My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1193: Rationality
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Chapter 1193: Rationality

Chapter 1193: Rationality

Camille already had a guess in her heart, so she didn't immediately respond to Ayan. She simply said

faintly, "Will you still hide things from me in the future? Not just this matter, I want you to be completely

honest with me, Ayan. I hope you can inform me in advance about everything you do. At least I can

have some peace of mind. Didn't you say we are husband and wife? Shouldn't we share everything


Camille stared at Ayan seriously. She really didn't want to repeat today's events.

It was really worrying.

After listening, Ayan gently touched her face and said in a gentle voice, "Okay, I promise you. I won't

hide anything from you in the future. Can you feel at ease now?"

Camille nodded in agreement with Ayan's proposal and asked, "How do you want me to cooperate with


Ayan leaned closer to her ear and whispered two sentences. Camille's face twitched slightly, followed

by a shallow smile. She said, "Do you trust me so much, entrusting me with such an important matter?

Aren't you afraid that I won't cooperate with you and instead tell Preston?"

Ayan said, "You know better than anyone else who is more important. Besides, I am confident that in

your heart, he is not worthy of comparison with me."

After Ayan finished speaking, a handsome face was filled with a smile.novelbin

In fact, he was right. Since their relationship and identities were different, how could they be


Camille pursed her lips and asked herself if this was the right thing to do. The answer she obtained was

that there was no right or wrong. If Ayan hadn't seen through Eileen's intentions today, he would have

fallen into the trap now.

So she and Ayan were just using the same methods against Preston. She wanted to know what would

really happen if this matter unfolded as Preston designed. What kind of situation would it be?

It was already late, and Camille hadn't even had dinner, so she couldn't go home for the time being.

So Ayan took Camille to the villa. Since no one had lived there before, there was naturally no food, but

Ayan had a versatile person like Kian, so it wasn't a difficult task.

While Kian was handling the tasks assigned by Ayan, he had the driver buy dinner and deliver it.

By the time Camille started eating, it was already close to nine o'clock. However, she didn't feel very

hungry because her mood had been like a roller coaster during the short period of time today that

made her laugh.

Ayan and Eileen didn't have a fulfilling meal at Darkmoor, so now they could accompany Camille to eat.

The two of them sat on the couch with the TV on, but they weren't paying any attention to what was


Camille ate slowly, and she bit her lip, sneakily glancing at Ayan several times until he caught her gaze

and asked, "What's wrong?"

Camille hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask, "I want to know when we will have

specific results. There has been no news from Preston's side all this time."

Ayan also put down his chopsticks and looked at Camille with a faint smile. He said, "He will definitely

call you tonight. As for Eileen, if he doesn't contact her tonight, it means he's waiting for Preston to

contact her. As for what will happen, we'll know once Kian finds out from the police station."

Camille nodded slightly, but she was still anxious because of Preston's cunningness. She didn't want to

confront Preston anymore, but if she didn't say anything, Preston wouldn't believe her.

That was her main concern because she didn't know if Preston would believe her.

Ayan seemed to have noticed Camille's thoughts. He reached out and gently held Camille's hand,

whispering, "Don't be nervous, let things take their course. If he really suspects something, he won't

find any evidence to prove it. So he can only suspect. Sometimes suspicion is not a bad thing, and

suspicion can even lead to belief."

Ayan was always confident and assured, which influenced Camille's state of mind.

Seeing him speak as if it were true, Camille's worries diminished.

After they finished dinner, Kian called.

Kian was still at the police station, which was why he prepared a second car today. He didn't want

Preston to see a familiar car and be suspicious.

Kian said on the phone, "Mr. Simpson, Eileen refuses to cooperate. She doesn't want to say how

Preston and she made their arrangements and plans. Even during police interrogation, she refuses to

say a word more and keeps saying that you manipulated her and that you're in control of everything."

Kian explained the situation at the police station to Ayan truthfully, and Ayan's face naturally turned

grim upon hearing it.

With a serious expression, Ayan coldly said, "Since she refuses to cooperate, let the police tell her that

I'm going to make her stay in there for the rest of her life. Let's see if Preston has any way to get her

out. Also, make sure to inform her about Preston's relationship with her. Doesn't she think I know

nothing? Let her think about it carefully and see if she can trust Preston at a time like this."

Ayan's words were filled with indifference, and his expression was extremely unpleasant.

After finishing the call with Kian, Ayan casually threw his phone heavily onto the coffee table. Camille,

seeing his reaction, immediately spoke up, "It's reasonable for Eileen to refuse to cooperate. If she had

willingly cooperated, it would have been suspicious. Now, it all depends on what Preston does."

Ayan looked at Camille, a faint smile appearing on his lips. He said, "At this moment, you are even

more rational than I am."

Camille smiled and asked, "Are you happy?"

"Of course."

"That's good."

Camille took the initiative to move closer to Ayan, holding his hand. She said, "Justice always stands

on the right side. Even if Eileen doesn't cooperate, we will definitely win."

Ayan asked, "Why are you suddenly saying such inspiring words?"

"Just feeling inspired!" Especially after everything that happened tonight, Camille understood one thing:

the most important person in her heart. She wanted all the bad things to stay far away from him and for

everything to go smoothly for him.

The two of them stayed in the villa for a long time, until it was past ten o'clock when Camille's phone

finally rang. It was, of course, Preston calling.

Seeing the caller ID, Camille exchanged a glance with Ayan before answering and putting the call on


Preston's voice came through, filled with concern and care. He asked, "Cami, is everything okay? Is

something wrong?"

"I don't know either." Camille's voice sounded somewhat desolate, as if her spirits were low.

Preston asked again, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"I haven't seen him come out. I've been waiting here where they were having dinner, but I haven't seen

him at all." Camille let out a heavy sigh, her words filled with worry and anxiety. She continued,

"Nothing bad has happened, right? Can you contact Eileen for me?"

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