My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 170 Paying the Price
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Chapter 170 Paying the Price

Before he could finish his words, he saw Ayan's eyes were deep and cold, and then they stopped


He said, "Sorry!"

Ayan ignored him, and the two watched the officers interrogate the suspect. After a series of cross-

examinations and Sienna's photo interview, the suspect finally told the truth.

"I did drive her, see her all wet, I had the idea, but she is really too aggressive, I do not want to just go

out and be caught tight to go there is no intention, but who knows she did not even give money to get

off and go ......"

The suspect revealed where Sienna had gotten out of her car, and then everyone started investigating

around the area.

Less than half an hour later Kian's side was the first to get the news.

"Mr. Simpson , our people have found out about Miss King!"

Ayan told Kian to inform Rex, and he drove himself to the apartment.

He knocked on Camille's apartment door. She was still awake, looking at him with a hazy face, her

eyes light and her tone even lighter: "Is something wrong?"

Ayan subconsciously frowned, but did not say anything more than, "Sienna has news."

"Where is she?" Camille's reaction was overwhelming, and she subconsciously stepped forward and

clutched Ayan's arm: "Is she ...... Are you okay?"

The last three words Camille have an almost nasal sound.

Ayan whispered in response, "At a small hotel, I've already informed Rex, I should be there with you

sooner than he is, hmm?"

Camille nodded and was ready to follow Ayan out the door without even changing her shoes, but Ayan

stopped her: "Change your shoes first and put on an extra dress."

Camille wrinkled her brow and subconsciously wanted to deny it, but finally said nothing and listened to


A few minutes later, the two departed from the apartment to the small hotel.

On the way Ayan drove the car as fast as he could to make sure it was safe.

Upon arriving at the motel, Camille rushed to unbuckle her seat belt and darted out of the car.

Kian was waiting at the door early and when he saw Camille, he said, "Madam .....".

"Where is she? Take me to her."

Kian subconsciously looked behind him to follow Ayan, and he nodded before Kian took Camille into

the small hotel and went up to the second floor.

Kian said, "The room door is unlocked, Miss King is eating, you can go in!"

Camille had already pushed the door open and entered before Kian's words fell.

Sienna was drinking her soup, and when she saw the person who came in, she immediately put down

the spoon in her hand.

"Sienna ...... Are you okay?" Camille walked up to her and looked at her from above. Sienna was

wearing someone's clothes, just a plain T-shirt anyway, and her face was pale and bloodless. Why

didn't you look for me when you came out?"

Camille's nasal voice is heavy and muffled.

Sienna hurriedly stood up, she explained, "I got a little fever from the rain, I've been resting here for the

past two days, and I didn't dare to look for you, I was afraid that Rex, that bastard, would bother you, I

was going to be quiet for a while, then I'll look for you after these two days, I'm sorry for making you


Sienna opened her arms and gave Camille an active hug, then whispered, "I'm sorry to have frightened

our mother-to-be, and I'm really sorry to see you look so bad."

"Don't be silly." Camille sniffled and asked faintly, "It's really all right, isn't it?"

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"Do you know that they found out that the driver of that cab you took is a perverted maniac, this time it's

just your luck that nothing happened, you learn a lesson from me you can't be like this in the future, no

matter what happens don't condemn yourself to put yourself in danger."

Camille let her go and stared at her with a serious face, instructing.

Sienna has also heard Kian said, she is also a little bit of fear after the fact, but at that time, thenovelbin

situation, she can not care about fear, there are all want to hide quickly, do not want to be found by


She nodded gently and responded in a low voice, "Don't worry, I definitely won't. By the way, has my

brother ever contacted you?"

"Well, there was one time, and he shouldn't have been suspicious, so don't worry."

The two were chatting when there was a sudden knock at the door, followed by Kian's voice: "Madam,

Mr. Ward is here, he wants to see Miss King."

Camille meets Sienna's gaze, whose face is slightly pale, and her eyes are cold.

Camille asks, "You think so? Want to meet?"

Sienna expressionless silence, after a few seconds she sent a far-fetched light smile, and then said:

"not to see, is between me and he seems to really should meet, some words now not chat clearly,

probably he will use the same means to me, these two days in fact, I thought a lot, some things have

been avoiding simply can not be resolved. "

Force yourself not to face it, but the end result will still be faced.

So avoidance is only a momentary excuse, not always the reason.

The two men looked at each other, and Camille said, "You eat first, and I'll go out and let him in."

Sienna nodded as she watched Camille leave the room, but where was the appetite to continue eating.

She just hung her head and sighed silently, in a somewhat indescribably melancholy mood.

Outside the door, Camille came out of her room and saw Rex, who had also just arrived and was

wearing a cool, dusty air.

The next second he saw Camille, he couldn't wait to ask, "She ....... How's it going?"

Camille didn't answer, but simply said warmly, "Rex, if you continue to hide people illegally, I will do

whatever it takes to make you pay."

Rex nodded his head, "I understand, just this once, it won't happen again."

Camille didn't respond, a face still cold, and she said, "Know why she'd rather brave the rain and


Rex's stony eyes looked at Camille, who said lightly, "Because of your good fiancée, you can't handle

your own woman, so don't mess with Sienna anymore."

At Camille's words, her eyes took a deep, sullen look at Rex before she lifted her feet and headed out

the door.

Rex stood still for a long time, looking at the door of the room in front of him, he suddenly had some

courage to get closer to open it.

He never knew why Sienna preferred to leave despite the danger to herself; she thought it was simply

a desire to escape from him, but never thought it had anything to do with Bella.

His face was sullen, his inner turmoil growing heavier.

After a long time, he lifted his feet to the door, then pushed the door inside.


As soon as Camille came down, she saw Ayan sitting on the couch in front of the hotel.

He saw her too, got up and came towards her, asking in a low voice, "Sienna, is everything all right?"

Camille said lightly, "Are you concerned or are you just going to excuse Rex?"

"Camille, I'm not excusing him, it's just that nothing is more important than finding Sienna in a situation

like that. I know that you resent me for not promising you to convince Rex sooner, and I'm sorry for

worrying you, but even if we intervene to settle things between them, do you think it's really settled?"

Everyone understands the reasoning and knows that some things will only cure the symptoms but not

the root cause, but they just can't see their friends being hurt, everyone is protective of the


Camille said coldly: "You don't need to be sorry, after all, Sienna has nothing to do with you, and there

is nothing wrong with not giving any help to someone you have nothing to do with. "

"Camille , are these words what you really have in your heart?"

Ayan questioned in a low voice.

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