My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1270: Better
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Chapter 1270: Better

Chapter 1270: Better

Camille found it somewhat amusing. She said, "Does Rex really care about Mario? He clearly has the

upper hand now. He should be content and not overly concerned about Mario. If he places too much

importance on Mario, it will only make him suspicious and the consequences would be unimaginable

for him. Sienna only has him in her heart, and if he values Mario too much, it will only make him


Camille unquestionably supported Rex. Setting aside their family backgrounds and earning capabilities,

as those were evenly matched, what she valued was how he treated Sienna. Could he sacrifice

everything for her?

But Mario couldn't. If he could, Sienna would not have become Rex's wife today. This fact was known

to those in the know.

Perhaps Rex was worried that if Mario changed and no longer only focused on work, Sienna might turn

back to him. The answer, of course, was no.

In this world, everything can change except time. If the past is in the past, no matter how devoted a

person has become, they won't abandon everything and turn back. Just because someone has

changed doesn't mean the other person is obligated to choose them.

If Sienna wanted to wait for Mario to change and get back together, she wouldn't have fallen in love

with Rex, let alone marry him.

Only someone who harbors fantasies and hopes will keep waiting in place.

However, Rex's current reaction is naturally because his love runs deep and he lacks a sense of

security. This aspect needs to be adjusted by the couple themselves.

Ayan is going on a business trip tomorrow. After taking a shower, he had already laid down in bed

when Kian called.

Kian said the plane tickets were booked, and the flight would be around 6 p. m. tomorrow. He would be

back in Hance City in about a week.

Camille had prepared herself mentally, but when she really learned about the timing of his business

trip, her reluctance slowly began to show.

She leaned against Ayan's chest and murmured softly, "So, tomorrow morning, you're still going to the


"I won't go tomorrow morning. I'll stay at home with you in the morning, take you to have lunch with

Grandpa, and then handle some work matters. After that, we can leave," Ayan patiently explained, but

Camille didn't show any joy while listening.

She couldn't help but sigh and say, "You'll be away for a week, so what will I do during that week?"

She asked in a soft voice, her tone particularly low and her voice very quiet.

The next moment, a low, hoarse voice sounded in her ear, "How about I take you with me on the trip?"

This was something Camille hadn't thought of at all.

In fact, subconsciously, Camille probably just wanted to hear something sweeter, but Ayan took it

seriously, especially when she asked what she should do, his first thought was to take her along on the


Camille was slightly startled, then immediately said, "There's no need for that. If I go with you, you

won't be able to focus on your work. Besides, if both of us leave Hance City, I'm sure your itinerary

won't be a secret for more than a day."

Because Camille didn't want to be like Ayan, her travel plans were kept confidential.

Camille just told Ayan, "I'll miss you a little. Do your work and come back quickly, okay?"

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Ayan told Camille that if she needed anything, she should contact the assistant. The assistant has

already been instructed, and the driver is also available for Camille to use.

Since Ayan's business trip this time is relatively long, the two will be temporarily separated for a few

days. So, this day is naturally filled with lingering affections and emotions.

It was very late at night when the two finally embraced each other to sleep.

The next day, Camille woke up after nine o'clock.

Naturally, there was no sign of Ayan in the room. She got up from the bed, washed up, and then

changed her clothes before heading downstairs.

Camille didn't see Ayan when she came downstairs. She frowned subconsciously. Didn't they say last

night that he would be home to accompany her in the morning? Where is he?

Camille searched around and finally had to ask Nanny, who was busy in the kitchen, "Nanny, have you

seen Ayan?"

Nanny replied, "He went out. He made plans with Mr. Ward next door to go for a run together. He has

been gone for a while. He should be back around this time."

Camille nodded to show that she understood, then walked from the house to the garden.

The weather was nice today, with a gentle breeze and no sun. Camille could sit on the swing in the

garden and sway back and forth.

She sent a message to Sienna on her phone, informing her that she wouldn't go to the office today

because Ayan was leaving in the afternoon, so she wanted to spend the morning with him.

Sienna quickly replied, "Okay, I have already arrived at the office and started a busy day. I'm feeling

very nervous right now, and I can't afford to relax at all."

The second round of the design competition was about to begin, and it happened to be during Ayan's

business trip. So, Camille could focus on the competition and see if there was anything she could help


Shortly after finishing her conversation with Sienna, Ayan came back.

The two of them had run a large circle around the entire Franklin Bay, including the villa area and the

green spaces. It was quite big.

Even before entering the main gate, Ayan had already spotted Camille sitting on the swing. After

saying goodbye to Rex, he walked inside at a leisurely pace. His hair had a slight sweat, and he stared

at Camille and asked, "How long have you been up?"

Camille looked up and replied, "It's been a while. Why are you in such a good mood today? How come

you were able to invite Rex to go for a run? Doesn't he have to go to the office?"

Ayan has been busy lately. Not to mention exercising, he basically has a monotonous routine.

Camille smiled slightly and said, "Let's exercise together when you come back from your business trip,


"Sure, your stamina is not good. You really need to exercise." His deep gaze looked at Camille with a

meaningful expression, instantly making her cheeks blush.

Camille pursed her lips, not wanting to respond to that topic. She just glanced at him calmly and said,

"It's getting late. Let's have breakfast and then go to the hospital to see Grandpa."

Ayan knew she was changing the subject, but he wouldn't really expose it. He just smiled lightly and


While Ayan said he didn't plan to go see Timmy at the Simpson's mansion, his actual plan was to go

there first and see Timmy, and then go to the hospital to see the old Simpson around lunchtime.

The two of them returned to the Simpson's mansion, where Talia was playing with Timmy in the garden.

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Because Talia always emphasized to him the hardships Camille had endured in giving birth to him, the

older Timmy got, the more dependent he became on his mother. In his heart, his mom was the best


Camille got out of the car, and Timmy was already running towards her.

He tightly hugged Camille's leg and said, "Mommy, I missed you so much."

Timmy's speech had become clearer and clearer, and his sweet voice was incredibly endearing.novelbin

Camille's heart melted as she listened, and she quickly bent down to pick up Timmy. She affectionately

kissed his cheek and gently asked, "It's been so many days since we last saw each other. Are you

doing okay?"

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