My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1253: Vulnerability
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Chapter 1253: Vulnerability

Chapter 1253: Vulnerability

"Well, I'm really not in a good mood, so please don't ask me anymore, okay? When I feel like talking

about it, I'll let you know. Understand?" Sienna told Camille. Sienna and Camille were always like this.

They didn't force each other to talk about things they didn't want to discuss. If they kept pressing, it

wouldn't solve anything and might even worsen the other person's mood.

So Sienna certainly wouldn't pressure Camille. Instead, she said to her, "Okay, I won't ask you, but

remember, when you want to talk, tell me right away. I'm not an insensitive person, got it?"

"Yeah, I know," Camille replied.

Camille chatted with Sienna for a while, and her mood seemed to improve a lot. Just as she put down

her phone, Ayan came back to the bedroom from the study.

Seeing her lying on the couch motionless, lost in thought, Ayan walked over and kissed her forehead.

He spoke softly, "Feeling a bit better now?"

Camille nodded gently, saying, "Yeah, much better."

"Do you need me to talk to Sienna?" Ayan asked.

"Of course not. I'll handle our matters. It's unnecessary," Camille reassured him.

"Okay, I won't interfere, but I don't want your mood to be affected. If you continue to look so lost, it will

also make me unhappy. And when I'm unhappy, I can't guarantee what I might do." His words carried a

strong implication, and it sparked a sense of weight.

Camille smiled lightly and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Guess," Ayan smiled faintly, reached out to pull her up, and gently embraced her in his arms. He said,

"Let's have dinner together tomorrow night. The project is about to resume, and the Nores family will

formally apologize to us. We'll have the meal at one of the Simpson Group's hotels, our own place."

"Yeah, sure," Camille agreed readily.

She agreed directly without hesitation.

Ayan was slightly taken aback, then asked softly, "Won't you feel tired? Will accompanying me to these

social events bother you?"

"If I said yes, would you not invite me next time?" Camille smiled lightly, her lips wrapped in a smile.

He said, "Of course not. You're Mrs. Simpson of the Simpson family, and in the future, you'll also have

your own role to play. Although I don't really want you to be involved in these social events, it's still

good to participate to some extent. It's beneficial for future appearances. At least people will know who

you are, and no one would dare to challenge your bottom line."

Camille didn't mind being associated with anything related to the Simpson family. It wasn't something

that embarrassed her; instead, it was something she was proud of. After all, not everyone had the

opportunity and luck.

Camille also rarely refuted Ayan's intentions. Instead, she smiled gently and said, "Okay, then I'll walk

with confidence in public from now on. If anyone dares to say anything, I'll ask them directly, 'Do you

know who I am? I have Ayan behind me, and if you dare to bully me, Ayan will take care of you.'"

Camille vividly described it as if she would say that in the next second.

Her behavior made Ayan unable to help but smile, and he said, "I'm really looking forward to your


"Will you feel embarrassed if I say it like that?" Camille asked.

"Why should I feel embarrassed?" Ayan replied. "After all, I'm standing by your side. Aren't you afraid of

them talking behind your back?"

He didn't hesitate at all and said, "Why should I be afraid of what others say? As long as you're happy, I

support whatever you say."

"Really?" Camille asked.

"Of course," he said without hesitation, his eyes filled with sincerity as he looked at Camille.

Camille chuckled and said, "You're so good to me."

She reached out and hugged Ayan, and he naturally embraced her, holding her in his arms.

In a gentle voice, he asked, "Did you have a video call with Timmy?"

"Yeah, we had a video call, and I also chatted with my mom for a while," Camille replied.

"If you miss Timmy a lot, do you want to go back to the Simpson's Mansion tomorrow to see him?"

Ayan suggested.

"No need," Camille shook her head. She said, "I've been quite busy these past few days, so it's not

necessary. Besides, isn't the project with Nores Group going back to normal? Let's wait until this busy

period is over."

"That works too. Whenever you want to go back, you can go. If you don't want to drive alone, I'll

accompany you, or we can have the driver take you," Ayan said. He just felt that the round trip was a

bit far, so he didn't want Camille to drive alone. It would be safer with him or the driver.

Camille nodded in agreement, and then Ayan mentioned the multinational project of the Simpson

Group. He said, "I might need to go abroad soon. After the Nores Group project stabilizes, it will

probably be within a week."

"Go abroad?" Camille looked at Ayan in surprise because he hadn't mentioned it before, so it caught

her off guard.

Ayan explained in detail and then said, "The project is nearing completion, and it will be reported in

major media outlets, so I need to go there for some follow-up cooperation and contract signings."

The Simpson Group also had a significant position overseas. Ayan had expanded the Simpson Group's

projects overseas earlier, and he was fortunate to have made connections with many friends who were

developing abroad. Thanks to these connections, the Simpson Group had gained influence


Ayan's detailed explanation greatly surprised Camille. Although she knew the Simpson Group was

powerful, she didn't expect it to be this strong. It was many times stronger than she had imagined.

Camille nodded gently and said, "This matter is important. Focus on handling it, and I'll be here at


Her words were particularly earnest, and Ayan couldn't help but smile as he listened. He gently pinched

Camille's chin and whispered, "Is that all?"

Camille looked at him with wide eyes, not understanding his meaning. "What else?" she asked. New

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"Have you never thought about accompanying me abroad for this project?" he asked seriously, his

distinct black and white eyes fixed on her without wavering. He said, "Would you like to join me?"

Of course, they had their date nights, but it was still different.

However, after what happened yesterday, how could Camille leave Hance City and go abroad to have

fun with Ayan without a guilty conscience? Her mind was now consumed with thoughts of what Preston

was planning. On one hand, she worried about Timmy's safety and was also afraid that Preston would

harm anyone in the Simpson family.

Camille's reasons were very valid, leaving no room for doubts or suspicions from Ayan. Consequently,novelbin

Ayan didn't think much about it and simply nodded in agreement.

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