My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1284: Worries
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Chapter 1284: Worries

Chapter 1284: Worries

As noon arrived in Hance City, Ayan, who was far away in a foreign country, had already woken up.

After returning from the party last night, he took a shower and went to bed early, sleeping straight

through until around eight o'clock. Since he was on a business trip, he didn't need to wake up early and

go to the office like in Hance City. After waking up, he quickly freshened up and came out of his room.

Kian had already ordered breakfast to be delivered by the hotel, mostly consisting of Western-stylenovelbin

dishes. Ayan wasn't particularly fond of them, so he only requested a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

While eating breakfast and looking at his phone, he saw messages from Camille, as well as photos

from Timmy and the sandwich Camille made. The smile on his face didn't fade as he looked at them,

but suddenly the sandwich in front of him seemed tasteless. In his heart, he longed to eat a sandwich

made by Camille herself. He replied to Camille, saying, "When I return, bring the sandwich you made to

pick me up at the airport, okay?" He didn't want to wait until he got home; he wanted to eat it as soon

as he landed in Hance City. He missed her, even though it had only been a day since he arrived. She

occupied his mind completely.

He also took a picture of his breakfast and the view outside the window to show Camille. He said to

her, "I'll have to start working soon. We can have dinner with Horace and Grace in the afternoon. Shall

we have a video call together?" After sending his message, it took about half an hour for Camille to

reply. She had just gone to have lunch with her colleagues in the meeting room. Since the space was

large, everyone could sit together and eat. The workload had been quite heavy recently, so they didn't

order lunch today; it was delivered directly. Camille treated everyone and wanted them to eat well, so

they would have more motivation to work.

During lunch, everyone chatted and rarely looked at their phones. It wasn't until after finishing their

meal that Camille saw the message from Ayan. She immediately replied, "Just had lunch." "Tonight, I'm

going to have dinner with Crystal. She gave us some local specialties last time, so Sienna and I are

treating her tonight." "You can have Grace and Horace video call us later. It's been a while since we

last saw her, so let's catch up." They would usually keep in touch, but it was usually just a few simple

messages. They wouldn't voice or video call each other.

Recently, Camille didn't know if the Armstrong family had given up on finding Grace. They hadn't

mentioned anything about Grace for a long time, so Camille had minimal contact with them as well.

Camille didn't care about the affairs of the Armstrong family and never took the initiative to inquire. So

she wanted to talk to Grace about the Armstrong family. If the Armstrong family continued like this,

Grace could stay in Flento City or Dane City and be closer to Hance City. She could also see Horace

more often. After all, a long-distance relationship was not a sustainable solution.

Ayan was probably not too busy, so he could chat with Camille for a few moments. Camille asked him a

couple of questions about his situation abroad, and Ayan answered seriously and in detail. Looking at

the way they were conversing, Camille couldn't help but sigh and say, "I feel like we're in the same

situation as Horace and Grace. Long-distance relationships are really uncomfortable." "Do you miss

me?" Ayan asked. Camille didn't try to conceal or deny it. She said, "Yes, I miss you a lot. So when will

you come back?" Ayan looked at Camille's straightforward response, his face filled with a smile, and

then he pressed the voice message button. With a low and hoarse voice, he said, "I'll come back as

soon as I finish my work. It should take about two more days if everything goes smoothly. I'll do my

best, okay?" After listening to his message, Camille also responded with a voice message. She said,

"Okay, remember to bring me a gift when you come back." "What do you want?" "Buy whatever you

want. I can't think of anything specific." Being abroad, there were luxury brands and some niche

brands, but Camille didn't feel like she was lacking anything. She just wanted him to buy her a small

gift, even if it was something very trivial.

It was probably just a simple desire for gifts. Camille had this thought in her mind and she began to

wonder what Ayan would bring back for her. After chatting for a while, Ayan had to go attend to some

business and he bid Camille farewell, ending their conversation.

Ayan had not accepted Mr. Tillery's invitation to meet his family last night, but he couldn't refuse the

lunch today at noon. After all, Mr. Tillery had personally called and invited him, and they also had some

work to discuss. So Ayan couldn't refuse.

As lunchtime approached, Mr. Tillery's secretary arrived at the hotel downstairs. He personally drove to

pick up Ayan and Kian. From him, they learned that Mr. Tillery had reserved today's lunch at an

upscale restaurant that required a reservation several days in advance. He mentioned this to let Ayan

know that Mr. Tillery valued him and wanted Ayan to recognize Mr. Tillery's sincerity.

However, Ayan's responses were always plain and unremarkable. Throughout the journey, it was

mostly Kian and Mr. Tillery's secretary who engaged in conversation.

They arrived at the restaurant after a short drive. The secretary led Ayan and Kian to take the elevator

upstairs to the private room. Inside the private room, there were two tables-one main table and one for

the secretary. Mr. Tillery was already waiting in the room. He was an elderly white man in his sixties, tall

in stature, and his appearance didn't reveal his age at all. He exuded a commanding presence and had

a deep, resonant voice.

In addition to him, there was his wife whom Ayan had met before. The couple had similar body types-

rather sturdy and lacking the delicate and refined features of Eastern women. They gave off a slightly

rough impression. Apart from Mr. Tillery and his wife, there was a young lady whom Ayan had not seen


The young lady was dressed in a very avant-garde style, with long golden curls and heavy makeup.

Her gaze remained fixed on Ayan from the moment he entered the private room and never wavered.

Mr. Tillery and his wife also turned their attention to Ayan. Mr. Tillery extended his hand to shake Ayan's

and said, "Welcome, Mr. Simpson. Please have a seat!"

Only these few people were present for today's meal, so the spacious private room felt somewhat

quiet. Ayan nodded slightly and took a seat next to Mr. Tillery. Mrs. Tillery sat on the other side of Mr.

Tillery, and the avant-garde young lady sat beside Mrs. Tillery.

Ayan calmly replied, "I'm worried." Updated at Draм??оvels.cоm

"Worried about what?"

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