My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 222 Reconciliation
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Chapter 222 Reconciliation

"Eileen, are you threatening me? "

"Yes, I'm threatening you."

Eileen squinted, and her face turned ugly.

"I told you that Camille has nothing to do with us," the other person said in a soft voice. "Don't involve

innocent people just to strengthen your position in Ayan's heart. You'll only make men more and more


"That's it, I don't need you to tell me. Just let me know when Camille and Ayan will fall apart and get a

divorce. If I don't marry the Simpson family, do you think we can get everything from the Simpson


"Eileen, I said no talking over the phone about anything Simpson Group, do you want any surprises

when everything isn't settled?"

The man reminded her in a low and deep voice.

Eileen immediately said, "I know."

But in her heart, she felt that he was being extra careful. Her phone was safe and barely left her sight.

But the other person was still not sure about her and repeated his instructions. "Eileen, I'm not kidding.

I want you to keep in mind that you should know who is around you, especially Ayan. He is smarter

than you, if you really want to play tricks with him, you are not his match. So, everything must be


"All right, I get it."

Eileen was getting impatient.

Then she asked, "When are you going to do it?"

The other person didn't give a precise answer, but simply said, "Soon."

Eileen didn't continue asking. After the call, she had to get back to preparing for the concert.

After signing a contract with Simpson Group, her workload was much more than before, but all this was

for fame in the future. So, she must stick to the end.

It was very tiring to regain fame after a year. Originally, she thought she could use the identity of Ayan's

wife to face the public, but now they were not together yet. She could not continue to hold hope on this,

she must come up with other ways.

As long as she thought of Camille, she felt upset. She couldn’t take it easy on Camille.


Grandmother delayed surgery temporarily. Camille failed to persuade her and felt very powerless.

She was getting visibly slimmer. When she got back to the apartment from work in the evening, she

and Ayan met in the elevator. They looked at each other, but neither of them said anything.

In the small space, the sound of each other's breathing could be heard clearly, but there was no


They were like strangers. She pressed her lips slightly and had an unspeakable feeling. She felt very


Thinking of what happened with Eileen, she simply ignored him. Every time she thought of Eileen, she

felt angry.

She clasped her hands together as the elevator opened and they walked out one after another. She

turned left and he turned right.

She stood at the door of the apartment where her grandmother lived, and took out the key to open thenovelbin

door. When she was just about to go in, he suddenly hugged her whole body into his arms, and then

kissed her.

As Camille opened her eyes, she could see his face so close, with a slight frown and a suppressed


Camille did not move because she was afraid to hurt the baby. He kissed her for a long time, then took

back the arm that was around her waist.

He pressed his hand against her forehead, stared at her with his deep eyes, and said hoarsely, "Are

you really that harsh? Why did you pretend that you didn’t see me?"

His unique breath wafted in her nose, making her feel uncomfortable, a feeling that she could not


She looked down without responding to his words.

Ayan snorted coldly. "So, you really don't miss me? You don't want to make peace with me?"

Camille frowned and looked at him. "Why did you threaten me? You threatened me with Grandma. Do

you know what grandma means to me?"

"And you? You threatened me with the baby. Doesn’t he mean anything to you?"

"That's because......."

"I don't want to hear threats like that for whatever reason, ok?"

Camille didn't speak, so Ayan grabbed her chin and raised it slightly. "Answer me, will you?" he


Camille pressed her lips slightly and said softly, "So now you think I'm wrong and you're not?"

He frowned and was confused about her logic.

They were discussing her problem. Why did she talk about him again?

Before Ayan could respond, Camille said, "Tomorrow I'm going to tell Grandma what you did. Grandma

trusted you so much, and you threatened me with her. Ayan, do you think you are cruel or I am?"

Ayan knew this was a tricky question.

He whispered, "Sorry, it’s my fault. I will personally go to the hospital tomorrow to apologize to your

grandmother and confess everything. By the way, I will also mention to my grandmother that you want

to get an abortion. She can be a judge and tell us whose fault it is."

"So, you're threatening me now? Didn’t you just offer to make peace with me? Or do you just want to

warn me? "

Ayan laughed.

He pinched her cheek and said in a low voice, "I think it's better you don’t talk."

Then he leaned in and kissed her on the lips again.

The kiss went on for a long time, and at the end, Camille was completely thrown herself into his arms.

She would have fallen if she didn’t grab him.

Ayan took advantage of the opportunity to hold her up and walk to the other apartment.

Then the two of them made peace.

The next morning, Ayan drove Camille to the hospital to have breakfast with her grandmother. They

were not used to being there so early.

"Don't you young people like to sleep in? How come you two are the opposite? "

"Maybe I'm not young anymore," Camille responded.

Ayan also smiled and said, "She asked me last night to come early to have breakfast with you.

Besides, I have come to apologize for not coming to see you these couple of days. I hope you can

forgive me."

My grandmother smiled.

She asked, "Did Camille force you to say that?"

He said nothing, pressing his thin lips slightly. He seemed to agree with her in silence.

Camille frowned. "Don't talk nonsense, Grandma," she said. "I didn't force him."

Then she looked at Ayan again. "Why you don't say anything? You deliberately let grandma

misunderstand me, right?"

Ayan just smiled and pinched her cheek with a look of obvious pamper in his eyes.

Grandmother looked at the two of them and unconsciously smiled, feeling very happy deep down in her


The two of them were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere in the ward was particularly peaceful.

After breakfast with her grandmother, Ayan sent Camille to the company. The preliminary competition

was only a few days away, so her workload was heavy on these two days.

However, when she arrived at the office, she saw Molly sitting in the doorway blocking the road with a

chair. Camille looked at her with a frown and said gently, "This is not the rest area. Can you move the

chair somewhere else?"

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