My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1274: Admiration
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Chapter 1274: Admiration

Chapter 1274: Admiration

"Mmm, of course," Camille replied.

"If you don't miss me, then why don't you even plan to have dinner? Are you hiding in your room alone,

secretly trying to adjust your mood?" The man's low and husky voice carried a clear hint of amusement.

His tone echoed in Camille's ears, making her feel like he could see her every word and action. That

feeling instantly made her sit up straight, and she became tense.

She said, "Don't talk nonsense. I'm not doing that. I just ate too much with my grandfather at lunch, and

I want to lose weight in the evening."

"Is that really the case?"


"Well, then I'll be very sad. I thought that while I'm away on this business trip, you would miss me even

just a little bit. It seems I was just being delusional, right?" Ayan's tone sounded deeply hurt, as if he

was truly feeling miserable.

Camille, of course, didn't believe what he said. She suppressed her laughter and quickly changed the

subject, asking, "Are you ready to go to the airport?"

Ayan replied, "Yes, I'm ready."

"Have a safe trip, and give me a call when you arrive abroad."

"Sure, I will."

"Did Horace go with you?" Yesterday, Horace agreed to go, but Camille didn't know if he actually went

today. She suddenly remembered and asked Ayan.

Ayan said, "Yes, he's already at the airport."

"It seems he's quite prompt. He really has a problem with his mouth. Deep down, he must miss Grace,

but he denies it by focusing on work." Camille couldn't help but find it funny, her eyes filled with a pink

bubble of shipper's delight.

Ayan also sensed Camille's amusement and said, "Why are you so concerned about their affairs?"

"How can they be just 'their affairs'? Grace is my sister. Although I'm not very close to the Armstrong

family, my relationship with Grace is acceptable. We won't become enemies, especially after the

incident with Armstrong Corp, she has been quite good to me."

Perhaps because they hadn't spent time together before, and they hadn't truly understood each other,

they felt unfamiliar and uneasy. It was far from being a clean slate.

More importantly, Grace always felt that she and Ayan were not suitable because she held a kind of

admiration for him. However, unlike those who knew Ayan was married but still couldn't help

themselves, she didn't make any immoral moves. Grace simply kept this admiration hidden in her


Once she truly understood Camille, she completely let go of this admiration. In fact, most of her

admiration stemmed from the influence Brody Page had on her since childhood.

Parents are a child's best teachers, and daily instillations of certain ideas take root in a child's heart.

Then, the child truly develops such thoughts.

This was probably one of the main reasons for Grace's previous attitude toward Camille.

The two of them were truly innocent. All decisions were made by their parents, and they couldn't

change them nor were they able to change them.

Ayan didn't try to guess Camille's thoughts or consider her words from her perspective, because after

hearing Camille's words, other thoughts emerged in his mind.

His face instantly became heavy, and his deep eyes followed suit, growing solemn. He looked out the

window with a serious expression, his gaze revealing a hint of restraint. In a low and hoarse voice, he

said, "Hmm, you're right. She is your sister, so it's only natural to care about her."

Ayan agreed with Camille's words, but he didn't want to continue the topic. So, before Camille could

respond, he changed the subject.

Ayan said, "I called you to let you know that you'll receive messages on your phone even after I boardnovelbin

the plane. If you miss me, you can send me a message. But no staying up late. If you can't sleep alone,

let Sienna accompany you. Otherwise, you can ask Mom to bring Timmy along, okay?"

"No need for Sienna to accompany me. She's coming to keep me company. Rex must hate me now,


"No, I've already talked to him about it. He's willing to make this sacrifice." Ayan's voice was gentle,

filled with indulgence towards Camille.

This time, Camille didn't want to trouble anyone. After all, Ayan would still have business trips in the

future, and besides, she had lived alone for a while before. Everything was fine. It was just that

recently, being with Ayan every day, she seemed to be more and more dependent on him. She had a

feeling that as long as he was there, she had nothing to fear.

But he had his own work and couldn't be with her all the time. So Camille also wanted to be

independent, to be able to handle everything on her own.

Especially now, there was one thing she hadn't done yet, and she didn't want to involve Sienna, Talia,

or Timmy in it.

Camille assured Ayan multiple times that she could handle it alone. Moreover, the nanny lived in the

house, and there were bodyguards, so she had nothing to fear.

The two of them chatted for a while until Ayan reached the airport and prepared to check-in, ending the


After putting down her phone, Camille's sense of loss due to Ayan's business trip was soothed, and

she felt energized. She took a shower in the bathroom to relax, then found a book to pass the time.

By nightfall, reading alone was too quiet, and she didn't like the silent atmosphere. So she found a

recently released variety show to watch.

She really enjoyed variety shows, especially one with a naturally funny actor. Just watching him, even if

he did nothing and said nothing, would make people genuinely laugh from the heart.

It was quite festive.

Perhaps due to the company of the variety show, time flew by quickly.

It was already past ten o'clock.

Camille sent a message to Ayan, informing him that she was going to rest, and he replied quickly as


That night, she occupied a large bed alone, without the insomnia she had imagined, and slept quite


The next day was another sunny day, and there were messages and a short video from Ayan in the

early morning on her phone.

He had already arrived in the country for his business trip and even filmed the hotel room he was

staying in.

She had to go to the office today, so she got up, washed up, and changed her clothes before going

downstairs for breakfast.

At the dining table, Camille was having her breakfast when the nanny asked, "Should I pack something

for sir?"

Camille shook her head and said, "No need, the company provides food."

"Do you like the food at the company? If you're not used to it, let me know, I'll prepare something for

you in advance. When you go to the company, you can have the driver accompany you." Reаd at


"Alright, I understand." Camille smiled slightly, expressing her gratitude to the nanny through her eyes.

The nanny came from the Simpson's mansion, so she naturally treated Camille and Ayan very well.

The driver had come early and was waiting. Camille thanked him before getting in the car.

Camille and Sienna arrived at the company one after the other, holding hands as they entered

Camille's office.

Sienna carefully examined Camille and then asked, "Did you have insomnia last night?"

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