My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 247: Track
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Chapter 247: Track

Ayan said in a cold voice, “Would you want to stay and eat with us?”

“Nope, it’s not up to her.” Rex narrowed his eyes and gave Bella a cold look. “Are you familiar with


He didn’t want to humor her at all.

Bella’s face stiffened and she got silent.

Rex looked at Ayan, “I’m gonna go.”

“Well.” Ayan murmured.

Rex left first, followed by Bella.

The room was particularly quiet. Camille looked at Sienna next to her subconsciously, only to see her

eating as nothing happened. When met Camille’s gaze, she asked with a smile, “Why are you looking

at me? Enjoy your dinner. I’m fine.”

Camille looked cold and worried.

Ayan volunteered to explain, “I didn’t call him.”

“Well, that’s alright. What does it matter? Couldn’t I come to Hance City just because of him?”

Sienna didn’t mind at all. However, according to what Camille knew about her, the more indifferent she

was, the upset she was.

The atmosphere became gloomy when Rex and Bella appeared.

On the way home, Sienna spoke actively. And she almost wrote the words “I’m fine” on her head for

Camille to read.

Sienna lived in grandma’s apartment. Camille was worried about her so she wanted to be with her.

However, Sienna saw through and refused her, “Well, I’m really fine. My heart is not made from

glasses. I know it’s all in the past. I’m supposed to look forward. I’m really tired today and I want to go

to bed early. I have to work for you tomorrow!”

Camille pursed her lips and twisted her eyebrows slightly, “Call me if you need me.”

“I get it.”

She nodded and entered with Camille gazing after her.

She gave Camille a faint smile as she closed the door but on closing the door, the smile disappeared

immediately without any expression leaving in her face.

She thought she could forget the man thoroughly but now she realized that so-called oblivion was just

because no one mentioned him, which meant she had nothing to do with him. However, she never

really deleted the person from her memory and her heart.

Back to the apartment, Camille was still a bit worried and asked, “Is Sienna really fine?”

“Do you want to be with her?”

Ayan asked in a low voice. Instead, Camille shook her head. It would be better to let her calm down


But she a little curious, “Why did Rex know we were eating at Darkmoor? Did he arrange for somebody

to follow Sienna?”

“I don’t think so. Maybe the waiter mentioned us in front of him. He thought that it was just the two of us

and came over to say hello.”

“He greeted us with Bella, did we know her well?”

Camille was defensive apparently and didn’t like Bella very much.

Ayan smiled and reached out to take her into his arms, asking in a low voice, “I’ll remind him not to

meet with us with Bella, alright?”

Camille didn’t say anything, but it was obvious that she did think so in her heart.

After all, she was Sienna’s best friend. They should be of one mind.

Sienna was sleepless that night. She tossed and turned but couldn’t fall asleep at all. Finally, she got

up and ordered a drink. After that, she nestled alone by the floor-to-ceiling window and slipped one by


She thought she would fall asleep when she got drunk. However, the more she drunk, the more sober

she was. At the end, she was still awake. She only knew her whole body was uncomfortable but her

brain couldn’t think at all.

At three o’clock in the middle of the night, Sienna was taken to the hospital because she drank too

much and caused an alcohol overdose.

It was almost dawn after a series of tests. Sienna had her stomach pumped and the anesthetic still

lingered on. So, Camille and Ayan sat down on the sofa to wait for her.

Ayan hugged the woman beside him and whispered, “Close your eyes and rest for a while. I’ll call you

when she wakes up, alright?”

Camille shook her head, “I’m not sleepy.”

“Don’t think about it too much. She is already an adult. There are always some decisions that even the

best friend couldn’t make for her.”

Camille was silent and she didn’t reply for him.

Even though she knew Ayan had a point, she felt guilty for not taking good care of Sienna.

Camille didn’t take a break nearly half the night, she couldn’t hold back her eyes and fell asleep an

hour later.

Ayan put her on the couch, covered her with his coat and turned up the temperature of the air

conditioner before exiting the word.

He picked up his phone and hesitated for a second. Eventually, he called Rex.

Rex had not yet woken up at the time. He was surprised to receive his call, “Ayan, what’s up?”

“Are you alone?”

“What are you talking about? Of-course I’m alone. Will you accompany me?”

Rex said with a sarcastic smile.

Ayan said indifferently, “Sienna is in the hospital. She had her stomach pumped just now and hasn’t

woken up yet.”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with her. I just know she was poisoned for alcohol at midnight.”

Ayan spoke slightly but Rex listened seriously.

He kept silent because he didn’t know what to say.

Then Ayan said, “It’s your call.”

He cut off the call without giving him a chance to talk.

Sienna woke up around eight o’clock a.m. Ayan left for work and Camille stayed here herself.

Sienna opened her eyes and saw Camille sitting next to her hospital bed. She reached out and pulled

down Camille’s arms gently and whispered, “Camille ...”

Hearing her voice, Camille looked at her immediately, “How are you feeling now? Do you feel


Sienna shook her head, “Sorry to trouble you again.”

“There is no need for us to say such words.”

Sienna smiled faintly, looking pale for having her stomach pumped just now.

She couldn’t eat anything yet but she was very thirsty. Camille didn’t dare to bring her water, so she

had to ask the doctor.

Within half a minute of Camille’s departure, the door was pushed open again.

Considering it was Camille, Sienna asked, “So fast?”

Then she looked over her shoulder, only to find that it wasn't Camille who came in, but Rex.

Looking at each other, her face stiffened slightly and said indifferently, “Why are you here?”

“You ...Are you OK?’

Rex asked in a low voice and looked calm.

Sienna pressed her lips and said lightly, “I’m fine.”

The atmosphere quieted down.

Neither spoke again.

Rex was standing while Sienna was lying down.

They stayed until Camille came in with water. On seeing Rex, she was stunned and asked, “Why are

you here?”

“I’m here to visit her. That’s alright. You stay with her and I won’t bother you.” That done, he looked at

Sienna and said, “Have a good rest.”

Sienna didn’t reply for him. The interaction between the two was particularly awkward.

After Camille gazed after Rex, she walked to the bed with water and sat down. Then she took a straw

and put it in Sienna’s mouth.

She didn’t ask any questions, which made Sienna a bit uneasy.

Sienna said, “Don’t you want to say something?”

“What to say?”

“Don’t you want to know what I’m thinking in my mind?”

“Well, what are you thinking?”

It seemed that Camille didn’t care about it at all.

Sienna ignored her “perfunctory” and simply said with a frown, “I feel that I’m duplicitous. I can’t live upnovelbin

to what I say.”

Probably everyone will have the trouble that it is always difficult to achieve what they said easily.

Camille spent the morning with Sienna in the hospital. She was fine and would be released in the

afternoon. But she had to keep a light diet for the next two days.

At noon, grandma called and asked Camille to come over. Making sure that it was alright for Sienna to

stay alone, she went to see grandma.

Grandma rarely came to Camille, so she was a bit worried, “Grandma, is something wrong with you?

Shall I ask Dr. Ellis to come over?”

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