My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1252: Argument
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Chapter 1252: Argument

Chapter 1252: Argument

Camille didn't know if Ayan believed her, but he didn't continue to inquire further either.

Ayan did have work to do, so they went upstairs together. Since there was no need for a walk, Camille

went straight to her room while Ayan headed to the study.

Camille was worried that Ayan might directly ask Sienna or Rex about the situation, so she quickly sent

a message to Sienna, informing her that they were currently in the argument phase.

Sienna didn't quite understand, but she cooperatively replied with a "Okay."

However, as it turned out, Camille's speculation was correct. Just after replying to Camille's message,

Rex discreetly glanced at Sienna and casually asked, "Are you arguing with Camille?"

Rex's gaze carried a hint of probing. Sienna noticed it and immediately smiled, saying, "Ayan also

asked me. He said Camille is in a bad mood and couldn't eat. If it's not something significant, you

should just make up. You two have a good relationship, there's no need to argue over work."

Sienna now fully understood. Camille was in a bad mood after arguing with someone, but she didn't

want Ayan to know, so she deliberately brought Sienna into the picture as a scapegoat. It seemed like

she was just a tool in this scenario.

Sienna remained silent, understanding Camille's intentions. Therefore, she didn't immediately respond

to Rex's words.

Her silence made Rex believe that there was indeed a conflict between the two. However, looking at

Sienna's appetite, which seemed fine, and the fact that she didn't show any signs of giving him a hard

time, he realized that if her mood was bad, he would definitely suffer.

Rex spoke again, "Sienna, what happened between you and Camille? Is it just a work-related


Sienna met Rex's gaze, saying, "Hmm, there is indeed some disagreement, so it's better if you don't

ask any further!"

Rex saw that she didn't want to say more, so he naturally didn't push it. He didn't want to get involved

unnecessarily. However, he did reply to Ayan's message, informing him that they did have an


At Franklin Bay, Camille had just deleted the conversation with Sienna and opened Talia's Facebook to

send a video call request.

At the Simpson's mansion, they were having dinner. Camille initiated the video call with Timmy earlier

than usual. When Talia answered, she saw Timmy's face covered in food, making Camille unable to

help but laugh. It was quite amusing.

Camille waved at Timmy and spoke in a gentle voice, "Timmy, what are you eating?"

Timmy held his bowl up to show Camille. There were vegetables, shrimp, and a little bit of rice. He was

eating by himself, even using his hands to feed himself. Camille watched as Timmy finished his meal

and waited for the nanny to clean his hands before handing Talia's phone to him. Timmy held the

phone and immediately pressed his face against the screen, kissing Camille's face, and said, "Mommy,

I miss you so much!" His sweet words were incredibly endearing.

However, when Camille thought about what had happened a few hours ago, she felt really bad. She

couldn't directly ask about it, so she softly asked Timmy, "Were you happy today?"

Timmy nodded and said, "Happy, I was very happy today."

Timmy's words were lively, and his facial expressions were animated. Looking at Timmy, Camille

couldn't see any signs of anything unusual. Could it be that children have short memories? But if

something like that happened, wouldn't a child be scared? Yet, there was no trace of fear on Timmy's

face, which puzzled Camille. However, her worries didn't diminish, so she casually asked Talia during

their conversation, "Mommy, did Nanny accompany Timmy to his classes today?"

Talia confirmed that she did.

Camille pursed her lips and carefully considered before saying to Talia, "Mommy, wouldn't it be unsafe

to have just one nanny accompanying Timmy outside, especially when he goes to classes? There are

other children and nannies, and it can get crowded sometimes. How about arranging for an additional

nanny to accompany him so that the other one can have a rest?"

As a mother, she couldn't bear to see her child in any bit of discomfort or danger. Even though she

knew that one nanny was enough for a child, Camille couldn't help having this thought. But she was

also worried that Talia would think too much, so she quickly explained, "I saw a video today that seems

to show child abductions happening again in Hance City, so I'm a bit worried."

Camille pursed her lips. She had spent the whole afternoon in a highly nervous state, so her mental

state was not good right now, especially since her mind was filled with random thoughts, some of which

even went to extremes.

After chatting with Talia, Camille finally noticed a message from Sienna asking, "Just tell me honestly,

what's going on? Did you have a fight with Ayan? Or did Ayan do something to upset you?"

It had been ten minutes since the message was sent, so Camille didn't reply. Sienna sent several more

messages: "?????" "Why are you ignoring me? Say something! What are you doing? Why aren't you

saying a word? I'm about to explode!!!" "Fine, I'm coming back now. Did Ayan beat you up?" "What's

going on between you two?" Co?tent оf Dr?м??оvels.coм

After seeing the message, Sienna felt relieved and said, "Well, you found an excuse. Ayan asked Rex

about it, and Rex was probing me during dinner. If I hadn't given him a killer look, he would probably

still be bothering me! Everyone thought we had a fight."

Camille sent a mischievous emoji and jokingly said, "Should we actually have a fight?"

Sienna, however, didn't take it lightly and rolled her eyes, then asked indifferently, "Don't change thenovelbin

subject. Answer me first. Are you really just in a bad mood?"

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