My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1155: Tantrum
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Chapter 1155: Tantrum

Chapter 1155: Tantrum

Sienna remained silent for a moment, and Mario on the other end of the phone didn't rush her. Instead,

he spoke slowly and calmly. "Sienna, there are some things that neither you nor I can control. But now

that things have come to this point, we should return to our original relationship. Or do you want to

completely cut ties with the King family for Rex? Does that mean everything in the past never


"If that's your choice, I'll agree and respect it," replied Sienna.

Mario's voice was clear and serious without any hint of insincerity - it seemed like he truly meant what

he said.

Sienna had put her phone on speaker when she saw Mario calling so Camille could hear too. Both

women looked at each other with confusion - what did Mario really mean by saying all this? Was he

really giving up on pursuing Sienna?

With narrowed eyes and a cold expression forming in her gaze, Sienna couldn't quite figure out what

was going through Mario's mind right now. Her face showed complex emotions as she tried to processnovelbin

his words.

Camille gave Sienna a look urging her not to remain silent forever before Sienna finally spoke up again:

"I never thought about cutting ties with them like this before. The truth is they've been controlling

everything from the start; I've never had any real power over anything."

This statement caused another brief silence from Mario's end but only for a few seconds before his

voice came back over the line: "Sienna, I understand what you're trying to say here... and about my

mother... I'll talk to her about how hurtful some of those things she said were because she was just too

anxious at first."

"But you know better than anyone else how much my mother cares for you deep down," added Mario.

It wasn't easy for Sienna just forget everything related to Mrs. King or even their entire family

altogether- after all if it weren't for them or their help then maybe she wouldn't be alive today.

As these thoughts crossed through her mind once more, Siennas' expression grew even more somber.

She realized there were certain aspects beyond her control but hearing such words from him made

reconsider where exactly they stood between themselves &the King family. What would happen if they

completely severed ties? Would guilt consume her heart forevermore?

Note: This translation may not be perfect as Chinese idioms often don't translate well into English

expressions; however, I've tried my best!

Although the King family had repeatedly said they wanted to cut ties with her, they could say that, but

she couldn't really do it. Sienna had talked to Rex about this several times, and he only told her: "As

long as you can justify your actions to yourself, no matter what others say or do, treat it as your own

business when they need you." At the time, Sienna just felt that Rex was telling her not to worry too

much and how to handle things. But now she understands that Rex is asking her to be ready at any

time for when the King family wants to reconcile with her.

The more Sienna thinks about it, the heavier her heart becomes. She sighs silently and squints without

saying another word. She only tells Mario: "I understand what you're saying. But there's no need for me

to tell my mother anything unless she needs me. When she wants me back home again, I'll go see


"Okay then," Mario replies. "When Mom comes to Hance City later on we'll all have dinner together so

we can formally introduce your husband and let Mom meet him too. After all, it wouldn't be right if our

daughter got married but nobody knew who the son-in-law was."

Mario's words completely confuse Sienna and at this moment she has no idea what he's thinking or


But regardless of what he's up to as long as he maintains his current attitude towards their relationship

then Sienna seems like there isn't much else she can do.

Their conversation ends here and after hanging up the phone a cold feeling of displeasure spreads

across Sienna's face as she turns towards Camille asking: "What does Mario mean? What is he trying

to do?"

"Why bother with him?" Camille responds dismissively. "Who cares what his intentions are? It doesn't

matter anyway since we don't need you worrying about how best to deal with him anymore."

Sienna frowns slightly worriedly but knows that since she doesn't know exactly what Mario is planning

there isn't much point in worrying about it either way.

They exchange a glance before agreeing tacitly with Camille's suggestion - if they don't know exactly

what Mario intends then why waste energy trying find out?

When they return home neither of them mention anything about Mario's call but both are surprised by

how quickly Mrs. King arrives in Hance City.

The next morning while at work, Sienna received a call from Mario…

As soon as Sienna saw the number, she knew it was him. She didn't answer right away, letting it ring a

few times before finally picking up. But instead of Mario's voice on the other end, it was Mrs. King.

Her voice was gentle and just as warm as ever, as if there had never been any distance or

unpleasantness between them. "Sienna, how have you been?" she asked softly.

Hearing the familiar voice and title breathed new life into Sienna's sluggish mind. "Mom," she said

quickly. "I'm good! Are you in Hance City?"

Since Mario hadn't mentioned anything about going back to Flento City when he called last night, this

could only mean one thing: Mrs. King had come to visit them in Hance City.

And sure enough, her next words confirmed Sienna's suspicions: "Yes, I just got here myself," Mrs.

King said with a smile in her tone that Sienna could hear even over the phone line.

"You and your brother have been here for so long now... I missed my children too much not to come

see you both." She paused for a moment before continuing hesitantly: "Your brother told me everything

that happened with you... I'm sorry about what happened before."

But Sienna cut her off gently but firmly: "Mom... there's no need to apologize anymore." The past is

past; dwelling on it won't change anything now anyway.

She knew that she wasn't really part of the King family - not biologically at least - so she always felt

grateful for their kindness towards her despite knowing they could easily abandon her whenever they

wanted to without any repercussions from society or their own conscience weighing heavily upon them

like they would if abandoning their biological child(ren). Even though she considered Mrs. King like a

real mother figure in many ways (and maybe even loved her more than anyone else), deep down inside

herself there were still some insecurities regarding whether or not this maternal love would be

unconditional since technically speaking neither of them shared any blood ties whatsoever...

But all these thoughts were irrelevant now; nothing can change what has already happened nor can

anyone predict what will happen next either way - especially given how unpredictable life itself tends to

be sometimes! So instead of worrying too much about things outside of our control we should focus on

making most out every opportunity we get while still being mindful/respectful towards others'

feelings/needs/wants/etc., right?

Sienna pursed her lips and said to Mrs. King, "Mom, you're in Hance City now. Would you like to come

over for dinner at my place? My husband Rex hasn't met you yet, so if you're willing, let's have dinner

together tonight."

Sienna left the decision up to Mrs. King. She couldn't and wouldn't insist on anything with Mrs. King

since everything had to follow her wishes.

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