My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chpter 248: Sacrifice
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Chpter 248: Sacrifice

“I’m fine. I just want to talk to you. Thanks to Ayan, Dr. Ellis came in the morning. If it weren’t for him,

we wouldn’t have known an expert like Dr. Ellis.”

Grandma said sincerely.

Camille knew that certainly.

She nodded to show that she knew.

Grandma then said, “Camille, have you been in contact with your family lately?”

Grandma's reference to family naturally meant the Armstrong family, but it took Camille two seconds to


She looked at her grandma and said, “What do you want to say?”

Grandma just smiled kindly. The old lady’s heart was very kind and thought about everything

thoroughly. She said in a low voice, “I’m ready for the operation and I want to see your mother before

the operation. It’s inconvenient for me to go to the Armstrong family now, would you ask her if she can

come to the hospital?”

Camille looked at her coldly, feeling exceedingly confused but she asked without any expression, “Why

do you want to see her?”

Grandma has been in the hospital for so long that it was impossible for Armstrong family to know


Although the Armstrong family was not what it used to be, they are bound to get wind of some things.novelbin

But until now, Page has not come to visit yet. It was impossible for Camille not to complain. However,

she thought she wasn’t qualified to ask for others, so she wanted to double her care for her grandma.

Grandma never mentioned why she wanted to see Page.

But she insisted that Camille come to page and ask her to come over.

Camille couldn’t say no, she had to promise her eventually.

After getting out of the ward, Camille hesitated to call Page to ask for it but she finally gave up

considering the last displeasure.

She might have to go over to the Armstrong family personally.

She would do that for her grandma.

After Camille escorted Sienna out of the hospital and back to home, she asked the driver to take her to

the Armstrong family.

Arriving at the door of Armstrong family, she didn’t get off immediately and stayed silent for a while

before she pushed the door of the car.

Camille knocked on the door and it was Page who opened it.

They looked at each other with calm gazes.

Page asked, “Why do you come here?”

She said, come here, not come back.

A word difference made a world of difference.

Though she has long been used to it, Camille still felt harsh and uncomfortable on hearing that.

Her face was extremely tepid with a blank look in her eyes, “I have something to talk with you.”

Page glanced at her and then let her come in.

They sat in the living room. She was at her own home but Camille didn’t feel homey at all.

The number of the days she lived in the Armstrong family was numbered. After being picked up from

Flento City, she married Ayan soon and they moved to the Rosenkins Mansion. Therefore, she was

unfamiliar with Armstrong family.

Page asked, “Well, what do you want to talk about?”

“Grandma is in the hospital.”

Camille got right to the point.

Page’s gaze was slight, “So?”

Camille looked at Page stiffly and said coldly, “Grandma is seriously ill and needed a major operation.

Don’t you have anything to say?”

“There are doctors with her in the hospital. What can I say?”

Camille wrinkled her brows in disbelief.

However, Page didn’t think she had said anything wrong. She said, “You came here to tell me she’s in

the hospital, you want me to feel guilty or reflect on myself?”

Choking back her emotions, Camille whispered, “She wants to see you before the operation.”

She looked cold and said, “I told you. I’m not a doctor. There’s nothing I can do.”

Page was reluctant to go out. As long as she went out, she would meet acquaintances, whom she

didn’t want to face. After the incident of the Armstrong family, she has changed a lot. Except for

preparing for the ingredients of the three meals a day, she almost locked herself at home and didn’t

want to go out.

Therefore, she didn’t want to go to the hospital to visit grandma.

Her refusal made Camille look upset. She asked, “I’m asking you to just come not to bear the


“I said no. Camille, she is kind to you not me. It’s your business to be responsible, but it has nothing to

do with me. If you have nothing else to do, go away.”

Page then got up to go upstairs. Her behavior caused Camille to feel discontent and angry.

Camille also got up and looked at Page. She threatened indifferently, “If you don’t go to the hospital to

visit grandma, I’m going to stop my cooperation with Armstrong Corp.

If you don’t trust me, you can ask Grace. Armstrong is working with me now. As long as I terminate our

cooperation, Armstrong Corp won’t find a suitable partner and the project will fail. The rest of the road

for Armstrong will be more difficult.”

Camille’s words made Page stop abruptly.

She looked back at Camille with her cold eyes. She looked furious and asked, “What do you mean? Do

you know what you’re saying? You’re going to treat your family like that for an outsider? Camille, do

you know you are also named Armstrong? You really have no conscience!”

“Outsider? Do you know it was the outsider you spoke of who brought me up? Now you want to

abandon her because she is useless, right? You will be punished.”

“Get out oh here now. I don’t want to see you.”

Page was furious. Her eyes were full of anger and resentment.

While Camille was calm, “You have to go to the hospital today and no matter what she says, you have

to listen carefully. Otherwise, I can do anything. If you don't believe it, we’ll see!”

She didn’t want to stay here anymore and left after saying the words.

She didn’t know whether she was right to do such things, bur she had no choice but to threaten Page,

who didn’t take any chances.

Sometimes threat is really a good utility.

She smiled silently and went back to her apartment.

Camille told the nanny that if Page came, she would stay with her grandma the whole time. She didn’t

want Page’s words to hurt her.

The reason why she told the nanny in advance was that she was sure that Page would go to the

hospital definitely.

The result was exactly what she thought it would be, but she didn't know what her grandma had told

Page, and she didn't ask her. In the evening, Ayan came back to have dinner with Camille and Sienna.

After that, Ayan went back to the study to deal with his work, and Camille chatted with Sienna in the

living room.

Sienna said, “I talked Mario about what Ayan said yesterday and he thought it was Okay. Maybe he

would come to Hance City to meet Ayan recently.”

“Well, but do you make a sacrifice?”

“Of-course not. Simpson Group is not my company. I’m just a middleman and it doesn’t matter whether

they could join hand or not.”

Camille said, “That’s alright. I was worried that you may get in a quandary for me, which would me

embarrassed. After all, Simpson Group was not my company.”

Sienna pouted and looked like she had seen through people’s hearts. “It’s not yours, but at least you

have some benefits. What about me? I don’t get anything and have to talk to both ends. I think it’s

really ufair. How about telling Mario not cooperate with you directly?”

“Well, that’s alright.”

Camille nodded.

Sienna reached out to shoved her. “You’re really not a nice person.”

“Well, just talk. Don’t touch me. I’m pregnant now. I can’t be touched rudely.”

“I’m going to touch.” Then she hugged Camille and didn’t let go.

When Ayan came out, he saw the two embracing each other and wearing sweet smiles. He stood at

the door of the study and coughed lightly. He asked, “What are you doing?”

Only then did the two become quiet and look at him at the same time.

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