My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1283: Implication
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Chapter 1283: Implication

Chapter 1283: Implication

Camille shook her head, saying, "I don't have the energy for this. I can't do it, so leave me alone!"

"Can't you have a little confidence? Aren't we pursuing a career path? This is a good business

opportunity," Sienna continued to chatter, but Camille completely ignored her, not listening at all.

Camille had already started working, and she had almost finished preparing the self-recommendation

materials for the Nores Group project. She looked up at Sienna, who was eating a sandwich beside

her, and asked, "How are the design drafts coming along?"

Sienna also put away her playful expression and became serious. She said, "They're almost ready."

"Good, then. Just as I mentioned before, prepare two different versions. Don't keep them on the

computer; use a USB drive instead. The computer is too conspicuous. With a USB drive, we can have

a backup, but both copies need to be encrypted. Understand?" Camille instructed in a low voice, her

expression serious and solemn. She took this matter extremely seriously.

After Camille finished speaking, Sienna nodded in agreement. "Yes, I understand. Don't worry."

"Although you understand, there are still things we need to be cautious about." Camille implied,

suggesting that Sienna should be cautious not only with their assistants but also with their colleagues,

regardless of how well they got along in the company. Such a big matter required some precautions.

After Sienna's words, Yessica couldn't help but speak up, asking, "What about me? Should I avoid it?"

Camille glanced at Yessica and said, "No, you don't have to. If you talk about it, I'll let Kian deal with


Yessica innocently looked at Camille and said, "But I'm just an innocent person!"

"So innocent people don't need to avoid it, right?" Camille said with a slight smile.

Sienna lightly pinched Yessica's cheek. Of course, she and Camille trusted Yessica; otherwise, they

wouldn't entrust her with many important matters in the company. She reassured Yessica, saying,

"Don't be nervous. She's just joking with you."

Yessica nodded slightly and said, "I know, but I'm still a bit nervous. I'm afraid something unexpected

might happen. So it's better to be safe, just in case. Otherwise, if Kian uses those methods to deal with

traitors, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it!"

Camille and Sienna couldn't help but laugh, finding Yessica's fearful appearance quite amusing.

After discussing this matter, Sienna said to Camille, "Has Crystal been in touch with you recently?"

Camille raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Sienna, asking, "Why do you ask?"

"Because she sent me a message last night."

"What did she say?"

"She invited us to have a meal together. It seems like Crystal really wants to be friends with us. If I

hadn't interacted with her before, I would have suspected she had some ulterior motive," Sienna sighed

and said, "Her actions make me wonder."

Camille pursed her lips and thought for a moment before saying, "What do you think?"

"I just feel that we're not that close, so there's no need for such frequent contact," Sienna said again,

"But she seems to think we're quite familiar. It's like she's taking the initiative, not caring whether we're

cold towards her or not. It's just that she's really eager to be friends with us."

Sienna couldn't figure it out either. Last time, Crystal had made several appointments and even

specially brought afternoon tea. It was entirely her making one-sided efforts.

Crystal's series of actions puzzled her, and she even had an impossible idea.

She asked Camille and Yessica, "Does she have feelings for me? Why does she always think about

contacting me? Although the topics of our conversations naturally include Cami, it's just a casual

question and doesn't involve any actual contact with Cami. So I really can't help but wonder if she has

some ulterior motive for me."

Sienna's words left Camille and Yessica stunned, their faces displaying a bewildered and confused

expression as they gazed at each other.

Yessica asked softly, "It can't be, right? After all, your marriage to Mr. Ward is no secret. If she really

had feelings for you, wouldn't she try to sabotage it? The only chance she would have is if she

managed to create discord between you and Mr. Ward. But she hasn't done anything like that, she

simply wants to have dinner with both of you and spend more time together."

"That's true, huh!" Sienna clicked her tongue, feeling increasingly perplexed. She sighed silently and

whispered, "Am I just being paranoid?"

Camille remained silent, and Yessica stayed quiet as well.

Since they weren't Crystal herself and didn't know much about her, they naturally couldn't know what

she was thinking. The three of them exchanged glances, a brief moment of silence passing between


Then, Camille spoke softly, "Is she just asking us out for dinner?"

"Yeah, she wants to meet you and me," Sienna responded, suddenly blurting out, "Could it be that

she's interested in you?"novelbin

Camille looked exasperated and said, "Can you please think more rationally? Stop speculating about

things that may or may not be there, okay?"

Sienna replied, "I can't help it. She's so enthusiastic that it makes me think these thoughts!"

Camille asked Sienna to confirm the time with Crystal and see if they could have dinner together

tonight or tomorrow.

Sienna acted quickly, taking out her phone in front of Camille and sending a message to Crystal. The

response came almost instantly.

Crystal said she was available anytime, so they decided on tonight.

Camille contacted Ayan's assistant to book a private room at Darkmoor, and they planned to go there

around six in the evening. Content belongs to Draмanоvе

After finalizing all the arrangements, Camille asked Sienna and Crystal to inform her once everything

was settled. That would be considered as the official arrangement.

Sienna showed Camille the message from Crystal, and from the words and emojis Crystal used, she

seemed genuinely happy.

Camille and Sienna had heard about the Bill family during their time in Flento City and had some

preliminary understanding of it.

With the dinner plans set, there was still a long time until the meal, so they naturally continued to focus

on their work.

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