My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1156: Outsider
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Chapter 1156: Outsider

Chapter 1156: Outsider

After Sienna finished speaking, Mrs. King didn't respond immediately, as if she was considering


Out of Sienna's sight, Mrs. King's gaze unconsciously turned to Mario. Mario narrowed his eyes slightly

and a hint of indifference flashed in his eyes, but he quickly reacted and gave Mrs. King a look.

Only then did Mrs. King speak slowly: "I have time tonight, so why don't we have dinner together? Our

family hasn't gathered for a long time now. As for your husband, let's discuss it over dinner tonight?

Mom knows you're already married to him, so I think we should meet formally. Let's find a day to meet

the Ward family officially."

Sienna couldn't find anything wrong with what Mrs. King said because it was something only a mother

would say.

Sienna felt this way but didn't know why she had this feeling that she might be dreaming compared to

her last conversation and meeting with Mrs. King.

She thought about it and gently pinched her thigh; it hurt so it wasn't just a dream.

Sienna didn't stay silent for too long and quickly responded: "Okay then tonight! Let me choose the


"No need," said Mrs. King gently," let your brother handle these things since you are just a girl who

shouldn't worry about such matters; you can sit here with me while waiting for dinner!"

Mrs. King is very gentle even though her husband left early on in their marriage. Mario has always

been very kind towards her too. He never lets her worry about anything. So even though Sienna is an

adopted daughter of the Kings', Mrs. King treats her well. She has raised Sienna like royalty, and

everyone around them talks behind their backs saying how lucky Sienna is because she met the

Kings'. Because of how gentle and caring Mrs. King is, Sianna's life has been like that of princesses'.

Therefore, Mrs. King leaves all decision-making tasks such as booking restaurants or other things up to

Mario. Sianna only needs to wait patiently while eating or drinking. But sometimes, Mrs. King can be

quite domineering by making one decision after another without consulting others first .

Your strong personality has taken away Sienna's freedom to make decisions and made her feel like

she can't do anything. It wasn't until she met Camille that she saw how independent and capable

someone could be. Watching Camille handle things on her own, Sienna realized how powerless she

was and felt like a useless waste of space.

But Sienna is a quick learner, and following Camille's lead, she learned a lot. Maybe it was because

she was too obedient that rebellion eventually surfaced.

Tonight's dinner is supposed to be just for Mrs. King's family, which doesn't include Rex. If Rex were

included in the invitation, Mrs. King would have agreed when asked earlier by Sienna.

Sienna sighed silently before calling Rex to tell him about the dinner with Mrs. King and Mario tonight.

Rex is not one to force her into anything uncomfortable or difficult; even when he heard it was with Mrs.

King and Mario, he only asked in a low voice if he should accompany her.

Sienna replied: "Mom wants to have dinner alone with me first then discuss meeting your parents."

"Okay," said Rex softly as if feeling wronged but still smiling lightly at the same time.

Sienna couldn't refuse him either: "I'll call you after I finish eating."

"Don't forget," joked Rex playfully but also reminding her not to let anyone else send her home instead

of him - both of them knew who that person might be.

While Sienna has dinner plans tonight, Rex will be left alone so he invites Ayan and Camille out for

dinner at their restaurant instead of letting them fly off together somewhere else without him.

Camille found out about this while on their way there because they already knew about Sienna's plans

for tonight.

Ayan focused more on Mrs. King wanting to reconnect with Sienna again since coming back Hance

City; his response being "Mario seems pretty smart!"

Camille didn't quite understand what Ayan meant by his words so naturally looked over towards him

asking "What are you talking about?"

Ayan spoke lightly, "Isn't Mario intentionally creating distance between Sienna and Rex? Sienna can

refuse Mario, but she cannot refuse his mother. After all, she has taken care of Mario since he was

young. If she is rejected, won't the King family blame her? Besides, she is not a heartless person. So

isn't this Mario's goal?"

Listening to Ayan's words, Camille also froze for a moment. Her expression was overly cold as she

looked at Ayan and asked,"Is that really what's on Mario's mind?"

"I don't know what he is thinking exactly," replied Ayan calmly,"But based on my understanding of him, I

don't think he will give up so easily. If it were that easy to give up, do you think he would have gone

through so much trouble to come to Hance City?"

Naturally not.

Sometimes only men understand men because they can guess from the first-person perspective of

another man's thoughts; just like how girls understand each other's thoughts.

There was no sound during Camille's brief silence. After scanning her with his peripheral vision for a

moment, Ayan subconsciously reached out and held her hand."I know you are worried about Sienna

and concerned about the relationship between Sienna and Rex too. So I'll tell you directly whatever is

in my mind without any concealment. You'd better remind Sienna not to lose sight of her original

intention or persistence due to familial pressure in front of her eyes. Although it may only be my

speculation now, I believe that the final result will be almost certain."

This wasn't something concerning Camille or The Simpson family. Ayan actually didn't want to get

involved too much even though it had something to do with Rex. Because what he said, Rex could see

through it too. In terms of what Rex wants or plans, it's ultimately his own decision. He's just a friend,

and considered an outsider.

However, Camille seemed very concerned about Sienna's situation. So in front of Camille, Ayan would

say more than usual.

After hearing his comfort, Camille nodded lightly. Her expression showed obvious disappointment. She

took a deep breath before looking at Ayan again."Actually, I'm not worried if Sienna will change. I'm just

afraid that Mario has too many tricks up his sleeve. What else will he do after creating distance

between them now?"

Ayan pulled Camille into his embrace and said, "No matter what happens, as long as she stays true to

herself and is honest with Rex, everything will work out. Right?"

"Right," Camille agreed. "Honesty is key. But what about you? Have you been honest with me, Mr.

Simpson?" She looked up at Ayan with clear eyes full of earnestness and anticipation.

Ayan hesitated for a moment before answering, "I haven't always been completely honest with you,

Camille. But I promise to be from now on."

Camille smiled softly and leaned into him again. "That's all I can ask for," she said.

As they stood there in each other's arms, the city bustled around them but they were lost in their own

world - a world where honesty was the foundation of love and trust was the glue that held it together.novelbin

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