My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1243: Adopted
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Chapter 1243: Adopted

Chapter 1243: Adopted

Fletcher immediately took over and said, "It's all thanks to your mom. I wouldn't dare take credit. After

all, I'm just a support."

Talia let out a soft "hmph" and looked at Fletcher, proudly saying, "Well, I won't be modest either. After

all, you truly are a support."

This remark made everyone unable to help but laugh.

Timmy continued to stick to Camille, while Ayan was completely ignored.

Ayan tried several times to reach out and hold him, but Timmy directly refused and pushed him away.

Camille asked softly, "Why doesn't Timmy want Daddy to hold him?"

"Because Daddy doesn't video-call with me. I don't like Daddy, and I don't want Daddy to hug me,"

Timmy replied.

Timmy started feeling a bit aggrieved. During every video call, Ayan only showed his face briefly andnovelbin

sponsored a voice, while Camille talked to Timmy more.

Timmy had a good memory, so he remembered it all.

Upon hearing Timmy's complaint, Ayan was slightly taken aback, and everyone else was stunned.

They hadn't expected the little guy to understand so much.

Afterward, Camille talked to Timmy a lot. Although the topics were somewhat mature for his age, young

children can understand if you speak to them slowly and properly. With gentle guidance and a bit of

explanation, he could understand and realize that the other person didn't mean any harm.

In the end, under Camille's mediation, the father and son reconciled as if nothing had happened.

The old Simpson couldn't help but laugh when he saw the interaction between the family of three. He

said, "Timmy is really clever, just like Cami. He inherited all of Cami's good qualities."

The old Simpson praised Camille. Camille had always been protective of Timmy, and it had been going

on for quite some time. So everyone was used to it and didn't feel any discomfort. After all, Fletcher,

Talia, and the old Simpson had similar thoughts.

However, Ayan disagreed. He said, "Grandfather, why are you so biased? Timmy is also part of me.

How come all the good things are inherited from her, and I didn't inherit anything?"

"What do you think you have that's good? You should be grateful that Timmy didn't inherit anything

from you," the old Simpson said with a serious face, causing Fletcher, Talia, and Camille to burst into


Seeing this scene, Ayan sighed silently. He said, "Ah, it seems like you guys are a family, and I'm just


Camille smiled and said, "Ayan, you should be more magnanimous. How can you be so petty? When

Grandfather praises Timmy, you should bask in the glory too. Look at me, I don't mind at all."

Talia chimed in, "Yeah, Ayan, you should be more magnanimous."

Well, with that, he was completely pushed to the other side.

But jokes aside, after a brief playful moment, dinner was ready.

The nanny, who took care of the old Simpson, prepared several dishes that the old Simpson liked. The

other dishes were brought directly from the old house by Talia, and they only needed to be reheated

before eating.

Although the ward was not as large as the dining room in the Simpson's mansion, it was a high-end

ward, not much different from a luxury apartment. Therefore, the atmosphere was warm and


Everyone took their seats. In such an occasion, it was customary to have a toast, but the old Simpson

was a heavy drinker. So, they all tacitly decided not to drink alcohol and switched to fruit juice instead.

The old Simpson was dissatisfied with this and looked at the juice in front of him, furrowing his brow

slightly. "Are we drinking this?"

Everyone looked at each other. Camille held Timmy's hand and lifted her juice glass, then handed it to

the old Simpson, saying, "Timmy, let's toast to Grandfather!"

Timmy obediently repeated Camille's words, and the old Simpson couldn't disappoint Timmy. He

reluctantly picked up his juice glass and lightly touched it against Timmy's. Seeing this, everyone

followed suit, lifting their juice glasses and clinking them together before happily starting their meal.

Since the old Simpson didn't mention drinking alcohol, everyone was naturally relieved. They knew that

if he said something and didn't follow through, he would be unhappy for the whole evening, and they

would lose their appetite.

Perhaps it was because Camille, Timmy, and everyone were accompanying him, but the old Simpson

had an especially good appetite tonight.

After dinner, they left the task of cleaning the dishes to the nanny and the butler. Camille and Ayan

accompanied the old Simpson to the balcony, while Fletcher brewed tea inside, and Talia stayed with


The old Simpson said to Camille, "Cami, bring a bag and pick all those chili peppers. I know you love

spicy food. I specially had them buy chili pepper seedlings from the local market and planted them.

Take a look, they've grown many chili peppers, enough for you."

Following the old Simpson's gaze, Camille looked at the potted chili plants. They were growing

exceptionally well, with plenty of chili peppers of different sizes, already ready to be eaten.

Camille was overjoyed, not because of the chili peppers themselves, but because of the old Simpson's

thoughtfulness. She did enjoy eating spicy food, and although it was easily available now, the fact that

the old Simpson personally grew them meant a lot to her. It was a heartfelt gesture.

Camille didn't move, she just stared at the chili peppers for a while, then pursed her lips and looked at

the old Simpson. Her eyes became slightly red, and tears welled up. In a low voice, she said,

"Grandfather, thank you!"

Camille's voice choked up, and Ayan immediately noticed. He quickly reached out and gently patted

her back.

The old Simpson smiled and said, "You are my granddaughter. Of course, I'll treat you well."

Camille knew that the old Simpson favored her because she was alone, so he always leaned towards

her no matter what. Therefore, Ayan also put in a lot of effort. Although his words were often jokes, as

an observer, one would feel indignant on Ayan's behalf. However, neither Ayan, Fletcher, nor Talia had

any complaints. Instead, they all treated her even better. Having such a family was truly fortunate for


Finally, Camille left the hospital with the chili peppers personally grown by the old Simpson. It was

nearly half past ten, and Timmy was getting sleepy. He clung to Camille and refused to let go. It was a

struggle to put him to sleep and get him into the car.

Fletcher and Talia took Timmy and left in the car first, while Camille and Ayan left almost ten minutes

later. Separating like this wouldn't attract attention. Although it wasn't something shameful, they didn't

want the news of the old Simpson being hospitalized to spread widely. They were also concerned

about unwanted disturbances caused by people with ill intentions.

Camille sat in the passenger seat, holding the bag of chili peppers without letting go. At a certain

intersection, while waiting for the traffic light, Ayan turned to look at her and asked with a smile, "Are

you planning to sleep with that bag of chili peppers tonight?"

Camille looked at Ayan and said, "Why is Grandfather so good to me? Could it be that I'm really the

biological daughter of the Simpson family, and you're just an adopted child?"

Camille said it earnestly, making even Ayan couldn't help but laugh.

He laughed along and said, "Maybe so. So, from now on, you have to protect me, right? After all, I'm

just a lucky find, and I can't do whatever I want like you, the biological one!"

Camille knew that Ayan was joking, but hearing him say it made her very happy. Because he was

willing to be with her through everything.

When they returned to Maple Leaves Mansion, it was already past eleven. After taking a shower and

chatting for a while, they went to bed after midnight.

The next morning, while the two of them were having breakfast at the dining table, Kian had already

arrived at the villa.

Usually, Kian would wait outside, and sometimes if Ayan drove himself, Kian would go directly to the

company. So, it had been a long time since he came into the house like this. The last time was when

Preston caused all that public opinion, and because the situation was urgent, Kian had to come in and

disturb them.

It was the same situation now, but Camille still interjected and asked, "Has Kian had breakfast? If you

don't mind, sit down and have breakfast with us!"

Kian quickly thanked her and was about to decline, but before he could say anything, Ayan said, "Sit

down and have breakfast with us!"

Kian had a relationship with Ayan as both a subordinate and a friend, so having breakfast together was

not a problem at all. Sometimes, when Ayan had business engagements, he would let Kian sit down

and eat with them instead of having a separate table like other secretaries or assistants. That's why

people outside would subconsciously assume that seeing Kian was the same as seeing Ayan. Even in

some major projects, Kian would handle them because Ayan gave him the authority and respect.

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