caused by the incident was unpredictable, but Ayan didn’t lose

his head.novelbin

At such a leading position, he bore far more than others, so his psychological endurance must be

beyond everyone.

Camille immediately understood what he meant.

By far, it was the best thing to keep quiet and wait until everything was cleared.

Since Camille was pregnant, Ayan took her away without letting her stay too long. They left from the

back door.

There were a number of people gathering at the gate with a lot of cries and noises.

Camille couldn’t go to the company so she went back to the apartment. The Simpson's manson called

to inquire about the situation. After learning Ayan’s plan, the old Simpson also repeatedly advised,

“This matter must be clarified, and Simpson Group cannot be smeared in any way.”

“Grandpa, I see.”

Ayan assured in a low voice.

After driving Camille back to the apartment, Ayan drove to Simpson Group.

Kian also rushed back from the scene.

Ayan asked, “How about the talk with the family?”

“All the families are not willing to reconcile because of the public opinion. They have made a

unanimous decision to get the compensation according to the law after having the results of the


Not only was it fair, but it also didn’t give the keyboard warriors the chance to make up.

The results came out that evening.

Some of the relevant official subscriptions sent an investigation note, “On the collapse of the Simpson

Group project, the materials used in the construction do not meet the normal requirements. Simpson

Group is required to give an explanation within three days and give a satisfactory answer to the victims

and their families.”

Attached below was an inspection report program.

It was the result of the pot check on the spot of the steel bar of the collapsed floor.

The result was the same as Ayan saw at the scene.

But as soon as the news came out, it sparked a controversy.

Both the owners of the Simpson Group’s Property and the netizens on the internet claimed

compensation from Simpson Group, and some even deliberately created panic and rumors.

“I am one of the owners of Simpson Group’s property. My balcony has a crack. Is it related to the use of

the substandard steel bars?”

“Give us an explanation!”

“Simpson Group is making immoral money, which is unfair to us common people. Hope relevant

departments can restore justice.”


“Crack down on Simpson Group!”

Opinions varied from each other.

It was dark outside. Ayan was still sitting in his office while smoking a cigarette. His face looked as cold

as marble.

He hasn't left the office since returning in the afternoon.

He remained silent and didn’t move when Kian brought him his dinner. It was eight o’clock now. Kian

knocked on the door again.

“Mr. Simpson, it’s getting late. May I take you home?”

Kian asked in a low voice.

Ayan didn’t answer. He finished his cigarette and said, “Go to the construction site.”



Kian nodded and headed off with Ayan to the Construction site.

Ayan came over without getting anyone informed. He and Kian walked around the scene and asked

suddenly, “All assumptions that may be caused by mistakes have been ruled out, which leaves only the

premeditated accident. Since it can be mixed with the unstandardized steel bars, why not mix it in the

highest building?”

The floor where the accident occurred was of the end building, which was intended to be used for

shopping mall, so it was not very high.

If they want to make a big deal and want to put Simpson Group in trouble, why not choose the high


“Maybe they didn’t have the chance before?”

Kian analyzed.

Ayan didn’t speak. He stared at the scene for a second and left away.

On the way back to the apartment, he asked, “How does it go with the supplier?”

“The supplier has worked with Simpson Group for many years and maintained good relations. They

said they would never do such things. I cut a section of the steel bar according to Mrs. Simpson’s

requirements. Tomorrow I’ll check batch number.”

“Did she contact you?”

Ayan frowned in surprise.

“Well, she called me shortly after you left this afternoon.”

So, Camille called Kian after he dropped her off at the department.

Ayan nodded and didn’t spoke.

Back at the apartment, Camille was still awake.

Sienna was here, too.

Seeing Ayan come back, Sienna got up and said, “Well, I’m going back. I’ll see myself out.”

Camille didn’t stop her. Sienna nodded to Ayan as a greeting. When she passed him, he said slightly,

“The cooperation with the King family is on hold until the accident is resolved.”

“Well, I’ll let him know.”

“Thanks for you trouble.”

He was laconic and cold. After gazing after Sienna, he looked at Camille.

“That’s alright. Go to bed early, uh?”


Camille looked at him.

“It’s OK. The sky won't fall.”

He said seriously, as if it were true.

But Camille could see all the news on the internet. The pressure from the public opinion was building

up. It will be beyond imagination if this continues.

Noticing that she didn’t respond, Ayan stepped forward and hugged her. “Don’t worry. As long as

Simpson Group doesn’t do anything illegal, it will come out.”

Camille could smell the tobacco on him. How much did he smoke?

Camille looked up at him and said in a worried voice, “How sure are you to solve the accident?”

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