My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1244: Evaluating The Situation
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Chapter 1244: Evaluating The Situation

Chapter 1244: Evaluating the Situation

Even Caroline would often say, "If it weren't for knowing Mr. Simpson, I would suspect that Kian is the

CEO of Simpson Group because the tasks he handles are exactly what a CEO would do."

At that time, Sienna laughed and said, "That's why they can be a president, and we can only have a

small company, because they know how to lead a team, while we have to do everything ourselves to

climb up."

While granting Kian a great deal of authority, Ayan also allowed him to handle many tasks, so Kian's

compensation was very substantial, even higher than some company's CEOs.

Because of Ayan's words, Kian finally expressed his gratitude and sat down. Camille personally served

him porridge, and Kian was pleasantly surprised, saying, "Thank you, Mrs. Simpson."

Camille smiled and said, "Kian, don't be nervous. Treat it like you're at home."

Kian nodded lightly, but he still felt a bit anxious. Although it wasn't his first time having a meal here,

every time made him nervous.

Ayan elegantly ate his porridge, and his warm and gentle voice sounded, "What happened?"

Only then did Kian snap out of it and remember the purpose of coming so early. He wasn't here just to

have breakfast.

He put away all his nervousness and spoke in a serious tone, "Mr. Simpson, last night I came across a

trending topic while browsing. Because it was late at night, not many people should have seen it, so the

trend wasn't very high. The content was about a supporting actor from a filming crew who unexpectedly

disappeared. The crew didn't show any intention of finding him, and the actors from the same crew

were also surprised but didn't dare to ask too much due to the influence of the investors."

"Do you think this trending topic was intentional? To divert everyone's attention to Eileen?"

"Yes, that's what I think. Because Eileen's actions weren't enough to warrant an arrest. After resolving

the matter, she should have been released from the police station. Even if Preston isn't showing up for

now, the police still have no grasp on him. But under normal circumstances, Eileen should have

returned to the public eye."

"She's just an inconspicuous little actress. Even if she had some popularity before, so what? Just find a

reason to fire her, no need to emphasize it. You should have people pay attention to her and keep an

eye on her."

"I understand," Kian took a sip of porridge and continued, "Mr. Simpson, there's another matter. This

morning, Mario took the early flight back to Flento City."

"He went back to Flento City?" Ayan was also surprised and instinctively looked at Camille, asking, "Do

you know anything about this?"

Camille shook her head, saying, "I don't know. We were on the phone yesterday. Why would he

suddenly go back to Flento City?"

Camille felt that something was off the more she thought about it, and Ayan also sensed the

abnormality. He asked, "Ask Sienna, find out if Mrs. King knows anything about it."

"Mhm." Camille nodded and immediately sent a message to Sienna. Ayan, on the other hand,

continued questioning Kian, "Are you sure it was Mario?"

"Yes, I'm sure. It happened out of the blue, so I'm not sure why. According to the current situation, he

shouldn't have left," Kian replied.

After all, Mario was someone who could abandon everything for a project. This project in Hance City

was his first project there and the first market for King Group to enter Hance City. So, it didn't quite fit

his usual style of doing things for him to leave at this time.

After Kian's words, Ayan and Camille fell into a silence, instinctively exchanging glances. Camille asked

in a low voice, "Could there be something more important than this? Because only that would explain

why he left Hance City at this time."

Ayan agreed with Camille's thoughts and nodded lightly. "That's the only possibility for now." Ayannovelbin

looked at Kian and said, "Contact his secretary later, but don't directly ask about Mario's purpose for

returning to Flento City. Instead, tell him that we're having dinner tonight."

Kian nodded, "Okay, I understand. I'll contact his secretary when I return to the company later."

About twenty minutes later, they finished breakfast.

Ayan and Kian set off for Simpson Group. Camille didn't need to hitch a ride today as her car was still

parked in the Simpson Group's parking lot. Ayan would have the driver take it to the company for her

later, so Camille took Sienna's car to the company.

Since Sienna hadn't replied yet, Camille left the villa with Ayan, and then Ayan left in the car while she

walked to Sienna and Rex's villa.

It was right next door, but they still had to walk a short distance between the gates of the two villas.

After arriving at Sienna's villa, Camille saw Rex's driver waiting in the garage. When he spotted

Camille, he immediately greeted her. Camille asked, "Have they not left yet?"

The driver replied, "Ms. Shen is still having breakfast."

"Alright, I'll go in first." Both drivers and secretaries frequently visited each other's homes, so they were

all familiar with each other.

Camille walked directly into the house, and the housekeeper who was cleaning saw her and greeted

her promptly. Since the layout of this villa was the same as the one she and Ayan lived in, she felt at

home and went straight to the dining room without any hesitation.

Just as she reached the entrance of the dining room, she heard Rex say, "Eat more. Why have you

been eating less lately? Look at you, you've gotten thinner."

Sienna snorted and retorted, "I've gotten thinner? Are you having problems with your eyes? How could

I possibly get thinner? I've clearly gained weight, okay? I think you're the one with ill intentions!"

"I'm telling the truth. Would I lie to you?" Rex said seriously, and Sienna almost believed him.

But before Sienna could respond, Camille's voice rang out, "Sorry to interrupt you guys. Did I disturb


Camille's arrival brought a pleasant surprise to Sienna's face. She immediately got up and walked to

Camille's side, pulling her to sit next to her. She asked, "Have you eaten? Do you want to try some

dumplings? Auntie made dumplings with a Northeastern flavor."

Camille declined, saying, "I've already eaten, just a while ago."

Sienna didn't insist, as they didn't need to be overly polite with each other.

Rex also looked at Camille and asked, "What about Ayan? Has he eaten? If not, call him to come and

try them."

Camille replied, "He has already left for the company."

"So early?"


Sienna shook her head and sighed, "Mr. Simpson is indeed impressive. Men who are successful in

their careers are the most handsome. Unlike some people who wake up late and go to the office late."

The person being subtly criticized instantly put down his chopsticks and said, "Are we comparing the

time we go to the office now?"

Sienna remained silent, and Camille smiled and said, "Going to the office early means working hard.

After all, we have children to support. Unlike you, enjoying your world of two, relaxed and carefree!"

Camille's words had a hint of teasing, but Sienna knew she was joking on purpose, especially since

Camille was always urging her to give birth.

Rex felt like he found a comrade and quickly said, "I also want a child, but my wife doesn't allow it! If I

had a daughter, I would wake up at four in the morning and go to the office to earn money."

"What if it's a son?" Camille asked.

Rex said, "Then I'll make him wake up at four and go to the office to earn money for us!"

Camille laughed, and Sienna snorted, "You're biased. With your attitude, I dare not have a child. I'm

afraid if I give birth to a son, you'll abandon him."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?"

"I think you're a bit like that," Sienna shook her head, not giving him any face.

Rex didn't care that Camille was there and said directly, "You heartless girl, ask Cami, let her judge. Am

I not good enough to you?"

Sienna immediately turned to look at Camille, her eyes full of a threatening aura as she asked, "What

do you think?"

Camille didn't answer, she just looked at the two of them indifferently and said, "I advise you two to eat

quickly and stop showing affection in front of me. Otherwise, if I cry at your place later, Ayan won't let

you off the hook."

Sienna laughed and reached out to pinch Camille's cheek.

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