My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1375 Evading
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Chapter 1375 Evading

Chapter 1375 Evading

Brody's expression was not great, his eyes showing clear signs of redness, whether from crying or lack of rest.

After instructing Kian to contact someone for investigation, Ayan once again held Camille's hand, looking gently at her andsaying, "The answer will come eventually. What exactly happened will come to light sooner or later."

Camille nodded slightly, her expression still quite serious.

The people from Page's family did not raise any objections temporarily due to Ayan's arrangements, but Brody's cold attitudemade them quite unhappy.

Page's sister-in-law spoke up, "Aren't you worried at all? Something like this happened, but we don't see any reaction from you?You being so calm now is really chilling!!"

Page also had a cousin, who had a good relationship with Page, so she cried out, "Brother-in-law, my sister has sacrificedeverything for you. You must do everything you can to find her!"

Everyone's words made Brody feel numb, his face especially cold.

He said, "Enough, the person hasn't been found yet. Let's talk when they are found. What's the use of talking so much now? Ifyou think I'm not doing enough, then go and find her yourselves."

After speaking, Brody stood up straight away. He wanted to go upstairs directly, but his gaze caught sight of Ayan standingdirectly in front of him, causing his steps to falter and his eyes to show a hint of evasion.

Ayan, of course, didn't miss his reaction. He stood still, still holding Camille's hand.

After a brief eye contact, Brody took the initiative to walk towards Ayan. Due to Camille's presence, Ayan was younger, but hisstatus in the business world and the inherent sense of oppression made Brody naturally feel a little fearful.

Brody's footsteps halted in front of Ayan, his gaze unable to continue meeting Ayan's directly, so he whispered, "Ayan, you'vegone to a lot of trouble."

"No need to be polite. I'm Cami's husband, so it's my duty," Ayan said casually.

Brody then said, "Thank you for your trouble."

"Sure." Ayan was still gentle, devoid of any extra emotions.

Others did not notice, but Camille by Ayan's side sensed it.novelbin

However, Camille just thought Ayan was the same as usual, especially since he wasn't particularly warm towards Brody Page.After all, they weren't kind to her, so it was natural for Ayan not to be overly friendly to them.

Brody glanced at Ayan awkwardly, then turned and went upstairs.

After Brody left, Page's family members in the living room were naturally displeased.

Especially Page's two older brothers, although they didn't have frequent contact and their relationship was not as friendly as itseemed, especially after the Armstrong family's decline, these two older brothers had even less contact with Page. They hadhoped that Page could convince Brody to help them, but were always rejected. Naturally, they had a big bias against Page andBrody.

Although this time they came for Page's matter, their real purpose was quite straightforward and plain, mainly to gain somebeneficial advantages for themselves.

At this moment, Brody's indifference made them unable to bear it, but seeing Camille and Ayan still there, they didn’t want tomiss this opportunity.

Not long after Brody went upstairs, the two brothers approached Ayan, looking at him with a smile, full of flattery, but stillmaintaining some respect on the surface: "Ayan, | am Cami's eldest uncle. | watched this child grow up since she was young. |used to carry her when she was young. She was the one | loved the most, so I'm very happy to see her grow up so well all theseyears."

"Yes, yes, and I'm Cami's younger uncle. | used to play with her often when she was young, but due to moving houses later, wemet less frequently. However, | never forgot about her all these years. Seeing her married to you, | can finally feel reassured."

The two of them took turns describing their fondness for Camille, but for Camille, all these were blank memories that she had norecollection of. Even Grace was a stranger to her.

Because of their infrequent contact and lack of interaction, there were no memories to remember.

Camille looked at them with a distant and indifferent look, and there was no extra response from her.

This made the atmosphere a bitawkward, but it was the two uncleswho felt the awkwardness. T

cousin w oad eddéalelationshipWith PA e on the side also noticedthis scene, sighing softly and saying,"Stop trying to get close. How exactlyis your relationship with your sister?Camille is not oblivious." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Camille looked at Page's cousin, whom she called aunt, having seen her many times, but always kept her distance. So Camilleunderstood that she wouldn't actively approach her.

Everyone's reactions were observed by Camille, who naturally had no response to them.Seeing this, the expressions on everyone's faces froze slightly when Ayan's voice rang out at this moment.

His voice didn't show any emotion,only coldness in his deep eyes as hesaid, "We're not three-year- oteee ne ows @natslgd and

ot, So why touch oneal that no one cares about?Let's focus on finding the personunder the current circumstances, andas for other matters, let's skip them."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Ayan gave no face to anyone, and although his words were not pleasant, no one dared to say a word.Ayan's gaze passed over everyone, then he whispered to Camille, "Let's go back. Kian will inform us as soon as there's news."Camille nodded slightly, preparing to leave with Ayan.

However, others objected, especiallyPage's cousin, who blocked Camille'sway and said, "Camille, how gamyiddiahiatinieVo f motherAnIeciAA been found yet. You have tostay. Who will be responsible if youleave? Grace also can't find her. Howcan you, as a daughter, just ignoreeverything?" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Camille frowned tightly, looking coldly at Page's cousin.

She said, "Then you tell me what to do?"

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