My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1214: Pride
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Chapter 1214: Pride

Chapter 1214: Pride

However, Alicia refused to let go. She firmly grabbed Camille's arm, not allowing her to leave.

She said, "Camille, if you leave him, I'll give you however much money you want. You two really aren't

suitable for each other. Don't worry, I'll treat your child as my own. I really like him. If I like someone, I

will definitely get them. Instead of making things ugly, let's discuss it properly now."

Camille forcefully tried to pull her hand away, but Alicia held on tight. Camille felt speechless. She took

a deep breath, her face expressionless to the extreme.

But Alicia's words made her find it particularly amusing. Where did she get such confidence from?

Camille snorted and questioned Alicia, "How much money can you offer? If I'm with him, the entire

Simpson Group can be mine. Why would I be foolish enough to ask you for money? Or are you saying

you can give me everything from the Nores family?"

"I advise you not to make outrageous demands. I'll give you enough money to last a lifetime if you


Camille really thought there was something seriously wrong with this person's brain.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes, feeling speechless. "I overestimated you. I thought you were

someone worth considering, but it turns out you're just a brainless fool with a big chest."

She only wants to use money to attack people. Where does she get the courage?

Although the soundproofing in the private room was good, Ayan became concerned when he saw that

Camille hadn't returned for so long, especially with Alicia following her out. He worried about Camille

being harmed, so he also came out of the room. Coincidentally, he heard Camille calling Alicia an idiot.

He stood straight at the door of the private room, his handsome face filled with a smile as he gazed at

Camille. Even though Camille and Alicia were standing together, his eyes were only on Camille.

Camille was unaware of this, but Alicia caught a glimpse of Ayan out of the corner of her eye. Her eyes

narrowed, and she continued speaking, "Miss Armstrong, I just wanted to tell you that Mr. Simpson is

very tired from work. As a wife, you should understand more instead of constantly misunderstanding. I

do admire Mr. Simpson, but it's just admiration. I have no intention of doing anything immoral. After all,

exceptional men can be competed for. If you don't cherish him, someone else will."

Alicia thought she had said something good, something that would touch any man's heart.

After all, it's rare to find someone with a good family background and understanding nature.

In comparison, Camille was still using rude language, something men definitely wouldn't like.

Unless this man had some weird preferences.

As for Alicia's words, whether they touched a man or not, they disgusted Camille. Camille felt that if she

continued to listen, her ears would protest.

She looked at Alicia with a disgusted expression and once again tried to forcefully pull her hand away.

However, Alicia took the opportunity to push her back several steps, directly colliding with the wall

behind her.

She immediately looked somewhat aggrieved at Camille and said, "Mrs. Simpson, why do you have to

be like this? I was just kindly reminding you."

Camille felt that this person was truly a drama queen, adept at playing both sides. Is she addicted to

being two-faced?

Camille couldn't help but say in exasperation, "Are you a saint? Overflowing with love? If you're truly so

kind-hearted, why don't you go do charity work? Why not donate the entire Nores Group? Weren't you

just feeling superior to me a moment ago? How come you've changed faces so quickly? I think you

truly have a problem."

After saying that, Camille turned to leave, but just as she turned around, she saw Ayan.

Her eyebrows furrowed, and everything became clear to her.

But the fact that the other party would go to such lengths to praise her made Camille realize that she

shouldn't deny the opportunity for praise and a stage. So she stood still, not saying anything or making

any movements, intending to see how Alicia would continue her act.

However, Ayan seemed somewhat displeased. He looked at Camille and said, "Come here."

Just two simple words, but his voice was exceptionally gentle.

Camille merely smiled lightly, then turned her head to glance at Alicia, who had been "pushed" to the

side. In her heart, she couldn't help but shake her head. Wasn't Alicia planning to do something?

If the audience left now, how would she continue her performance?

Alicia probably didn't want to miss the opportunity, so she quickly stood up straight, wearing a face full

of grievance, and said, "Mr. Simpson, I apologize. I was just trying to kindly advise Mrs. Simpson. She

said that your hard work is expected, and I meant no harm. I just thought that mutual understanding

between spouses would be better."

After Alicia finished speaking, Ayan remained silent, offering no response.

It was Camille who reminded him, saying, "Mr. Simpson, Miss Nores is here to complain about you!"

Ayan knew Camille was just playing around, but he still spoke gently, saying, "Come here."

Only then did Camille walk towards him and stop by his side. She lightly hooked her arm through his,

leaned her head slightly against his shoulder, and looked at Miss Nores with a cold gaze. She said, "It

seems that Miss Nores' complaints aren't working so well."

Alicia's face turned extremely ugly.

She said indignantly, "You're only taking advantage of Mr. Simpson's favoritism towards you. You

should cherish your relationship with Mr. Simpson even more instead of recklessly consuming his


After speaking, she couldn't help but look at Ayan, seemingly seeking praise, and said, "Mr. Simpson, I

didn't mean to sow discord between you. I simply feel that Mrs. Simpson isn't treating you well


However, Ayan only narrowed his eyes slightly, displaying a cold indifference in his gaze. His voice

rang out neither light nor heavy, "Miss Nores, do you think I have a lot of free time?"

Alicia didn't understand the meaning behind Ayan's words, so she instinctively shook her head, "I don't

think so. I know Mr. Simpson is busy with countless responsibilities. That's why I suggested to Mrs.

Simpson that she should be a bit nicer to you because you work hard too."

"If you know I'm busy, why do you deliberately cause trouble for me?"

"Mr. Simpson, I didn't."

"If you didn't, then why do you repeatedly sow discord between us in front of my wife? Do you know

how long it will take for me to prove my innocence after saying these things? It seems that Miss Nores

still hasn't learned to be wise. Perhaps your father, Mr. Nores, should teach you a lesson."

Ayan gave Alicia a cold glance, filled with icy sharpness in his gaze. This conversation was alreadynovelbin

loud enough for the people in the private room to hear, after all, the door was open.

Mr. Nores heard Ayan's displeased tone and heard the mention of his daughter, so naturally, he

couldn't stay seated.

Mr. Nores immediately got up and approached, saying, "Mr. Simpson, what happened?"

Ayan withdrew his gaze from Alicia, took Camille's hand, and turned back to the private room. As he

passed by Mr. Nores, he dropped a remark, "Ask your proud daughter about it!"

It's unclear what Mr. Nores said to Alicia, but after two or three minutes, Mr. Nores returned to the

private room with Alicia.

At this moment, Ayan and Camille were already sitting on the sofa, both with displeased expressions.

Mr. Nores accompanied them with a smile and whispered, "Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Simpson, I apologize.

I've spoiled her too much."

Mr. Nores glanced at Alicia and sternly reminded her, "Why don't you apologize to Mr. Simpson and

Mrs. Simpson right away?"

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