My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1376: Suspicion
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Chapter 1376: Suspicion

Chapter 1376: Suspicion

"You..." Page's cousin couldn't find words at the moment. She just felt that Camille couldn't leave, because as long as Camillewas there, no matter what happened, someone would be responsible. But if Camille left, what would happen if something wentwrong?

Camille looked at her lightly, her voice warm and indifferent. "Staying here serves no purpose for me. | have done everything |could to arrange for people to search and have reported to the police for investigation. All that's left now is to wait. As for Grace, |will find a way to contact her."

After that, Camille took Ayan's hand and left the villa.Exiting the Armstrong's villa, Camille took a deep breath, her face darkened to the extreme.Since this matter has not been fully disclosed, not many people know about it for now.

So at this moment, Camille felt like she was in a somewhat unreal state. She looked at Ayan and asked, "Ayan, what exactly hashappened to her now?"

She had no foreboding, no telepathic connection.She felt like she was just a piece of wood, like an emotionless machine.

Her unease and emotions made Ayan's expression serious. In a gentle voice, he said, "Don't think too much. We haveconducted a large-scale search, and results will come soon. | have also arranged for Horace's family to bring Grace backtonight."

In fact, everyone had already guessed the worst-case scenario deep down, but at the moment, they were all clinging to a threadof hope.

Camille pursed her lips lightly, nodding slightly. Her mood was complicated, and she didn't know how to describe it.novelbin

The two of them returned to the car. Just as they were about to leave, they suddenly heard Kian, who was driving, say in a lowvoice, "Mr. Simpson, someone has come out from the back door of the villa. Should we intercept?"

Camille immediately sat up straight, her eyes fixed on the front. Indeed, a woman stooped and quickly walked out of the villa,probably afraid of being discovered, which was why she walked fast but kept her body bent.

Camille said with a solemn face, "My father has told me several times that someone in the Armstrong family has been bought byPreston. Is it this person?"

If it was, then the reason she slipped away now was self-explanatory.

Ayan said to Kian, "Go intercept her, then have someone come and take her away. With Preston's current situation, even if hecan't do much, once he knows about this, he will definitely spread the news everywhere. It's not yet public, so the fewer peoplewho know, the better."

Once the news of Page falling off the cliff came out, the police would be pressured to investigate instead of searching forsomeone. This would cause great damage to Armstrong Corp, and if this incident was related to Brody, Armstrong Corp mightface public resistance.

Even though Brody currently had no say in Armstrong Corp's management, the fact remained that Armstrong Corp was stillArmstrong Corp. As long as it bore the Armstrong name, any incident involving the Armstrong family would implicate ArmstrongCorp.

This was an undeniable fact.

Kian immediately got out of the car and hurried towards the servant who was walking away. After Kian got out, there were onlyCamille and Ayan left in the car.

Camille pursed her lips, her face blank. She asked Ayan, "Do you think this is an accident, or is there something else hiddenbehind it?"

Camille was confused. No matter the outcome, she had to face it. Although her feelings for Brody and Page had been consumedby their repeated coldness and manipulation, she didn't want anything to happen to either of them.

Even if they were strangers, she hoped nothing would happen to them.Camille's voice was low, and she already had a clear idea of the answers, but she was reluctant to admit it.

Ayan embraced her, his voice still gentle. He said, "If it's an accident, why did it happen to her so coincidentally? Theirrelationship was questionable in the past, but in the past six months or so, they have had frequent quarrels. Why did theysuddenly decide to go on a trip together? Did they really want to reconcile? At the moment, we can only speculate based on pastevents. We can only get the ultimate answer when we find her, but Cami, you need to prepare yourself mentally. The worstoutcome may have already occurred."

At this moment, not only Camille but also Ayan was in conflict.

His expression was slightly solemn, with a hint of coldness in his deep eyes. Although this incident had occurred, after carefulconsideration, he still believed they should let things unfold naturally for now. Since this incident had happened, makingclarifications to prevent Camille from suffering might complicate the situation even more.

However, it was already very clear if judged as a normal accident.

Perhaps at the moment Page fell off the cliff, the worst outcome had already occurred. But now, the important thing was to findout whether she fell or it was an accident, or if someone was behind it.

Time would reveal the true answer.

Camille tried to find a convincingconclusion in Ayan's words, but themore she thought, the more Ssteneher expressio egaree\ in ithe ShaShp icauld rly lightly press her lipstogether and say softly, "| wouldrather he chose divorce, even if hedidn't give her a penny or spreadsome rumors to tarnish her, but |don't want him to do something thatcould cost a life." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

After so many years of marriage, overlooking the faults and focusing on the good, at the very least, they had a child together.Shouldn't the bond forged by these factors prevent them from resorting to violence?

Camille lifted her hands to cover her eyes, took a deep breath, and didn't want to think about it further.Because it was just too irritating.After a while, Kian returned.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, | have hadsomeone take her away. | probed herat first, and she initially refused toadmit, claiming she just wanteg tegohome. S sneakenisat Because,diveh the circumstances, she fearedbeing rejected if she returned at thistime. However, | threatened to informthe Armstrong family directly if shedidn't speak, and pressured by thesituation and fearing the Armstrongfamily finding out, she admitted thatshe indeed intended to call Prestonabout the matter." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"| have had someone watch over her for now. Do you need anything else?"

"No, just keep an eye on her. Oncethis matter can no longer beconcealed, then release her." It mMprobably weno’ ete hala dayOP wesihte many search teamswere deployed. The search rangeidentified by Brody was expanding,and drone searches had also begun.If the person did fall off the cliff asBrody claimed, finding them was onlya matter of time. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

To verify if Brody was telling the truth, the investigation would be divided into two parts: investigating their recent trips and findingthe person.

From the surveillance footage obtained, it seemed that their relationship had indeed changed a lot. They were holding hands andlaughing together as if they had never had any grievances as a loving couple.

But was it really like that?

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