My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1352 Routines
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Chapter 1352 Routines

Chapter 1352 Routines

Kian also understood in an instant, Mr. Tillery used the other party, who was not unaware, but out of respect for Mr. Tillery beingDaisy's father, they had been cooperating all along.

Indeed, Kian had just found out through his investigation that the project manager for Tillery's Corporation's project in Hance City,Kerry, had a long-standing relationship with Daisy. However, due to Kerry's inferior background compared to Daisy, and Mr.Tillery's disapproval of their relationship, he had early on found ways to obstruct any possibility between the two. But Kerry'sfeelings for Daisy had always been there, something Daisy and Mr. Tillery were well aware of, as were all the members ofTillery's Corporation.

So, for the sake of Daisy, Kerry willingly helped Mr. Tillery with many things, all because of Daisy.

Mr. Tillery arranging for Kerry to come to Hance City was probably also to allow Kerry to help him better understand Ayan andthe Simpson Group.

But Kerry was fully aware of Mr. Tillery's intentions towards Ayan and Daisy's feelings towards Ayan. So, would he really not mindit at all? Or was he indifferent? Had he truly gone to such lengths for Daisy's sake?

Since Kerry had already arrived, answers would come soon.

Suddenly, Ayan felt that Daisy was not a pressure or a time bomb anymore, but rather a good catalyst. She could even help himwith many things.

Ayan's mood instantly improved, with an unabashed sense of ease and joy on his face. Looking down at the table, he spoke inaslightly deep voice, "Any follow-up from last night?"

Kian immediately understood what he was referring to and replied, "Shortly after | left last night, someone from Sean's sidecontacted us. It seemed to be when Elijah was taking a shower."

Ayan asked, "What did he say?"

Kian replied, "Sean wants to work with you, but | haven't given a response yet. | told him to wait for a while as you've been busythese days."

"Okay, let it hang for a bit. Inform him during lunch that I'll go to the hotel around 8 p. m. tonight. Ask him to find an opportunity tocome out and meet me!"

“Are you going to meet Sean in person?"

"Considering the timing, it's necessary to meet him. If he's willing to set aside Elijah and come see me at this time, it seems he'sreally understood."

Since Sean had understood, it was only natural to give him a chance. Only by giving him that opportunity could Sean have peaceof mind and truly see Ayan's sincerity.

After understanding Ayan's thoughts, Kian nodded and softly replied, "Mr. Simpson, | understand your intentions. I'll contact Seanlater and I'm sure he'll be pleased."

Ayan had no response, only looking at Kian again and saying, "In the afternoon when those people from Tillery's Corporationarrive, go and accompany them for dinner. It's a show of respect to Tillery's Corporation."

Kian agreed, but wouldn't it be inappropriate if Ayan didn't attend?

Ayan chuckled, "What's inappropriate? They are just one of Simpson Group's many projects. Do | have to personally handleeverything?"

Daisy was Mr. Tillery's daughter, and his personal appearance was already a great show of respect. As for the project managerKerry, he wouldn't give any special treatment.

In fact, he might even show a bit of goodwill and proactively approach him.After discussing with Kian, Ayan went back to work. Lunch was eaten at the office.Camille's message also arrived at this time.

She said to Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, | have something to report to you. | have a date today, meeting an old friend with Sienna, so |won't be able to have dinner with you tonight, okay?”

Ayan's attention was caught by the words "old friend." He asked, "Who's the old friend?"

Camille replied, "Honestly, | have no idea. Sienna hasn't told me yet. She's teasing me. Do you think this kind of friend shouldstill be kept?"

Looking at Camille's words, Ayan couldn't help but smile. He could already imagine her with a slight smile on her face and herplayful tone, which brought back memories.

Camille, of course, was unaware of his thoughts.

Ayan laughed, "So even if you don't know who it is, you'll still go along with Sienna to meet this old friend?""Well, | believe in her. Besides, with you around, | know you'll protect me!"

After Camille finished speaking, Ayan also smiled.

He knew she was just teasing him.

But since Camille had plans with Sienna, Ayan decided to make plans with Rex as well. Two abandoned men could have dinnerand have a few drinks together.

The day passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was time for dinner.Camille and Sienna finished work early and drove from the office to the dinner location.

Because it was to entertain a friend,they chose Darkmoor. They coulhave gone to Si pps erStalrantdirpethy Boe Sienna’ s restaurant onlyserved specialty dishes, not thespecialties of Hance City, so it wasn'tquite suitable. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Arriving at Darkmoor, Sienna stillhadn't revealed who th fs GenserS Camilg guriabaly ds ked, "Who isnovelbin

thiS mystery friend that you'rekeeping a secret?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Smugly raising her eyebrows, Sienna replied, "| won't tell you. You'll know who it is when you see them."

Camille chuckled and teased, "Is there really an old friend, or are you just trying to trick me into buying you dinner and keeping ita secret?"

Sienna immediately became upset and said, "Don't accuse me like that. If you continue, I'll be mad!""Are you going to reveal who the old friend is after dinner, or only after we pay the bill?"

Camille continued to tease Sienna,knowing her well. She knew gienria |

U ‘tandbsiny Sccised, even ifWhee Camille was just provokingher. Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

The following exchange led to Sienna constantly checking her phone.After Sienna had checked her phone countless times, a knock on the private room door was heard.

Sienna immediately got up to open the door herself, casting a challenging look at Camille and said, "Watch, you'll have toapologize to me later!"

With that, she walked over to open the door.

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