My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 171 He Knew Camille Was Pregnant
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Chapter 171 He Knew Camille Was Pregnant

"Ayan, am I wrong? This is what you said yourself, I was too eager to know Sienna's situation so I kept

pushing you, now I think I was indeed too selfish, and what you said is indeed not wrong."

"Heh, Camille , listen to your tone and tone of voice, do you think you mean what you say? Don't you

think it's hypocritical? You are obviously blaming me but you keep denying it, ask yourself, is that really

what you think in your heart?"

"I'm telling the truth, whether you believe it or not."

Camille pursed her lips and asked if she was angry inside.

It doesn't seem to.

Because there is nothing to be angry about.

Sienna was found, and nothing happened to her, so what's she got to be mad about?

But to say as nothing, she seems to be unable to do that generous.

Like a thorn, stuck in the throat, can't swallow and can't spit.

The atmosphere between the two fell into a silent gloom.

After half a minute or so, Camille was ready to lift her feet and walk out the door, because it didn't seem

like anything could be done if she continued to confront Ayan.

However, she had only just taken a step when Ayan reached out and grabbed her wrist.

He asked in a low voice, "Where are you going? Are you going to follow Sienna's example and walk


Camille wrinkled her eyebrows at him, these words made her sound yin and yang, she looked up at

him, and her emotions were invariably agitated, she said, "What? I'm not even free to go anywhere

anymore? You have always arranged for people to follow me, have you not? I always have someone to

tell you where I'm going, so why do you have to ask again?"

She was a bit emotional and tried to shake off Ayan's hand after she finished speaking, but he held her

tightly and didn't have the slightest intention to let go.

Ayan because of his words pupils become dark and deep, the jaw is tightened to the extreme point.

Camille's reaction is also increasing, her breathing is very rapid, all the nerve lines are as tight as a


Her face is pale and bloodless, because of the worry about Sienna, she did not rest all night today is

not even how to eat, and now the emotional overload, a pair of black to seep out of the ink eyes just


She also fell backwards, Ayan eyes, immediately reached out and took her into his arms and hugged

her tightly.

His movements were extremely fast, his cold face was indifferent and gloomy, as if water could drip out

at any time, and his voice was even more anxious and low: "Kian, drive."

Kian, who was at the door to explain the follow-up work to his men, heard the voice and immediately

looked towards Ayan, then saw him carrying Camille and came out with big strides.

Kian immediately ran towards the car in front of the door, he opened the door, then waited for Ayan to

carry Camille into the car and closed the door, and immediately got into the driver's seat and drove to

the hospital.

On the way Ayan's face was in a low, cold, tense, ten minutes to reach the nearest hospital.

The whole process was fast but long.

Camille was wheeled into the resuscitation room, where doctors examined her in detail. Her condition

was not serious, but hypoglycemia caused by fatigue leading to collapse.

However, she has a special health condition and the doctors are very careful and deliberate in the use

of medication.

Camille was wheeled into the room before she woke up, and the doctor said, "She's too tired, let her

sleep a little longer, and when she wakes up, she can eat nutritious food and be discharged after one

night of observation."

Her face was as pale as paper and oozed a very obvious weakness.

Ayan's slender jade-like figure stood beside the hospital bed, his deep eyes fixed on the woman on the

bed, and he asked in a low voice: "It's just a coma caused by exhaustion?"

"Yes, but because Mrs. Simpson is pregnant, she has to pay more attention than ordinary people. Mr.

Simpson, you also have to advise her not to expend herself too often, which is not friendly to the baby

in the belly, although the three months after the danger period, but still need to pay more attention."

The doctor's words left Ayan stunned.

He stared at the doctor with a slightly stiff face and asked in a hoarse voice, "You ..... you say she's


"Mr. Simpson, don't you know that Mrs. Simpson is almost four months pregnant and not very pregnant

because of her health."

The doctor also looked unbelievable, as if he knew how he shouldn't know the news.

The wife is pregnant and the husband doesn't know it.

Ayan sunken face did not speak again, Kian also looked at him with a serious look, and then whispered

a thank you to the doctor and let him go out first.novelbin

Ayan stood there stiff and motionless, staring at Camille on the bed as if he were trying to read her


She's almost four months pregnant?

Ayan was stunned, and for a moment he thought he was hearing things.

Because the news is just too shocking.

It's been almost four months, does she know that?

How can you not know!!!

He couldn't help but snicker inwardly.

If she knew, why did she never mention it?

And what is she planning?

Ayan's mind immediately recalls her attitude of insisting on divorce, so she insists on divorce even

when she knows she has a child?

Ayan sunken face, deep dark eyes like a layer of thick ink and black and deep so that people can not

see the bottom, do not know what he is thinking?

After a long time, Kian said softly, "Mr. Simpson, I'll go buy some food for the lady to eat when she

wakes up?"

"Hmm." Ayan just faintly responded.

Then Kian retired.

The atmosphere in the ward became quieter and quieter, and Ayan's eyes moved away from Camille to

look out the window, and his phone rang the next moment.

It was Rex who called.

He asked, "I heard that Camille fainted? Is everything all right?"

Ayan responded lightly, "It's okay."

His face still hard, he asked in a low voice, "Is Sienna with you? Put her on the phone!"

Rex didn't know what it was about, but he gave the phone to Sienna anyway.

Sienna asked with some concern, "How is Cami? Are you with her in the hospital now?"

She knew Camille was pregnant and she knew Camille didn't want Ayan to know, but at the moment

she didn't know how things were really going.

Ayan sensed something from Sienna's reaction and said in a warm voice, "She's pregnant, almost four

months now, so you know that too, right?"

Sienna was silent.

Ayan, is this all known?

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds before she said, "Now that you know, you should think

about how you should face Cami and the baby, and if you still insist on being with your sweetheart

Eileen, then pretend you don't know and let Cami go."

"Is that what Camille meant? So even having a child is hidden from me, the father of the child?"

"Mr. Simpson, I'm not arguing with you, I'm just telling you the facts, think about your options, Cami

wants a divorce because you think she really wants to hide the child from you? She just doesn't want

her children to live in a dysfunctional family environment."

Ayan was stone-faced and stunned.

Just as he fell silent, Camille's eyes opened in the hospital bed.

He heard the movement and looked back, then said to Sienna, "She's awake."

Following that, he cut the call off.

Ayan strides over to him and he asks in a low voice, "How do you feel? Is there anything


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