My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1200: Attraction
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Chapter 1200: Attraction

Chapter 1200: Attraction

In theory, the closed case should not have been brought up again, but Louise's parents were also

present at the scene. They claimed that they had been threatened and dared not speak the truth,novelbin

feeling guilty for their daughter. They had suffered day and night and couldn't help but approach the

police, hoping for the truth for Louise.

Louise's parents cried bitterly, naturally evoking sympathy from many netizens. After all, losing their

daughter was enough to earn sympathy and compassion.

Then the police mentioned the hot search topics from this morning, as well as the previous rumors

implicating Ayan and Camille. Although these two matters only hinted at Ayan and Camille,

investigations revealed that the owner of this account was also involved in the Louise case.

As soon as this was revealed, internet users who considered themselves detectives immediately

started searching for the owner of this gossip account. Some internet users with strong abilities had

already taken up the responsibility of detectives.

Since Weibo logins are recorded with IP addresses, they quickly traced the IP address and followed

the internet connection to an apartment.

At this moment, the online atmosphere was extremely lively, beyond words to describe. Since it was a

live broadcast, the development was naturally fast, without giving anyone a chance to prepare.

Moreover, this live broadcast was not announced in advance, so those who saw it were merely

stumbling upon it by chance.

Therefore, when a netizen in the live chat mentioned the name "Preston," it didn't attract much

attention as everyone found it unfamiliar.

It wasn't until the police received some IP address query results from netizens, along with information

about the current residents of this apartment, that they directly announced it in the live chat. The

emphasis was on truthfulness, without concealing anything from netizens and the public.

The news spread quickly, catching Preston completely off guard. He didn't even know.

His apartment had already gathered a crowd of onlookers, and some media reporters who wanted to

grab headlines had also surrounded the building.

Preston had just woken up and heard the commotion outside, a situation he had never encountered

since moving here.

Preston glanced through the window and realized that his floor wasn't particularly high, so he could

clearly see the people outside. Why were they all staring at his floor?

The more he looked, the more something felt off. He immediately walked to his apartment door, looked

through the peephole, and saw a crowd of people outside. Were they all staring at him?

As this thought emerged, Preston's face instantly stiffened. His expression turned extremely dark, and

he picked up his phone to immediately call Quintus to inquire about the situation. But before he could

dial, he saw the notifications on his phone, displaying news from major media outlets.

The live broadcast was still ongoing, and it was Ayan's turn to speak. Preston clicked on the notification

and saw Ayan's face.

Ayan faced the live camera with ease. His eyes focused ahead, devoid of any unnecessary emotions.

When a journalist asked, "Mr. Simpson, how do you view the deliberate attempts to tarnish your

relationship with your wife?" Ayan smirked and calmly replied, "I'm just like all of you, watching the

show with a popcorn-eating mentality. Because, honestly, I find it quite surprising. It's as if those leaked

revelations have nothing to do with me. So, I'm just an ordinary spectator in this matter."

Ayan's response was very natural and relaxed, and more importantly, it successfully elicited laughter

from many people, making the atmosphere in the live stream very harmonious.

This scene was particularly piercing to Preston's eyes, and he instantly understood that Ayan was

intentionally targeting him. Preston squinted his eyes, a chilling coldness emanating from them, and he

quickly dialed Quintus' number.

Quintus answered promptly, "Hello, Mr. Walker."

Preston was in a bad mood, and his tone of voice naturally reflected it. He questioned, "Have you seen

what Ayan has been doing?"

Quintus naturally had seen it, so he truthfully replied, "I just found out myself."

"If you knew, why didn't you tell me? Quintus, have you forgotten your own identity? What are you

implying now? Are you planning to quit?" Preston vented all his anger at Quintus, saying, "Something

so significant happened, and you didn't make a move. Are you trying to kill me?"

Quintus's tone was also somewhat cold as he said, "Mr. Walker, I didn't know these things were

targeting you. I don't have a job right now. You didn't go to Armstrong Corp today, and you didn't inform

me in advance. After I went to Armstrong Corp, I was ridiculed. I'm just your personal secretary,

completely unrelated to Armstrong Corp. So, what do you expect me to do? I can't even afford the rent.

I need to make a living, so I need to find a second job. Mr. Walker, I hope you can understand!"

Quintus had reached his limit. Preston had promised him money but hadn't delivered it yet, and he

didn't want to ask anymore to avoid being subjected to Preston's verbal abuse. He also didn't want to

pay too much attention to Preston's affairs and preferred to find a new job before being evicted by the


Quintus's outburst left Preston stunned for a moment, but there was no way he would bow down to

Quintus. He just said in a composed voice, "Drive over here immediately to attract the attention of

these journalists and media. I need to leave now. You have half an hour to get here."

Quintus naturally didn't want to comply and replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Walker, but I'm not near you at the

moment. I'm in another district for a job interview, so I can't come back that quickly."

After saying that, Quintus hung up the phone.

Faced with Quintus's response, Preston's expression turned even more unpleasant. He squinted his

eyes and almost threw his phone away. He couldn't help but curse, "What kind of thing does he think

he is? How dare he talk to me like that? He's just a pawn running errands."

Preston was extremely angry, but he couldn't afford to continue being angry at the moment. He needed

to find a way to leave because looking at the online news, everything was pointing towards him,

especially when those nosy internet users discovered that the gossip account was logged in from his IP

address. He became even more uneasy.

Originally, he only wanted to control that account and use it for his own benefit, but he never expected

so many internet users to get involved. After all, he thought Ayan had already investigated it before, so

there should have been a gossip reporter to take the blame for him. Who knew that this situation would

happen later on? It was really meddling in other people's business.

He cursed fiercely in his mind.

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