My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1215: Attachment
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Chapter 1215: Attachment

Chapter 1215: Attachment

Naturally, Alicia was unwilling, but Mr. Nores looked at her with a cold face full of displeasure. Only

Alicia herself understood the meaning behind that gaze.

After a few seconds of standoff, Camille spoke indifferently, "Mr. Nores, you're being too polite. I can't

accept Miss Nores' apology. Miss Nores is a powerful woman who can provide full support to her future

husband in his career. This is probably the dream life every opportunist man desires, right? Of course,

Miss Nores has the ability and the strong backing of the Nores family, unlike me, a woman who only

knows how to cling to men. After all, I can't offer any help, and instead, I can only keep asking for

things. Compared to the versatile Miss Nores, I truly feel inferior!"

Camille sighed with a guilty expression on her face, but there was no trace of remorse in her eyes, only

a cold indifference. Her gaze towards Alicia became increasingly sharp, eventually turning into a

mocking smirk.

Alicia's face grew uglier in response to Camille's words, but with Ayan present, she couldn't afford to

have any emotional outbursts. She could only lower her head, seemingly contemplating how to deal

with this situation.

At that moment, Mr. Nores' voice rang out again. He furrowed his brows, his face growing increasingly

serious, and said, "Alicia, did you hear what I said? Apologize to Mrs. Simpson right now, immediately!"

Before Alicia could speak, Mr. Nores quickly turned to Ayan and Camille, saying, "Mr. Simpson, Mrs.

Simpson, I'm truly sorry. It's all because my wife spoils her too much. We only have one daughter in our

family, so she has become too indulgent and lacks proper manners."

Ayan remained silent, and Camille simply smiled faintly without saying a word.

After Camille's remarks just now, Horace and Mario understood the situation more clearly. Horace

didn't know Camille well, but he knew that she wasn't the kind of woman who relied solely on men. On

the contrary, Camille was independent, especially after changing Grace, who had always followed the

family's arrangements without any personal opinions. How could such a woman possibly depend on a


However, Horace didn't speak up. His role was that of a distant partner to both Ayan and Camille. It

wasn't the appropriate time to speak up.

It would be better to leave this opportunity to someone else, like Mario.

Mario had known Camille for many years and was a longtime friend of Sienna. Moreover, King Group

had also collaborated with Camille before. So, Mario set down the back of his hand he had been

holding and calmly said, "It seems that Miss Nores has some misunderstandings."

After Mario spoke, both Mr. Nores and Alicia instinctively looked toward him.

Mario continued, "Camille is not someone who relies on men. Her abilities are on par with everyone

present here. Do you remember the entrepreneurs and celebrities who spoke up for Simpson Group

when it faced a crisis? They were all Camille's partners. If she can collaborate with those people, do

you still think she needs to depend on a man?"

Since Camille didn't want to fully disclose her identity, Mario only hinted at it. His words had reached

this point, and Mr. Nores naturally believed him. After all, Mario was the president of King Group, so his

words couldn't be underestimated.

However, Camille didn't show any intention of speaking up for herself. Instead, she smiled at Mario and

said, "Mario, your words might make Miss Nores misunderstand that you're trying to cover something

up for me. In any case, my ability lies in being able to know people like you. I can't compare myself to

Miss Nores."

Camille's sarcastic tone was practically written on her face.

Alicia, of course, could hear it and fully understood that Camille wasn't as simple as she initially


After Mr. Nores reminded Alicia for the third time, she still showed no intention of apologizing,

attempting to avoid the situation by remaining silent.

But Ayan had run out of patience.

Ayan calmly glanced at Mr. Nores and Alicia, then indifferently spoke, "Mr. Nores, three strikes and

you're out. There's no need for this apology anymore if it lacks sincerity. As for Miss Nores, please

educate your daughter properly. I don't know what she has against my wife, but if that's the case, then I

think we can temporarily halt this project. We can resume once Mr. Nores has properly educated his


Ayan's words left no room for negotiation. He formally informed Mr. Nores, Alicia, and everyone


After speaking, Ayan stood up, gently took Camille's hand, and tenderly said, "Let's go."

Naturally, he was speaking to Camille.

He and Camille left the private room, and Mario and Horace remained silent, understanding that Ayan's

words were directed at the Nores family, not them.

Mr. Nores, seeing this, grew genuinely fearful and immediately caught up with Ayan, saying, "Mr.

Simpson, I'm truly sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? Your daughter is not a child anymore. Should parents apologize for the

mistakes their adult children make? There's no such thing in this world." Ayan snorted coldly, paying no

more attention to Mr. Nores, and continued walking forward while holding Camille's hand.

No matter what Mr. Nores said, Ayan didn't respond.

They were followed all the way to the hotel entrance, where Kian was already waiting in the car. As

soon as he saw Camille and Ayan, he immediately got out of the car and opened the door.

After the two got into the car, Kian nodded slightly at Mr. Nores and then got into the car, driving away.

As the car gradually moved away, Mr. Nores had no choice but to watch helplessly.

In the car, Camille and Ayan sat in the back seat. Kian was curious about Mr. Nores' actions. He

cautiously observed their expressions and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, did something happen?"

Ayan didn't respond directly but asked, "Is there any direct cooperation between Simpson Group and

Nores Group?"

"No, there isn't."

"What about the Ward family?"

"There is. Mr. Ward mentioned it before."

"Notify Rex to terminate the contract with Nores Group, and also check if there are any companies with

good relations with Simpson Group that have cooperation with Nores Group. Temporarily cancel those

collaborations," Ayan instructed indifferently.

Kian nodded quietly. Although he didn't understand why Ayan was doing this, since Ayan gave the

order, as his secretary, he would follow it.

Camille was surprised and said, "Ayan, isn't this going too far?"

Ayan tightened his grip on Camille's hand and said, "I've tolerated her for a long time. We are not her

parents, and there's no need to indulge her. Just because she was spoiled by her family doesn't mean

she can do whatever she wants. Today she provoked you, and if I don't do anything, the next time she

won't just provoke, she'll trample all over you. Is she even worthy?"

Ayan was extremely angry.

Camille felt uneasy and asked, "Am I causing you trouble?"

After all, business collaborations involve many factors, and it's not as simple as not getting along with

someone and cutting ties. So Camille had concerns because she didn't want to drag more people into

trouble. Her dissatisfaction was only directed at Alicia.novelbin

But Ayan said, "This is not trouble. It's my responsibility as your husband. Can I just stand by and

watch someone bully you? That's absolutely impossible, Cami. With me, you can do whatever you

want, and no one can bully you. And if someone does, I will never let her get away with it."

Camille smiled and said, "You just said we're not Alicia's parents and can't indulge her, but now you're

indulging me. Are you planning to raise me like a daughter?"

"It's not impossible," Ayan smirked and leaned close to Camille's ear, whispering a few words that

instantly made Camille's cheeks turn as red as cooked shrimp.

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