My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1271: Seeking Help
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Chapter 1271: Seeking Help

Chapter 1271: Seeking Help

Camille's attitude towards Ayan was actually like that of a friend, not wanting to put too much pressure

on him, just simply interacting with him as if they were friends.

Timmy hugged Camille's head and responded lovingly, "I'm good, I just missed you a lot."

Camille had a smile all over her face, unable to control her laughter.

Ayan also got out of the car, and Timmy called out "Daddy" in a childish voice, then opened his arms to

let Ayan hold him.

Camille quickly greeted Talia, who was dressed casually today. She had rolled up her pants and was

holding a water hose, which looked a bit funny.

Camille couldn't help but laugh and said, "Mom, are you trying to relive your childhood today?"

Only then did Talia have someone turn off the water, then she quickly washed her hands and walked

towards Camille. She was barefoot, and Camille was worried that she might slip, so she quickly went

forward to support her.

Talia said, "I'm really sorry, I wanted to take a break today and didn't send him to school. I thought of

playing with water with him at home, and then you happened to see us. Let me explain first, the clothes

I dressed him in are waterproof, so he won't catch a cold."

Talia's words made Camille feel a bit uncomfortable. Camille looked at Talia seriously and said, "Mom,

Timmy was raised by you. You can do whatever you want. You love him just as much as I do, so you

don't have to explain everything to me all the time. I know that everything you do is for his own good,

so don't explain these things. I trust you."

Talia smiled awkwardly and said, "I know you don't mean to blame me. But I still want to explain clearly

so that you won't have any worries or discomfort in your heart, and it can also avoid

misunderstandings. What do you think?"

Camille smiled and then walked hand in hand with Talia into the house. She said, "There can't be any

misunderstandings between us. After all, you are the best mother in the world!"

"Oh, if you say that, I'll be proud."

"Yes, be proud. You deserve to be proud."

While the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking and laughing, Ayan had already taken Timmy

back into the house. The grand hall of the Simpson's mansion, which used to be large and spacious,

now had half of it turned into a play area for Timmy.

Ayan was playing with Timmy there, and Camille was chatting with Talia.

Camille told Talia the purpose of their return today, and Talia looked towards Ayan and Timmy. She

said, "He has really grown up, and his sense of responsibility has also become stronger. Of course, all

of this is thanks to you. You changed him."

Camille just smiled lightly. In fact, neither she nor Ayan had changed each other; they had simply

accomplished each other.

Because they had lunch scheduled with Grandpa, they couldn't stay too long at the Simpson's


Before leaving, Talia said, "If you're not used to living alone after Ayan goes on his business trip, you

can come back to the Simpson's mansion. If you feel the distance is too far, I can come and pick you

up with Timmy."

"No need, Ayan left the driver for me, so it's quite convenient if I come back. Don't worry."

Talia nodded, feeling relieved.

The two of them got into their respective cars. Timmy waved goodbye to both of them, and then Ayan

whispered to Talia, "You and Dad are the only ones who need to know about my business trip. The

itinerary is not to be disclosed to the public."

Talia nodded, indicating that she understood. She watched them leave the Simpson's mansion before

returning to the house, holding Timmy in her arms.

Camille and Ayan naturally headed straight to the hospital after leaving the Simpson's mansion. When

they arrived at the hospital, they followed the usual procedure and took the staff entrance. However,

they unexpectedly ran into Preston's secretary, Quintus, as they were parking their car and preparing tonovelbin

take the elevator upstairs.

Quintus naturally noticed them too, as he had worked with Camille before. Their relationship could be

considered that of former employee and former boss.

Quintus nodded slightly at Camille and quickly entered another elevator.

As Camille watched the elevator rise slowly, she couldn't help but whisper to Ayan, "Why would Quintus

come to the hospital?"

Ayan chuckled at Camille's question and said, "Anyone can come to the hospital if they're sick."

Although Ayan responded like this, his gaze still scanned the surroundings. Then he picked up his

phone and sent a message to the bodyguard stationed at the hospital, reminding him to be alert. The

bodyguard didn't know Quintus, but he could directly ask Kian for a photo.

Ayan held Camille's hand and spoke softly, "Let's go upstairs first, taking a different route than usual,


Camille agreed. She had the same thought in mind, to avoid being followed.

However, there were no abnormalities along the way, and it took quite a while before they arrived at the

old Simpson's hospital room.

This old man, he really is like a child. When he's angry, he needs to be appeased.

The two of them walked up to the dining table and sat down. Ayan took the initiative to serve the old

Simpson's food and handed him a fork. However, the old Simpson remained motionless, his eyes fixed

on the newspaper in his hands.

Camille couldn't help but find it amusing, but Ayan continued to make an effort. He whispered,

"Grandfather, there is a reason for our visits. If possible, can we talk while we eat?"

He asked softly, but the old Simpson showed no sign of wanting to speak. On the contrary, his face

remained stern and extremely displeased. New ch?pter av?ilable o? Draмаnоvеls.cоm

Ayan shook his head helplessly and had to put down his fork, sending a pleading look to Camille.

Camille's sincerity in front of the old Simpson was evident, and it was precisely because of this sincerity

that the old Simpson didn't have any doubts or mistrust towards her. Instead, it was this sincerity that

put him at ease.

Although he was old, he didn't want his juniors to keep things from him. Only when they spoke to him

honestly did he feel that they still needed him.

After Camille finished speaking, the old Simpson instantly put down the newspaper in his hands.

In a gentle voice, the old Simpson said, "Alright, for Cami's sake, let's temporarily put this matter

behind us. Cami, you understand me well. Unlike certain people who only know how to beat around the


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