My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1290 Resentment
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Chapter 1290 Resentment

Chapter 1290 Resentment

Crystal nodded and said, "No." There seemed to be a hint of hidden sadness in her eyes, and her voice

carried a touch of reminiscence as she continued, "Well, it's not that there were none before. I did have

friends, but later on, I realized they only befriended me because I was from the Bill family. They wanted

to establish a connection with the Bill family, especially since my grandfather had many scientific

achievements. Those people made their children befriend me, hoping to gain favor from the Bill family.

But those so-called friends would privately call me a fool."

Crystal smiled awkwardly, her eyes filled with sorrow. Camille and Sienna were slightly taken aback,

and then they instinctively wanted to offer some words of comfort. However, Crystal's voice interjected

before they could speak. She smiled as if she didn't care anymore and said, "But that's all in the past. I

also know it wasn't my fault. It was their parents who manipulated innocent children like pawns. So,

since then, I haven't had a genuine friend. I keep my guard up with everyone. Fortunately, I have my

family. I have many brothers and sisters, and they are my friends."

"We are lucky to be considered your friends, but rest assured, we definitely don't have any ulterior

motives. Our minds are not capable enough for that. We only want to find our own stage in our current

work and dreams. As for other things, we're not very interested," Sienna explained seriously to Crystal,

fearing that Crystal might misunderstand them. After all, it was Crystal who first proposed the idea of

being friends, but now, hearing Crystal's words, they felt sorry for the girl. After all, she had been

manipulated at such a young age, causing her to be unable to make friends properly.

Crystal quickly responded, "Of course, I know you're not those kinds of people. Otherwise, we wouldn't

be sitting here having dinner, would we?"

Crystal smiled sincerely and said, "I believe in you, and I genuinely want to be friends with you. That's

why I shared my experiences. There's no hidden meaning behind it."

"Yes, we understand. There's no need for further explanation," Camille responded gently. At this

moment, the food was brought to the table. Camille took the initiative to serve the soup to Crystal and

said, "Have some soup and see how it tastes. It's Darkmoor's signature soup. Do you like it?"

Camille's kindness gradually eased the tension and worries on Crystal's face. Crystal picked up the

bowl of soup, took a sip, savored it slowly, and then gave a thumbs up, saying, "Mmm, it's delicious. It's

exactly what I like."

"That's great. Have some more," Camille said, satisfied. After all, when treating someone, it's always a

concern whether their taste is accurately guessed. If they get it right, it's definitely a happy thing.

The meal was relatively enjoyable. The three of them chatted and laughed, creating a pleasant


After finishing the meal, it was already past 8 o'clock in the evening. The three sat at their seats,

talking, when Crystal suggested in a low voice, "It's not too late yet. Shall we find a place to have a

drink together?"

Camille and Sienna exchanged a glance, and Sienna said, "Drink? I'm afraid that won't work. Cami

can't handle alcohol, and if we drink now, neither of us will be able to handle it."

"You better shut up. Don't defame me," Camille almost reached out to cover Sienna's mouth. She

looked at Crystal and said, "Let's skip the drinking part. How about finding a place to sit for a while?"

Crystal nodded in agreement, and the three of them found a comfortable lounge bar with a good

ambiance near the riverside. They enjoyed the breeze from the river, feeling very relaxed.

But they didn't drink alcohol, they wanted juice instead.

Looking at the dazzling light show by the river, Sienna couldn't help but ask the main question, "Crystal,

may I ask why you're so enthusiastic about me?"

Crystal was also taken aback, of course, she knew very well what her purpose for being enthusiastic

about Sienna was.

However, when she subconsciously met Camille's indifferent gaze, she didn't know how to respond.

After all, it wasn't the right time yet.

She pursed her lips, took a silent deep breath, and then said, "Did my enthusiasm bother you?"

"Not at all, I'm just curious," Sienna replied.

"Well, actually..." Crystal pursed her lips, and said, "Well, actually, it's because you're cheerful and lively

that I dared to approach you proactively. But I wanted to be friends with both of you, it's just that Cami

is too cold, and I'm a bit afraid to approach her directly, fearing that one glance from her would knock

me out."

As Crystal said this, her gaze was also on Camille, who was described as cold. Camille was slightly

startled, as if she hadn't expected to be seen that way in the eyes of others.

It was Sienna who couldn't help but laugh after hearing that. Sienna said, "You're really spot on, she isnovelbin

indeed a very cold person, super cold. If I didn't know her for many years, I would have the same

impression as you."

Crystal felt a little embarrassed and lowered her head. She whispered, "Cami, you don't mind, do you?"

Camille smiled faintly and shook her head, saying, "No, because with unfamiliar people, I do carry

some guard and resentment, so I can understand."

"But I don't feel that way now, I know you're a good person."

"So you mean I'm not good, huh?" Sienna took over and responded, with a hint of threat in her eyes.

Crystal couldn't help but laugh and said, "Sienna, your attempt to look serious is a bit funny."

The three of them smiled at each other, this was the first time they had a relatively relaxed interaction

after knowing each other for so long.

Camille found it strange, but couldn't find any anomalies. New chapter avаilable o? Drаmа

Because during the period when Crystal contacted them, they didn't lose anything, but instead, it felt

like she genuinely wanted to be friends.

As for whether they were really friends or not, Camille couldn't say for sure. She was also afraid of

speculating and hurting others' feelings.

But Crystal's actions made both Camille and Sienna feel strange.

As this strangeness grew deeper in Camille's heart, it was as if a voice kept repeating in her ear,

causing Camille to feel greatly troubled.

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