My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1351 Pressure
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Chapter 1351 Pressure

Chapter 1351 Pressure

"I'm not sure about this either, Mr. Simpson didn't tell me, so | don't know for now," Elijah nodded slightly, lost in briefcontemplation. In the end, he didn't say anything, just nodded to Kian.

Kian didn't stay long, his main purpose was just to pass on a message to Ayan, and now that it was done, he was ready to leave.

Looking at Elijah at this moment, Kian's lips curved into a faint smile, but he didn't show much emotion. He said to Elijah, "Sean,it's getting late, and I've delivered Mr. Simpson's message, so I'll head back now. If you need anything, just give me a call!"

Elijah just nodded without saying much, and Sean, seeing his father's seemingly troubled expression, immediately got up to seeKian off.

As the two reached the door of the room, Kian looked at Sean with a faint smile and said gently, "Sean, what's wrong? Are younot feeling well or just in a bad mood?"

Kian naturally knew what was wrong with him, he was just asking Sean on purpose.

Sean blinked and evaded the question with a troubled expression, saying softly, "Maybe I'm just tired from walking. You know mydad has been cooped up in there for a long time, his health is probably not great. Living here with Mr. Simpson, he hasn't beengetting much exercise, so he's probably just tired tonight."

"Oh, | see. You're right. Not getting enough physical activity for a long time isn't good. Take care of him," Kian expressed hisconcern and then glanced deeply at Sean before leaving.

Watching Kian leave in the elevator, Sean went back to the room and closed the door behind him.

Seeing Elijah still lost in thought, Sean couldn't help but express his concern, "Dad, what's wrong with you? You looked like youwere about to spill everything to Kian just now. You seemed like you had something on your mind, which could easily be seenthrough by Kian. If he finds out about Ayan, then won't we be in trouble? Can we still stay here?"

Elijah remained silent, his face growing more serious, furrowing his brows further. Sean felt increasingly anxious seeing hisfather this way, with no sense of reassurance.

Sighing, Sean expressed his worries, "Dad, do you think Ayan suspects something? Isn't it better for us to just go along withPreston's plans and lead comfortable lives with his help? We can go back to our hometown together, I'll find a stable job, and youcan retire peacefully. Isn't that a good life?"

Sean had no desire to be associated with Preston anymore, so when Elijah wanted to meet with Preston that night to discusssomething important, he was completely against it. But Elijah insisted it was crucial.

Without waiting for any response from Elijah, Sean pressed on, "Dad, what exactly are you planning to tell Preston tonight?"At this question, Elijah, who hadn't reacted at all until now, finally showed a sign of movement.

Looking at Sean, his eyes filled with displeasure, he said with a husky voice, "Shut up. Let's end this discussion here and now. IfAyan's people catch wind of it, neither of us will have a good time."

“If you know it won't end well, then why risk meeting with Preston? Dad, he calls you uncle, but do you really think he sees youas one? If he did, he wouldn't treat me this way, and certainly wouldn't ignore you. In the end, it's always been us doing the work,but all the benefits go to Preston. Do you want to continue like this?" Sean voiced his frustration, unwilling to continue down thispath. Being by Preston's side all these years hadn't been easy for him either. Despite appearing close to Preston on the surface,in reality, Preston was extremely mistrustful. If anything unfavorable happened, Preston would never show himself.

As he pondered on this, Sean felt increasingly unequal.novelbin

Seeing Elijah remain silent, Sean felt increasingly upset. He confronted Elijah, "How long are you going to remain oblivious? Doyou want to watch Preston manipulate me right in front of your eyes?"

Elijah's expression was grave, his eyes hiding many thoughts and storms. His voice took on a rough tone as he said, "I willconsider this matter carefully. It's late, and I'm tired. Rest early!"

With that, Elijah got up and headed to the bathroom, leaving Sean with a sense of uncertainty.

Deep in thought and feeling a multitude of emotions, Sean finally concluded that serving Preston any longer would lead to ableak future for him and Elijah.

Sean got up as well. He headed to the bathroom, while Elijah went to the room opposite theirs and knocked on the door.

As for what transpired next, only the two bodyguards Ayan had assigned to Sean in the opposite room knew.

That night, all remained calm, as if time had paused, halting all further disturbances.

The team leader responsible forTillery's Corporation's project alsarrived in Hange Gjty aime OCafteriadi! Kian ad received thenews in the morning and promptlyarranged for a driver to pick up theguest at the hotel. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Naturally, the guest would be staying at the same hotel as Daisy. Upon investigating, Kian learned of a certain detail.Having sorted out all the arrangements, he hurried back to Simpson Group to inform Ayan of what he had learned.Ayan furrowed his brows slightly upon hearing the news, a hint of surprise in his eyes as he asked, "Are you sure?"

Kian nodded slightly, "Basically, |didn't go out of my way to find o

just inquired a sh yteg Gras vOcharge 5 this project and theirrelationship with Mr. Tillery, andunexpectedly stumbled upon thisinformation." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

An intrigued smile played upon Ayan's lips as he said, "What is Mr. Tillery up to? Is he trying to use Daisy to keep an eye on theproject leader and, by extension, on me?"

Kian realized the possibility and asked, "Mr. Simpson, could this potentially cause trouble for you?"

Ayan shook his head, unfazed. Hereplied, "No need to worry. Even ifthat's the case, itc pagceseiierally théother party has genuinefeelings for Daisy. If Mr. Tillery canutilize him, why can't 1? Who do youthink he favors more, me or Mr.Tillery?" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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