My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 221 Disappointment
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Chapter 221 Disappointment

Eileen stared at Grandma, and her eyes were full of anger.

"Didn’t you? Your granddaughter, Camille, took advantage of her husband Ayan's connection. If it

wasn’t because of you, how could my mother not be able to operate right now? You are hurting others

and you will pay for what you did."

"Eileen! Shut up!" Camille's voice arose from outside the hospital room.

Camille walked into the room with an expressionless face. She stared straight at Eileen, pointed to the

door, and said in a cold voice, "What are you talking about? Are you sick? Get out of here right now."

"Why? You're afraid I'll tell your grandmother what you've done? Camille, why are you afraid to admit

what you've done?"

Eileen had no intention of leaving. She sneered. She had completely put the blame on Camille.

She believed that Camille did it.

Camille looked at her coldly. "Eileen, you can think anything you want, but don't accuse anyone without

proof. If you don't have evidence, you can stop talking nonsense and get out of here right now!"

Camille snorted coldly, pointed at her grandmother, and said, "Camille, you are using such a vulgar

means to get the match, and aren’t you afraid that your grandmother can not endure the operation…"

"Bang!" Before Eileen could finish her sentence, Camille slapped her hard on the cheek.

The room resounded with the crisp clap.

Eileen was also stunned. She didn't expect Camille to hit her.

It was the third time that she had been hit by Camille.

She looked Camille in the eyes. The fierce anger in Camille's eyes made her silent.

Camille's face froze as she muttered, "Get out of here now, or I'll do more than just slap you in the face.

Eileen, my patience has a limit. If the words are spreading that you bullied an old woman and a

pregnant woman, your career will be over. Do you want to see what will happen by then? "

Eileen pressed her lips together, and her cheeks tingled.

She stared at Camille and eventually left the room without saying another word.

But this didn’t end like this, and she wouldn't let Camille get away with it.

After Eileen left, the atmosphere in the room calmed down. Camille stood still with her back facing her

grandmother for a long time, adjusting her mood.

After a few moments, Camille turned around, and the maid hurriedly left.

Camille looked at her grandmother and walked over to the bed. She smiled and said, "Grandma, don't

believe what she says. The match for you came through my own channel and had nothing to do with

her. "

The grandmother nodded her head and agreed.

Camille asked her maid not to let Eileen in again. She did not want Eileen to disturb her grandmother,

and she was more worried that her grandmother would be bothered by Eileen's words.

But even with all the attention, there would still be loopholes.

Eileen went to her grandmother again that night when the maid was taking a walk with her

grandmother. She was not reconciled, so she asked her grandmother, "What you did is so immoral.

Same for Camille. How do you feel about it in your conscious as an old lady? You stole my mother's

heart match. Will you feel comfortable if you live?"

The maid tried to respond, but grandmother was stung by the fact that no one had ever called her

immoral at her age.

Especially when they were in public, there were a lot of people around watching.

Grandma really felt ashamed. She wished she could disappear.

But Eileen didn't stop talking. She said a lot of harsh words. She wore a mask and sunglasses the

whole time. People didn't know who she was, but they could recognize Camille’s grandmother.

All of a sudden, people were gossiping about it.

After Eileen's repeated interruptions, grandma refused the operation. Grandma said, "Give her mother

the match first. Otherwise, I can’t feel okay about it. Besides, I'm old, and it doesn't matter how long I

live. We can't do things that make people gossip."

Grandma was adamant and Camille wasn’t able to convince her.

Camille blamed it all on Eileen, and called her to give a warning, "Eileen, you better hope my

grandma's okay, or I'm not going to forgive you. If anything happens to my grandmother, I will make you


Eileen denied she had anything to do with it. "It's your grandmother who is in poor health condition, and

what's it got to do with me? I didn't say that to her. There were many people out there, do you think that

I’m talking with her?"

"I don't care. You're the main culprit in my life. No matter what you say, I'll repeat it again. If anything

happens to my grandmother, you won’t end well."

Camille's eyes were cold, and her face looked serious. She knew that her words would have little effect

on Eileen, a woman who was completely crazy.

So, she sent Kian a direct message and asked him to tell Ayan about Eileen's behavior of disturbing

her grandmother at the hospital.

Eileen didn't care about her, but she cared about Ayan.novelbin

After Kian told Ayan, Ayan immediately contacted Eileen.

Ayan once threatened Camille with her grandmother, but he couldn't bear what Eileen did.

Over the phone, Ayan warned Eileen, "Eileen, did you forget what I told you?"

"Ayan, I don't know what you mean."

"I told you not to bother Camille, not to bother her grandmother. Which part did you not understand?

Don’t disturb innocent people with these unreasonable measures."

Ayan's words were distant and cold.

Eileen was immediately aggrieved. "Ayan, did Camille say anything to you? I didn't do anything. I admit

I was skeptical at first, but then Dr. Ellis told me that it was because of my mother's medical condition

that I couldn't have the surgery right away. I'm not unreasonable. "

Ayan's face was cold and his dark eyes were indifferent.

His silence meant that he did not believe her.

Eileen pressed her lips together. "Ayan, you may not believe me, but you can't accuse me of anything. I

know you love Camille very much, and I mean nothing to you. "

No matter what she said or how she explained it, Ayan didn't show much emotion.

Eileen hung up the phone and made another phone call. The other person picked up the call quickly.

She said in a soft tone, "Ayan is cold to me because of Camille. Do you really want to ignore me like

this? Are you going to give up our goal for Camille?"

The silence on the other end of the line made Eileen even more emotional. "Is Camille really that

good? Why are you all letting me down for her? If she knew what kind of person you were, do you think

she would still be friends with you and keep you around?"

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