My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1499: Confusion
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Chapter 1499: Confusion

Chapter 1499: Confusion

Ayan's words were sharp, filled with a fierceness that made it impossible to meet his eyes.

The group stood there, speechless and motionless, unsure of what to say, maintaining a silentpresence.

Perhaps due to the prolonged silence, Ayan found the situation uninteresting. He calmly spoke,"Since none of you have anything to say, I will take it as you have no objections to the rumorsonline. If there is nothing else, feel free to go about your own business."

With that, Ayan walked into his office without giving anyone a chance to respond.

The office door closed behind him, with two bodyguards stationed outside.

The group exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a sense of helplessness.

They wanted to speak up, but seeing the imposing figures of the bodyguards made them lose theirwords.

Inside the office,

Camille sat on the sofa, observing the situation outside and listening to Ayan's words.

She waited for Ayan to approach her.

Their gaze met, with Ayan showing concern as he approached Camille, asking softly, "Are youokay?"

Camille smiled softly and replied in a low voice, "What do you think?"

In truth, Camille was still in a state of confusion. The sudden turn of events left her unable toprocess everything, hence, she lacked any strong emotions at the moment.

Seeing Camille's ability to joke amidst the chaos eased Ayan's worries. He whispered, "Is it time tohead home? Shall we leave after work?"novelbin

Camille asked, "Don't they want to see me outside? Don't you want to see them?"

Ayan replied, "I don't think they want to anymore."

With a smile, Camille reached out her hand for Ayan to hold, standing up from the sofa. She thenturned to Horace's secretary and said, "Thank you for today."

"It's my duty," Horace's secretary replied, bowing respectfully.

Ayan and Camille left the office hand in hand. The crowd gathered at the entrance had notdispersed yet, as it had only been a couple of minutes.

Upon seeing Camille, the initial reaction of the onlookers was to approach and ask questions.However, the bodyguards blocked their path, leaving them speechless.

Camille found this situation somewhat amusing. In a subtle move unseen by the others, she lightlyscratched Ayan's palm and whispered, "Can I say something?"

Ayan understood her intentions and nodded.

Camille looked back at the shareholders, with whom she had recently met during a shareholdermeeting to acquire Brody's shares. Some were absent, likely due to their allegiance to either her orGrace's uncle.

Addressing the shareholders, Camille asked, "Are you curious if I will take over Armstrong Corp?"

Though phrased as a responsible question, Camille's underlying inquiry was whether they believedshe planned to claim ownership of Armstrong Corp.

However, such a direct approach would seem impolite in a gathering like this. Therefore, Camillechose her words carefully, observing the shareholders' reactions.

Her pointed questions elicited indirect responses, with one shareholder saying, "We are onlyconcerned about the situation of Armstrong Corp, especially during Mr. Burris's absence. It'schallenging to explain to the public, which raises suspicions about the company."

Camille maintained her gaze on the shareholders, her eyes flickering with a subtle challenge. Sheremarked, "Is this the consensus among all of you?"

She continued, "If I were in your shoes, I would focus on the dividends in hand. If your attention isfixated on personnel changes within Armstrong Corp or the relations within the Armstrong family,perhaps it's best for you to exit the company. Constantly hoping for disruptions to boost thecompany's popularity is a flawed mindset. Success comes from dedication to each project, notseeking sensationalism."

Camille's words drew some reactions, but she didn't wait for a response. She declared, "As for myrole in the company, we will convene a shareholder meeting tomorrow morning. I will reveal myintentions then."

With that, Camille took Ayan's hand and said, "Let's go."

Ayan nodded and led her away.

Silence enveloped them until they reached the elevator. Camille sighed heavily, "I didn't expectArmstrong Corp to remain in such disarray. Despite warning them during the brink of bankruptcy,they seem more focused on immediate gains than the company's future."

Failing to see beyond immediate gains would hinder a company's long-term success.

Camille sighed again, expressing her frustration.

Aware of her limitations in guiding everyone, she turned to Ayan, "Was it too early for me to speak?"

Even though she appeared to be in charge of Armstrong Corp, her heart wasn't fully invested in thecompany. Perhaps she needed Horace's input to navigate this situation.

Ayan, observing her troubled expression, asked, "Are you regretting your words now?"

Camille pursed her lips, "I don't regret it. I just fear they might think I'm speaking boldly because ofyou."

Regardless of Ayan's presence or their relationship, Camille would say what she deemednecessary. Though not emotionally attached to Armstrong Corp, she desired to assist Grace andensure the company faced fewer obstacles in the future.

She contemplated seeking Horace's opinion, unsure of his thoughts on the matter.

Ayan watched her worried expression and murmured, "Once said, are you now having secondthoughts?"

Camille fell silent, pondering her actions.

"I have no regrets. I just worry that my confidence might be mistaken for arrogance, especially inyour presence," Camille finally expressed.

Regardless of whether Ayan is by her side or how her relationship with him is, she will still say whatneeds to be said.

Although Camille doesn't have much emotional attachment to Armstrong Corp, at present, it's onlyher and Grace from the Armstrong family. She hopes to contribute in any way she can, without anyother ulterior motives.

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