My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1273: Annoying
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Chapter 1273: Annoying

Chapter 1273: Annoying

In the master bedroom.

Camille was sitting on the sofa, and Ayan was beside her. Both of them remained quiet. Camille looked

at him, and their gazes met. She said, "Do you feel like it's been a bit too quiet?"

"Yeah, it's pretty quiet," he replied.

"We haven't had this kind of quiet time at home for a long time, so it's a bit boring, isn't it?"

"I don't find it boring because I'm not happy at the thought of not seeing you for the next week."

After saying that, he reached out and pulled her into his arms.

Camille was held by him, and a smile unconsciously appeared on her lips. She said, "Actually, I thought

you would find it quite boring because it's been so long since we've spent time like this. I don't even

know what to do anymore."

"Sometimes it's nice to just be quiet and together, isn't it? It allows our hearts to calm down, and it gives

us a chance to think about how we've been getting along and what has happened recently."

His words always made Camille feel like they made sense and helped alleviate her heavy thoughts.

Afterward, Camille helped Ayan pack his suitcase, and Kian happened to arrive at Franklin Bay.

Ayan carried the suitcase and held Camille's hand as they walked downstairs. Kian saw them at thenovelbin

entrance and immediately came forward to take the suitcase and put it in the car. Then he waited in the


Camille and Ayan walked to the side of the car. Camille pursed her lips and looked at the man in front

of her. She spoke in a low voice, "Remember to eat well, sleep well, take care of yourself, and think of

me, okay?"

Her voice sounded a bit muffled, and for some reason, her eyes felt a little sour.

She quickly lowered her head and avoided looking at Ayan, simply pursing her lips and refusing to

speak further.

Seeing her like this, Ayan was naturally a bit uncomfortable, but he couldn't show any emotions in front

of her. Instead, he reassured her in a low voice, "Don't worry, it's just a short week. We'll video call

every day, and I'll keep you updated on my schedule, okay?"

"No, I don't want to know. Just give me a call," Camille sniffed, holding back her tears.

Camille pursed her lips, and she leaned up to kiss Ayan, her actions causing a faint smile to appear on

Ayan's lips. He held her face and gently kissed her.

After a brief kiss, Ayan let go of Camille and got into the car, leaving Franklin Bay.

Camille initially wanted to accompany him to the airport, but Ayan said, "It'll attract too much attention,

so let's not go, alright?"

Camille naturally nodded in agreement after hearing him.

However, there was a somewhat displeased expression on her face. She felt like she was being a bit

unreasonable, acting like a spoiled child. But she couldn't help it; she couldn't control herself. She didn't

know she would be in this state because she usually wasn't like this.

She probably felt this way because Ayan was going on a business trip, and she wouldn't be able to see

him for many days. That's why she felt reluctant.

Camille stood in place, watching as the car Ayan was in gradually disappeared from sight. Only then

did she withdraw her gaze, sigh silently, and then return to the house.

At this point, it was not far from dinner. Nanny didn't know where Ayan was going, so she casually

asked, "Will Mr. be having dinner at home tonight?"

Camille whispered, "He has some things to attend to at the company for the next two days, so he won't

be coming back for dinner."

Nanny nodded to indicate that she understood.

Camille continued, "Nanny, you don't need to cook for me tonight. I had a big lunch, so I'll just have

some fruits for dinner."

Nanny agreed, and Camille went straight upstairs.

Usually, it was just the two of them together, but now with one person absent, Camille felt a sense of

loneliness in the air. She lay directly on the soft leather sofa in the bedroom, staring at the ceiling,

holding a pillow in her arms, lost in thought.

Her phone, which was placed on the coffee table nearby, suddenly made a notification sound.

Camille slowly turned around and reached out to pick up the phone. It was a message from Sienna.

She asked, "Did your man leave?"

Camille immediately got up from the sofa, walked to the balcony in the bedroom, and from there she

could just see Sienna's balcony. She directly made a voice call.

The call was quickly answered, and Sienna's voice came through, "Are you bored at home alone?"

"Not bored, it's quite peaceful."

"Oh, don't try to deny it. I know you're feeling lonely right now. Do you want me to come and keep you


"Thank you, but no need. You should spend time with your man. Don't you know what your main task is

right now? Don't worry, I won't disturb you recently. I'll give you two some alone time to enjoy


Camille hadn't thought of bothering Sienna. Although it was a bit boring without Ayan at home, she

could manage on her own.

However, Sienna insisted on coming to accompany Camille, saying, "I still think you're more important.

Let other things take a back seat!"

"Don't say that. It puts a lot of pressure on me. I won't take the blame for this."

"Seriously, you really don't want me to come?"

Camille murmured softly and said, "Really, it's not necessary. I'm not a child anymore. I'll be fine."

Sienna didn't insist any further and just told Camille, "If you need anything, call me. Don't keep it to


"I know, don't worry. You can't escape," Camille replied.

After chatting with Sienna, Camille's mood seemed even more down, with an indescribable sense of


Camille really wanted to send him a message and ask how he was doing, but in the end, she held

back. She kept telling herself not to be too clingy, as it could be annoying. Updаted at Drамanоvels.cом

With these thoughts in mind, Camille casually tossed her phone aside.

Whether it was a coincidence or not, just two minutes after she put her phone down, Ayan's call came


Seeing Ayan's name on the caller ID, a smile unconsciously appeared on Camille's lips.

She quickly answered the call, and Ayan's deep and husky voice came through, "Do you miss me?"

His voice was soft, probably because Kian was around, so he felt a bit embarrassed.

Ayan laughed, but he asked with a hint of disbelief, "Really, you don't miss me?"

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