My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1291: The Answer
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Chapter 1291: The Answer

Chapter 1291: The Answer

Sienna had a sense of belated realization. When Crystal spoke at the bar, she also just recovered in an

instant. At that time, Sienna didn't think of herself as a backup plan. She simply thought Crystal might

be more enthusiastic. So she couldn't help but reflect in her mind if she had been too outgoing in her

usual behavior.

But the more Sienna thought about it just now, the stranger it seemed. And now that she had reacted,

she asked directly.

She gazed at Camille and blinked, saying, "So, does she have a crush on you? Or does she have

some other purpose?"

Never underestimate a woman's intuition and sixth sense.

Sienna now felt like a detective, with her mind full of various doubts and speculations.

She stared into Camille's eyes and asked, "Crystal definitely wants to get close to you. No wonder the

first thing she asked when she brought the local specialties to the company downstairs last time was

about you. At that time, I found it strange, thinking she was just asking casually. But now, I guess she

wanted to meet you, right?"

"I feel like it's not just me who feels a sense of crisis now. Even Ayan should feel it too!"

"Is her concern for me just a means to an end?"

"What else could it be?"

"It could be a means to an end, but it doesn't necessarily mean she has any special intentions towards

me," Camille raised an eyebrow and smiled. "So don't think too much about it. As for why she wants to

be friends with us, time will provide the answer."

Although Camille told Sienna this, when she chatted with Ayan in the evening, she also mentioned the

dinner with Crystal.

Upon hearing Crystal's name, Ayan naturally reacted and asked, "Did you have dinner with Crystal?"

"Yes, didn't I tell you earlier that we were having dinner tonight? It was with Crystal and Sienna. Crystal

had prepared a lot of specialties and snacks from Flento City for us. We should have treated her to a

meal earlier, but we never found the right opportunity. Just then, Sienna mentioned that Crystal wanted

to talk to her, so we had this dinner."

Camille continued speaking on her own, with Ayan not present. He couldn't see his current expressionnovelbin

or reaction, so she continued, "I have a question about Crystal."

Ayan's voice finally sounded, "What's your question?"

"I feel like she might have some ulterior motives towards me or Sienna. Because you know the history

between us. So why would she want to be friends with us? It's a bit strange to me!"

Camille naturally had no reservations about talking to Ayan. Just now, when she was in front of Sienna,

she had to consider if her words would make Sienna doubt herself or behave unusually.

But it didn't matter to be honest with Ayan, after all, he had a keen sense of judgment when it came to


So Camille wanted to ask Ayan how he saw it.

However, after her words, Ayan's reaction was somewhat indifferent. He said, "Didn't I already

investigate her before? There's no problem. Maybe she just genuinely wants to be friends with you


Camille was slightly taken aback. He was right, they did investigate Crystal, but the lingering doubts in

her heart remained. However, Ayan seemed convinced and didn't continue to ask further. He just

answered like that.

Camille pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly quieted down.

It continued like this for about ten seconds, and Ayan probably realized that Camille's mood wasn't

quite right. Then he spoke up, "Why aren't you saying anything?"

Camille also furrowed her brows. She hesitated for a while, not knowing how to start.

The atmosphere became increasingly strange. After almost a minute, Camille spoke softly, "Why don't

you ask me why I think this way? You didn't mention anything about investigating or helping me

analyze, even though I know you've already looked into it. It's not like you, Ayan. Before, you would

always help me analyze and give sincere advice and your thoughts. But now, why do you trust Crystal

like this?"

Once Camille had doubts in her mind, they became uncontrollable. Ayan's change, in particular, was

unbelievable to her. Her thoughts grew stronger, and if Ayan didn't say anything, Camille would

probably start overthinking again.

Naturally, Ayan didn't want to give him that chance. He wanted Preston to continue living in the

darkness, completely losing any power to go against the Simpson family. Now that Eileen's wings had

been broken, he couldn't afford to give Preston a new opportunity.

Perhaps Ayan's words were sincere enough, so Camille didn't think much about it. She smoothly

changed the topic to something else. It was already late for Camille, but Ayan was just having dinner.

Camille needed to rest, so they didn't continue their conversation.

However, after finishing the conversation with Camille, Ayan didn't immediately have his dinner.

Instead, he dialed Crystal's phone number. They had exchanged contacts, and even if they hadn't, he

could still find it.

Crystal quickly answered the call, surprised because she didn't expect Ayan to call her. She asked, "Mr.

Simpson?" Co?tent оf Draмa?ovеls.cом

"It's me." Ayan's voice wasn't as gentle as it was with Camille a moment ago. It was rather cold and

serious. He said, "I heard you had dinner with her today."

"Weren't we clear about this?" Ayan furrowed his eyebrows, sounding somewhat displeased.

Crystal replied, "Of course, I know we made an agreement. I just want a specific time. It has been a

long time since this matter started, and I don't think I've ever asked Mr. Simpson directly for an answer,

have I?"

Indeed, that was the case. After all, this matter was delicate and sensitive. The fewer people who knew

about it, the better. So Crystal never took the initiative to ask, and naturally, Ayan wouldn't bring it up


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