My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1257: Proposal
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Chapter 1257: Proposal

Chapter 1257: Proposal

Ayan locked eyes with Mario. There was no hint of amusement or expression on his face, and his voice

remained calm and gentle as he spoke, "I don't have any objections personally. I believe that the

team's maturity and capability are high enough to handle the main responsibility for this project."

"Mr. Simpson, what do you consider as sufficient maturity?" asked Mario.

"At the very least, they should have a certain level of experience and have led projects larger or similar

to this one. Otherwise, why should others comply and cooperate?" Ayan replied.

As soon as Ayan spoke, Mr. Nores fell silent as well. It was evident that Nores Group did not meet

those criteria. Although Nores Group had worked on large projects before, they were nothing compared

to this particular piece of land.

Mr. Nores let out a soundless sigh, his expression showing a hint of disappointment. But Mario

remained silent, and he certainly wouldn't speak up.

Facing the conditions proposed by Ayan, Mario nodded in agreement and calmly said, "Mr. Simpson

makes a valid point. However, since this project was initially assigned to Nores Group, it is only fitting

that Nores Group takes on the main responsibility. What do you think, Mr. Simpson?"

Mr. Nores was taken aback, clearly not expecting this. A trace of delight appeared in his eyes.

Ayan narrowed his gaze slightly, casting a fleeting glance at Mario. His eyes were unusually cold, so

cold that it was almost impossible to detect any ripples.

Their gazes locked, and Mario was the first to speak, asking, "What do you think of my proposal, Mr.


"It's quite good. What about you, Mr. Nores?" Ayan's expression remained faint as his deep eyes

shifted to Mr. Nores. There was a hint of detachment in his gaze, which left Mr. Nores somewhat


Mr. Nores's face darkened slightly. It seemed that he was genuinely contemplating the question, and

the atmosphere grew quiet as a result.

Mr. Nores pondered for a moment, and after the brief silence, his voice finally rang out, unhurried and

weighty. It appeared that Mr. Nores had indeed given it serious thought. He said, "Thank you, Mr. King

and Mr. Simpson, for entrusting such an important task to Nores Group. I must admit that Nores Group

truly understands this project the best. However, I believe that Simpson Group and King Group would

be more suitable overall. After all, the burden of leading the entire team is quite heavy, and Nores

Group might struggle to bear such a responsibility."

Mr. Nores's words left the members of Nores Group stunned. They hadn't expected Mr. Nores to say

such things. However, his gaze signaled that they shouldn't question his decision. After all, they had

been following Mr. Nores for a long time and were quite familiar with his actions. His current statement

probably had some underlying reasons.

This remark made the atmosphere even more solemn.

It was only when Mario's laughter broke the silence that he calmly said, "Mr. Nores is exaggerating.

Personally, I believe that Nores Group has a better understanding of the project and would be more

suitable to take charge."

Ayan remained silent, but deep down, he couldn't help but speculate about Mario's intentions behind

his behavior today. He didn't really care about who would be in charge of the project. Regardless of the

outcome, neither he nor his team at Simpson Group would suffer any losses.

So, was Mario trying to give Nores Group face because they hadn't received the contract to pause the

project? Did he want to use this gesture to make amends?

If that was the case, Mario had miscalculated.

After all, Nores Group was also retracting, probably because they were worried that even if they did

secure the position of the main responsible team for the project, they would face difficulties from the

two major contenders.

In that case, the best solution would be to withdraw from the competition and leave the problem to

Ayan and Mario.

Due to Mr. Nores's repeated delays, Mario couldn't force the issue any further. He turned to Ayan and

asked, "Since Mr. Nores and Mr. Burris are unwilling, it wouldn't be right to continue pressing them. Mr.

Simpson, do you have any suggestions?"

Ayan gazed at Mario with a faint expression as his well-defined fingers lightly and rhythmically tapped

on the tabletop. He didn't immediately answer the question but remained silent, leaving others

wondering what he was thinking.

The atmosphere briefly quieted down, but Mario's gaze remained fixed on Ayan. After about half a

minute, Ayan finally spoke.

He said, "I don't have any suggestions, but I would like to hear Mr. King's thoughts."

Mario was taken aback, seemingly not expecting such a response from Ayan. From his expression and

reaction, it appeared that Mario had already made assumptions about how Ayan would respond, but

reality didn't align with his expectations, leaving him pleasantly surprised.

Mario didn't pause for long and said, "My idea is for everyone to vote. It seems to be the fairest

approach. What do you think, Mr. Simpson?"

Ayan's words left everyone present in silence, especially Mario and Mr. Nores. They probably didn't

expect Ayan to say such things and willingly give up the position of the main responsible team.

Mario narrowed his eyes, his face becoming serious, and his voice turned hoarse as he said, "Does Mr.

Simpson think I was given this challenging task because I came from afar?"

"Of course not. Why would Mr. King think that way?" Ayan smiled faintly, displaying an overall relaxed

attitude. Especially when he looked into Mario's eyes, his expression remained indifferent, without any

ripples. Without waiting for Mario to respond, he continued, "Mr. King, don't overthink it. I simply believe

that King Group is more suitable. Besides, because Simpson Group has many other matters to attend

to, I'm concerned that it might affect the progress of the project. That's why Mr. King is a better fit."

Content belongs to Draмanovels.cоm

Mario's gaze remained fixed on Ayan, particularly after Ayan's words. Mario found it increasingly

difficult to understand Ayan's thoughts.

The more Mario thought about it, the more confused he became, especially in the face of Ayan'snovelbin

response. It felt as if he was striking a soft cotton ball with a heavy blow, receiving no impactful


The two locked eyes, and Ayan calmly asked, "Mr. King, what do you think of my suggestion?"

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