My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1194: Worried
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Chapter 1194: Worried

Chapter 1194: Worried

Camille asked softly, her tone filled with anxiety, even successfully portraying a feeling of desperation,

as if she had no choice but to try anything in her desperation.

After hearing Camille's words, Preston was momentarily stunned, then he said, "I'm not very familiar

with Eileen, and even if I contact her, it might not be helpful."

"Preston, I have no other options now. Besides reaching out to you, I don't think I have any other way. I

don't know what to do anymore."

Camille lowered her voice, showing a genuine concern and urgency about not being able to find her


Her reaction successfully made Preston believe her, and he was probably anxious to confirm the

situation. Thus, he reluctantly agreed to help contact Eileen, but he couldn't guarantee whether they

would actually get in touch.

After thanking Preston, Camille ended the call.

Preston probably intended to call Eileen directly, or maybe he wouldn't call at all and would contact

Camille after a while. He had no other options, or perhaps he would tell Camille that Eileen was

currently with Ayan. At this late hour, being alone together could lead to certain activities, and as adults,

they understood it without needing to be explicitly stated.

Although Camille knew that everything was somehow related to Preston, when the moment arrived,

she still felt helpless.

Faced with Preston's words, she didn't have a clear response. She simply expressed her emotions as

extremely low-spirited.

On the other end of the phone, Preston continued to console her, saying, "Cami, I'm a man, I

understand men. If he hasn't contacted you at this hour, have you considered that he might have left

the restaurant already? There are hardly any people there at this time. Do you really believe he

wouldn't do anything to betray you?"

Camille remained silent, just subconsciously looking at Ayan. She stared at the man in front of her,

pursing her lips and smiling faintly. "I don't know. I'll have to ask him to know the answer to that


"Cami!! Are you still thinking about him all the time? Can't you think about yourself for once?" Preston's

voice was filled with anger. He said, "At this point, why can't you think about yourself? If Ayan truly has

you in his heart, why would he go on a date with Eileen? Camille, wake up. I'm not saying this to

manipulate you or to sabotage your relationship. I just don't want to see my best friend fall into this

again and again!"

Preston's tone was filled with emotion, and every word he spoke was for Camille's sake.

He took a deep breath, seeming like he wanted to say more, but Camille interrupted him, speaking with

a bitter smile and indifference, "Preston, at this point, do you still want to rub salt in my wounds?"

Camille's interruption silenced Preston, and she continued in a timely manner, "Preston, let's leave it at

that. I don't want to say anything right now. I'm tired, and I want to go home and rest."

Without waiting for Preston to respond, she ended the call first.

Ayan took her phone from her and threw it onto the corner of the couch. His expression was cold and

indifferent as he said, "Preston really cares about you, huh?"

He gritted his teeth, full of displeasure and disdain for Preston.

Camille looked at him in amusement and said, "Mr. Simpson, maybe he pities a woman who has been

deceived by a man!"

Camille sighed and her eyes revealed a hint of helplessness.

Ayan cupped her face and scoffed, "He's just a bitch."

"Wow, you actually know about bitch?" Camille was a bit surprised and asked further, "Why do you say

he's a bitch?"

"It's clearly an attempt to sow discord in our relationship, yet he hypocritically disguises it as concern

for you. Isn't this person disgusting?" His eyes were filled with coldness, all directed at Preston. If it

weren't for the fact that he didn't want to confront him directly at the moment, Preston would definitely

know how it feels to be proven wrong.

Camille couldn't help but find his current state amusing and said, "Are you angry now? But it was you

who asked me to answer the call, and it was you who wanted me to say that just now. So who are you

angry with?"

"I'm angry with myself," he replied harshly.

Camille took the initiative to bury herself in his arms and smiled softly, saying, "Alright, don't be angry

anymore. After this is over, I won't contact him anymore."

Their contact with Preston had already been minimal, and if it weren't for the incident online, she

wouldn't have reached out to him. After everything was resolved, she felt it was time to completely cut


Camille's words made Ayan happy as well. He didn't want to pressure her, he was just afraid that she

would feel uncomfortable. Since she was the one who brought it up and wanted to make it clear, he

was naturally happy, and there was a selfish desire within him to make Preston know right away.


Ayan thought silently in his heart, but said, "I'll do as you say, I won't be angry."novelbin

That's the right thing to say.

After finishing the call with Preston, Camille and Ayan left together. Ayan's car had to stay there for

now, so they drove Camille's car back to Franklin Bay.

Camille was actually a little worried and asked, "What if Preston finds out?"

Ayan replied, "He's feeling so triumphant right now, how could he possibly care about these

insignificant things?"

Camille nodded, feeling somewhat relieved.

It was already past 10 p. m. when Camille and Ayan returned to Franklin Bay. Sienna had been

keeping an eye on her, so as soon as Camille arrived home, Sienna called. Because Preston had come

to see her in the afternoon, Sienna was worried. Camille didn't go into detail about tonight's events,

planning to discuss it later when things settled down. She just reassured Sienna that everything was

fine and mentioned that she came back with Ayan. Sienna understood that and didn't ask further.

Camille and Ayan returned to Franklin Bay. After a busy night, they were both a bit tired. Camille went

to freshen up while Ayan waited for a call back from Kian.

The police station at this moment was not quiet just because it was nighttime; on the contrary, it was

bustling. Eileen was completely uncooperative and filled with anger.

She looked at the female officer taking her statement with a hostile gaze and said, "Have you all been

bribed by Ayan? Do you all want to be his women? What has he given you? What right do you have to

arrest me based solely on his words? I refuse to accept this! I will sue you all!"

Eileen's excitement was evident, and her eyes were filled with deep hatred, as if she wanted to tear

someone apart.

But this was a police station, and to the police, all her emotions were perceived as a form of pretense.

Therefore, the police simply ignored her. However, if she continued to make baseless accusations, the

police might charge her with defamation of public officials, which would come at a cost.

The police paid no attention to Eileen's words and continued to ask, "Who instructed you to do this?

What was your purpose? Was it for money? Or did you have any other motives? We hope you can

cooperate and provide truthful answers about your actions. Only then can your charges possibly be

reduced, and the victim may consider whether or not to drop the charges against you."

Eileen sneered and laughed, "How could he let me off? He will never let me off. He's been waiting for

this day for a long time, so how could he possibly let me go now?"

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